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Former queen of the Ice Elves and asscended honoured god of Magic and birth - Frigga is the wife of Odin and patron of the Ice Elves. A noble by birth and trained wizard, Frigga had a premonition that led her to take her people from the Vale of the Elves to flee coming disaster and settle in the Aedrinaran archipelago. Battling the cutls of the Forgotten Gods, Frigga made an alliance with the human leader Odin and the two married - becoming warrior monarchs together and asscending to Valhalla upon the defeat of the Forgotten Gods.   Worshipped by both Aedrinarans and Ice Elves, Frigga is a primary diety of both cultures and considered one of the most major dieties in her pantheon. As queen of the Vaniri, she oversaw her people's settlement and conquest of Asrinheim and as a goddess, she grants magic and life to her worshippers. Temples of Frigga are common throughout Aedrinar and Asrinheim - acting as places of learning and worship with clercis regularlly training as wizards alongside priests.

Divine Domains

  • Birth
  • Magic
  • Arcane
  • Grave

Tenets of Faith

Worship of Frigga takes places in temples or at shrines. Those seeking council, blessings upon the pregnant, or arcane training will attend her temples. Worship does not take place at organized times, but involves reflection, prayer, and burning of insence to praise the 'queen of the vaniri.' Blessings regularlly involve holy water aquired by melting ice from Exile's Rock or burning insence. Cat's are considered a holy animal amongst Friggan followers and are regularlly taken on ships to grant Frigga's luck and blessing.   Members of the Friggan Priesthood are expected to undertake arcane training and meditations are considered capable of at least low-level wizardry and training. Within Aedrinaran culture, this is considered one of the most socially accepted ways to learn magic and become a spellcaster.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Frigga was born as a noble in Old Vanaheim, a region between the Vale of the Elves, the Dwarven Mountains, and The Crag. Her family history is largely unknown, but in common tradition her parents died when she was young and she arose as queen of her people. Foreseeing a crisis and the downfall of elven civilization in the mythic age, Frigga led the 13 houses of Vanaheim to 'a promised land' and travelled north-west across the Terrasic Ocean, landing on the coast of the Sudalfenland.   The Vaniri exile was part of four legendary elven migrations in the mythic age around the collapse of the Primal Elf civilization, but was the first to actually leave their ancestral homeland. This was followed by Haelon's migration of elves into the Krowethic empire, eventually founding the Sun Elf culture, the lost fleet of Advessyus, and the migration of Rillifane's woodland elves into the Silverwood.   In her new home, Frigga built Exile's Rock as a new city for her people and explored their new archipelago. In legend, an envoy sent by frigga found a cult of the forgotten gods, who slew the messenger and sent the head back to Frigga ordering her to submit to the dark lords. Angered at the death of a messenger, she rallied her houses and conquered the island in a week, bringing arcane vengance upon the cult and scouring their temples and relics from the island.   This conflict with the cult of the forgotten gods continued - and would lead to Queen Frigga ordering House Furyborn to pacify the neighbouring island of Furunheim and defeat the Triumvirate of temples located there.   A second war with the god's cults began when Frigga marched into Asrinheim island itself. A century of wars and conflicts would see lands rewarded to her followers as a slow invasion of the eastern islands in the archipelago advanced. Her people's victories against the forgotten gods inspired a rebel subject of the pantheon, Odin, to reach out to her. Odin's first wife had been slain by the cult and he had sworn vengance and rallied heroes from across the realm to defeat them.   After Odin's forces helped Frigga end 'The Long Night' in Northern Asrinheim, claiming the territory for House Rayes, Ardalyir, and Gildaron - Frigga and three other great vaniri warriors, Freya, Freyr, and Odur, joined with Odin's host to continue their battle in the human territories of Aedrinar.   As joint leader of the host, Frigga oversaw many of the conquests herself and used her powerful magic to rally the armies in battle. Her and Odin would fall in love and marry, uniting the elves and humans of the regions for the remainder of the war. When the final battle occured in the plane of Ysgard, Frigga would asscend to godhood alongside the rest of her new pantheon, taking the place of their former gods and ruling in a more benveloent and 'honourable' way.   Frigga is recorded as having no children, and her house was left vacant, as the remaining great elven houses divided Asrinheim amongst themselves as city states and duchies.
Divine Classification
Old Vanaheim, the Vale


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