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High King Haarold I Seasnake

High King Haarold

A famous sailor, adventurer, and High King of the Third Kingdom of Aedrinar, Haarold I, Seasnake, has gone down as one of the most legendary and heroic historical figures of Aedrinaran history. Dating from the late first age, Haarold I is remembered for his numerous adventures throughout the realm, his foundation of the town of Valkyrie and the legend of his lost treasure fleet.   The fourth monarch of the thid kingdom of Aedrinar, Haarold came to prominence as a minor noble from Orsturkirk who would invade Vanaheim and raise the town of Frigganhelm, establishing the town of Valkyrie. His deeds earned him election as high king following the death of Ragnar II and he would go on to conquer and demand tribute from much of Vanaheim before becoming a legendary sailor and adventurer, his numerous treasure fleets and outposts recorded in his historically dubious saga.   The Seasnake would die in the Dragonbreakers, off of the cost of his home in Vanaheim, in 2867 1a as a storm sunk him and his treasure fleet. He has gone on to be recorded in myth, legend, and many surviving historical sources describing his deeds.   Due to time travel shennanigans, the infamous high king was met by the bard Einar, and the spirit of Haarold has continued to haunt the bard during their travels in the eastern islands. The Oracle of Aegir confirmed that Haarold's spirit remains in his lost treasure fleet, located by Olivir, guarding "The most important treasure of the gods."  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Commonly believed to have been born in 2815, 1a, Haarold Lutharssen Seasnake was born in Orsturkirk to a naval family of nobility in the ancient town. Raised as a sea captain and a warrior, records of his deeds vary from stealing his father's ship at 8 years old and singlehandidly commanding it around Orsturejya until his return to port, to joining on battles against yeti, goblinoid raiders from the west, and battling wyverns.   The true historical record for Haarold starts in 2835, 1a, during his invasion of Vanaheim. The island, ruled from the fortress of Frigganhelm by a pirate syndicate, had been hastling Aedrinaran trade routes and smaller costal villages. With a hundred loyal warriors, Haarold sacked the allegedly impregnable bastion and destroyed the castle, wiping out its settlers. He then established his own keep, and invited his warriors and loyal house members to come and settle the ruins, founding the town of Valkyrie.   Declaring himself the Thane of Valkyrie, the future king is recorded as paying homage to the Kirkguard Jarlds in Orsturkirk, and was folded in as a vassal of the realm. High King Ragnar II is recorded as sending a fleet of 5 longships, a total of 250 warriors, to assist the Seasnakes in taking the island of Vanaheim.  

Election as High King

In 2839, Ragnar II is recorded as recieving a javelin to the face whilst battling brigands in either the Wold or Rainglow forest. This prompted a new moot, and Haarold was amongst the three major contendors alongside Ragnar's son, Oba, and the granddaughter of High King Ulfgir II, Erika Raven-Kissed. Haarold's deeds as a warrior quickly saw him absorb the votes of Oba's supporters, with the son of Ragnar backing Haarold when his voting bloc collapsed. A two day negotation took place that allegedly involved tests of strength and games of strategy between Erika and Haarold, and in the final tally Haarold won by 3/4 of the votes.   Promising glory to the houses of Aedrinar, Haarold began to expand his new capital in Valkyrie. Still acting as thane, he would continue to honour his commitments to House Kirkguard, and maintained good relationships with the rest of the realm. Either to follow through on his promises of glory to the Aedrinaran houses, or as a strategic descision to put down potential elven revolt or retallation against his conquest of Vanaheim, the high king spent his first year as monarch formulating his plans for conquest alongside urban development of the capital.  

Tamer of Asrinheim

In 2840, Haarold began his invasions of the rest of Asrinheim. His goal appeared to be to pacify the kingdom's greatest local threat and expand their access to tribute and unite the realm behind him as a 'warrior king.' Some records suggest it was House Salinir of Effelin who began the war by raiding the coastal provinces of Vanaheim, regardless of who started it it would be Haarold who would end it.   A prolonged invasion of the Correlites began in spring of 2840 - seeing the Battle of the Ice Wall in which the combined Aedrinaran fleet suicide ran the forbidable sea walls of Effelin by lighting themselves on fire and crashing into it. The town was sacked, pushing the remaining defenders of the elven city and the few lucky citizens who could make it time, to hide in the fortified keep of the Salinirs. Haarold offered a treaty, and the town was folded into his kingdom with the Salinir's being left in power as Jarls.   Kastaland would be besieged by the main fleet, whilst Haarold landed troops in the Sudalfenland and south of Asrinheim. His raiders assaulted key villages and towns including Pinefold, Glasindel, and Rockhelm. The Springfasts offered their submission to King Haarold and were offered a similar treaty to the Salinir's, but were given the reduced title of Thanes belonging to the Eastern Island Jarldom. Continued invasions and raids throughout the north saw Iminiyas occupied and raids as far as Icespire and Skalanren.   By 2844, the Great Houses of Asrinheim met in Thevensyne and surrendered to Haarold. His occupied territories in Sudalfenland and Northern Asrinheim were returned in exchange for regular tribute to the kingdom. These invasions have been recorded as the Seasnake Conquests, The Seasnake War, or by later historians, the Aedrinaran-Asrinheim war. His victory over the formidable Ice Elves saw the elders of Asrinheim bestow him the title of 'Tamer of Asrinheim.'  

First Voyage (2841-2842)

With the homefront secured, Haarold's reign was already legendary. No king had ever conquered lands outside of Aedrinar before, and his approach to sharing plunder and shares of victory earned him the loyalty and respect of the great houses and ordinary Aedrinarans alike. With new Vaniri ship building techniques, Haarold would expand his navy and his own personal longships.   Seeking his own personal glory and to use his talent for sailing, Haarold saught to launch an impressive sea expedition to the west. In common legend, Haarold was prompted to sail west by the Oracle of Aegir - promising he would find lands of pure gold if he sailed west of the giant's back. Interpreting this as going westwards beyond Jotun, Haarold assembled a regency council in Valkyrie spearheaded by Jarl Turgir Kirkguard, to rule the realm in his stead whilst he took 7 ships westwards.   The new vaniri inspired vessels, called Jormagandur, Swiftness of Njord, Sea Bitch, Krakenwave, Memory, Ragnar, and Valkyrie's Wing, Haarold would spend the better part of a year traveling westwards. In contemporary myth, it would be 8 months before the crew found any land. They survived off fishing, and once had to sacrifice a member of their crew to summon Njord's winds. In some legends, this crewmember was Haarold's son who willingly sacrificed himself, hoping his death would turn the god's attention towards their wayward ships and grant them power.   Eventually, Haarold supposidly found the Westerlands, a great continent thousands of miles across the Terrasic ocean. There he came across his promised city of gold, a realm of dwarves. which he promptly pillaged and stole an armour piece belonging to slain god. In some legends this is either a celestial bracer of a helmet. Haarold is claimed to have kept this on him at all times, granting him powerful magics.   They returned with their remaining crew, leaving Krakenwave and Swiftness of Njord beached in the westernlands, and brought their plunder back to Valkyrie by early 2842. Haarolds return would prompt mass celebrations, as the Seasnake continued his reputation of conquest and warrior-leadership. In urban myth, a third of the gold was shared with the common folk of Valkyrie.  

Second Voyage (2843)

The first voyage a success, Haarold began planning for a new voyage. Speaking with numerous oracles and seers, Haarold decided to go to the far north. Taking his original crews and ships, he left for the northern lands. This voyage was significantly shorter, being only three and a half months. Also known as the Northern Voyage, his ships are said to have landed in the frozen ices of the Great North of the world.   Here his warriors trekked throughout permanant blizzards and constantly daylight, growing delerious and hungry, fending off giant polar bears and monstrous ice creatures before finding a citdel on a mountain ran by the Fang-Toothed Seal Walkers. Battling with them, Haarold is claimed to have killed their king and taking his tusks as personal daggers. Their return saw dried meats, rare metals and gems, and hides as loot.  

Third Voyage (2843-2845)

Although his Northern Voyage was a success, Haarold still saught more permenant room for conquest. A visiting Elven bard told tales of the exodus of the elves in the mythic age, and mentioned how one such fleet sailed to a south-western continent named Giton and founded a new and glorious elven civilization there. Inspired to find this land, Haarold quickly mustered four more ships and crews to sail there.   His voyage would take the remainder of 2843 and the early months of 2844. Surviving off fish, the southern Terrasic provided plentiful sharks and whales to feast on. According to legend, Haarold arrived in the northern most island chain of Giton and found stone men, centaurs, cyloptic monsters, and snake like entities alongside the lost elven settlers. Haarold would wage war against all these factions and conquer a swathe of the continent, mainly in its supposed northern most archipelago and parts of its northern coast, where he founded a settlement known as Haaroldstead, and created a Jarldom of Herogard.   During the war, his most famous warrior, Gunthar Hero-Bane, a humble ox farmer from Aedrinar, would prove himself and battle and be bestowed the Jarldom by Haarold. The kign would return to Aedrinar in 2845, bringing with him golden treasures, monster skulls, and gems. This voyage earned him the most fame and the most stories and myths.  

Fourth Voyage (2846-2847)

By 2846, Haarold had spent the better part of the last five years at sea. His loyal steward, Jarl Turgir Kirkguard, had been regent and king in all but name. Turgir would die a month before Haarold's return, and the realm was plunged into a chaos as no ruler could step up. His re-appearance did much to quell unrest, but the king still saught new voyages and riches so neede to find a replacement to Jarl Turgir.   he would organize a grand tournament in Skyholm, inviting leaders and warriors from across the realm to participate. The tournament consisted of duels and board games, with the winners of five categories being appointed as a shared council. This story is still widely shared and saw  a new regency council of five take up postions as Masters of Coin, Masters of Spies, Master of War, Master of Sea, and Master of Scrolls to fufil the shared needs of the realm.   Haarold then organized his fourth voyage, inviting seafarers to Valkyrie to decide where to venture to. Supposidly, an Aedrinaran adventurer named Erik Redfoot, had mapped the southern regions of Prima Terra including the Serpent Isles, and said they were full of silver and treasure. Haarold was intrigued by this map and invited Erik to join his party. The fourth voyage, the Serpent Voyage, was undetook in early 2846 and saw a months long crossing of the Terrassic into the Serpent Sea.   Raiding and pillaging took place across the island chain, including a war with the 'snakepeople' and 'shellbacks' native to the islands. These were likely Yuan-ti and tortles. The king also allgedly attacked Sun Elf villages in the southlands and outposts on the islands. Haarold would return rich, and again adorned his capital with the stolen loot.  

Fifth Voyage (2848-2851)/

Whilst in the Serpent Isles, Haarold learnt of the continent of Ombosu to the south. Serpent Island traders and sailors had visited the realms of northern ombosu, and Haarold was intrigued by its mighty deserts and the powerful kingdoms that resided their. With 27 ships, Haarold set off again, bringing Erik Redfood with him. The Small Ombosu voyage saw the king raid along the northern coast of Ombosu before finding the kingdom of Agyision, where he sailed down its great river and plundered their cities and temples.   This is one of the few voyages with some contemporary historical evidence. Around the time of this voyage the ruling dynasty of Agyision and many other northern Ombosuan nations collapsed due to the 'Sea Peoples' disrupting their trade networks and killing countless people. The various wars and sieges would take three years to complete, and his fleet returned with claims having slaughtered up to 100,000 people, feeding off of livestocks and farms. Historically, northern ombosu entered a dark age shortly after this period, coberating some of these claims of Haarold's attack.  

Sixth Voyage (2852-2856)

Haarold would briefly return to Aedrinar to drop of resources and let some of his warriors go home and recruit new ones. He had already planned one of his most daring voyages, The Grand Ombosu Voyage to circumnavigate the Ombosuan coast. After a two month rest for supplies and to wait for weather conditions to improve, Haarold returned to conquest. He again attacked parts of Northern Ombosu for supplies before going around its eastern coast, down to its southern cape, and through to its west.   Durin his attacks in the west and east, Haarold supposidly encountered a culture of warriors that could rival the Aedrinarans in battle - Aedrinaran scrolls calling them the Rapthiri. Described of being a martial tribal culture who worshipped animal spirits, chiefly worshipping 'The Bull' these warriors dressed in hides and wielded large shields and used curved weapons. A fierce fighting force, the Aedrinarans would be caught in a prolonged conflict with these people and smaller tribes in the south and west of Ombosu.   Haarold eventually yielded to the mysterious Rapthiri, and settled somewhere near the southern most cape of the continent, establishing a new colony of Suthrenhelm. He granted the land and rulership to his aide and friend, Erik Redfoot, and helped establish a thriving hold for him to rule. He would send some ships back to Aedrinar to inform them of his plans and to share news but would remain in Southrenhold till 2856, returning breifly to Valkyrie before taking another visit the hold in 2857.  

Seventh Voyage (2857-2860)

Whilst staying with Erik Redfoot in Ombosu, word reached Haarold of resistance to his colonies in Giton. He organized a new fleet and sailed for Giton again in the "Second Southern Voyage." Camping in his strongholds, Haarold was forced to send two ships back to Aedrinar to call for reinforcements. Stuck in a bitter war with the Gitonese for years, it would not be until 2859 when his reinforcements would arrive and he again conquered and plundered Giton.   This war is claimed to be his toughest, and various stories of his epic herorism are sung by bards and performed as plays. He allegedly returned to Aedrinar with the Golden Death Mask of the Demogogue of Giton, although the lack of this artefact existing beyond his reign again brings doubt to his alleged visit of Giton.  

Eighth Voyage (2861-2865)

Haarold stayed in Giton, again only sending trade ships back to Aedrinar to convey news and exchange warriors and supplies. One surviving log, a note in the Wintershield Chroncicles, shows Haarold signing off on the appointment of Ingrid Wintershield as the Steward of the Realm - acting as his regent and acting monarch.   The king then planned his next voyage, going further west around the world. Haarold gathered ships from Aedrinar and his colonies in Ombosu and Giton and sailed for a year before landing in the eastern most reaches of the continent of Zhoson. Supposidly the Seasnake invaded a jungle land, likely the realm of the Jungle Cats, Zhansi, where he built a small colony after warring with petty states and establishing treaties with the local powers.   This colony is recorded as Neuhold and was built somehwhere on a river delta to the south-east of Zhansi. Current historical information from the Dragon Empire notes of a settlement of human traders in Zhansi that existed around this time and traded in axes with humans in the Cui Hai province. Although this doesn't outright prove the existence of this voyage, many supporters of Haarold's deeds use it argue their case for the 9 voyages.   Haarold also supposidly invaded the Glistening Isles, building a settlement known as Diamondhelm. The Dragon Empire and Sea Elves of the isles refute this claim, saying there is no evidence of Haarold or Aedrinarnas ever landing on the islands. Supporters of Haarold claim that since this event took place thousands of years ago, it is probable that no evidence has survived and that he could have still invaded these lands. Haarold returned for Aedrinar in late 2864, taking nearly a full year to return to Aedrinar.  

Ninth Voyage (2866-2867)

Pushing into his fifties, Haarold was losing the strength and stamina of his youth. Despite spending months back in Valkyrie, he let the ruling council continue to manage the realm for him, relying heavily on Ingrid Wintershield. Haarold planned what was going to be his final voyage closer to home, targetting the weak tribal lands of Kernow and Gwenydd in the modern Commonwealth.   He left in autumn of 2866 and arrived in early winter. He Started plundering the western cape of Kernow, near modern Carely, and moved northwards. He would also attack Salian Isle, Merendy Isle, and the Northern Shore region of Kernow sailing inland as far as Bonnwood. His battles in Gwenydd would be more brutal - and he managed to sail through the River Laren into Cain's Wood battling the local O'Golaghar clan.   In spring of 2867, his finaly raid in the Craggy mountains was completed. During a time travel incident, Einar would appear in the aftermath of this battle with Gwenyddian cultists and Shauagin with the Aedrinarans. Taken in by Orn Sky-Kissed, Einar encountered the High King in the ruins of a temple with numerous amouunts of plunder, including a mysterious barnacle sealed sarcophagus.  


Not long after this event, Haarold sailed back home to Aedrinar. It would be only 10 miles out of Valkyrie that a freak storm set in and most of his fleet and gathered treasures from the continent would be lost as his vessel sank. Haarold's body, and that of his crew, were never recovered. Attempts to find his shipwreck have also failed across the centuries. His death is claimed to have caused national mourning for a hero of the Aedrinarans. Contemporary sources call him amongst the greatest monarchs of the Aedrinarans, alongside Odin, Queen Astrid I Dragontamer and Ragnar I The Great.   He would be survived by his daughter, Ignunn, who became the new Thane of Valkyrie whilst Ingrid Wintershield easily won the moot after being acting monarch for nearly half a decade.  


It would be revealed in 1052, 3e, that Haarold's spirit still lingered in the material plane. Contacting Einar shortly before the bard would time travel, the ghost was unable to clearly communicate. Through further investgiation, and following the time travel, Einar identified the ghost as Haarold. The Speaker of Salt and Krakens, the oracle of Aegir in Orsturkirk, alluded to Haarold's fate in his prophecy to Doomed 2 Die.  
"A ship of kings stranded, so much of its looted treasure gone, yet some remaining. The helm of a would-be-god, the blade of serpent kings, and the gold of lost and ancient lands. The final guardian still stands, a king who lost his throne, never gaining peace whilst the treasure his dying oath swore to guard has been taken. He seeks its return, he seeks its safety, he is of the children of Odin yet serves the foreign one."  
  • The Speaker of Salt and Krakens, Session 131: Speaker of Salt and Krakens, 17th Duskfall 1052, 3e.
  • Historical Doubts

    Since Haarold's reign was in ancient history, and his house would fall by the end of the third kingdom and their records lost, much of what is known about Haarold is based on minimal sources and folk history and mythology. The surviving chronicles are beleived to be heavily embellished by skalds during the Age of Iron and Blood to romanticise and inspire a reunited Aedrinar. The Wintershields are also beleived to have exagerated his deeds to empasise the importance of their first monarch, Ingrid I, Haarold's steward and successor.   The only confirmed voyage that can be supported by external sources is his 9th and final voyage, the other 8 have lingering doubts about their authenticity. Firstly, the existence of the Westerlands and Giton is still doubted by many despite claims of supposed 'astral sailors' and a few surviving world maps of the Sun Elves showing approximations of the continents. As for his settlements in Ombosu, Giton, and Zhoson, there are no surviving details from reliable sources and chronicles about the authenticity of colonies there. It is also unlikely that the seafaring technology of the time could handle such distant voyages and prolonged wars far from home.   There is some evidence of his invasions of the Serpent Isles and Northern Ombosu, as the timelines line up with burn layers in archaelogical sites and legends of the Sea Peoples who plundered the region. Aedrinaran artefacts such as iron axes and coins showing the Seasnake heraldry can be found in the Serpent Isles as well, at least suggesting a trade relationship between the two distant archipelagos.   Whilst Haarold likely spent a lot of time at sea, the nature of these voyages may have been grossly exagerated or invented after his reign. The leading theory is this was done during to either solidify his reputation, legitimise Ingrid I, or as inspiring myths during the interegnum period of the Age of Iron and Blood. The true nature of most of his adventures will be lost to time, unless another adventuring party accidently rediscovers Chronomancy.

    Personality Characteristics

    Representation & Legacy

    Haarold's legacy as one of Aedrinar's greatest monarchs persists. The first true 'invader' king of Aedrinar, Haarold I's name has inspired many of his successors. His imagery has been used in subsquent invasions outside of Aedrinaran territory by High King Rollo III, Karl I,  Ragnar V, Bergjolt, and Ulfgir V. His story as a warrior, inspiring leader, and sailor is an important cultural image of the Aedrinaran people.   Even in Asrinheim, Haarold is regarded as an impressive warrior with 'honour' and fairness despite his conquest of Vaniri territory. Revolts against the third kingdom would not come till the end of the period, and even then monuments and legacies of Haarold were left intact.


    Family Ties

    Haarold is recorded as the son of Luthar, a longship captain and noble figure within Orsturkirk. His full lineage, other than being the House of Seasnake, is unknown. Most of the records of the Seasnakes are recorded centuries after their collapse in the first age, and as such are based on legend. He is known to have had at least one daughter, Ignun, who followed him as Thane of Valkyrie.
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    High King of Aedrinar
    Reign 2839, 1a
    2867, 1a
    Predecessor High King Ragnar II Ragnarssen
    Successor High Queen Ingrid I Wintershield
    Thane of Valkyrie
    Reign 2835, 1a
    2867, 1a
    Predecessor Position Established
    Successor Ignunn Seasnake
    Date of Birth
    2805, 1e
    Date of Death
    2867, 1e
    Circumstances of Death
    Died in a freak storm a few miles from home
    Place of Death
    Dragonbreaker Sea, Eastern Isles
    Short, black, shaved sides
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Aligned Organization
    Appearances: 3
    • Session 126: Tales from Ferenvire
    • Session 128: Temple of the Forgotten Gods
    • Session 129: To Infinity and Beyond


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