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Young, hopeful, and free-willed, Olivr is the son of Captain Vand and former crewmember of The Corrupted Fortune. The lover of Azura, Olivir was a key officer onboard his Skallen Syndicate vessel until being captured by ARCAM. After attempting to help free Azura with his father, he was killed along with the rest of the crew with ARCAM sunk their ship.   Olivir currently serves as a warlock to Mannanan Mac Lir. Although tied to the sea god, Azura has bargained for his freedom by serving the god herself. Oli has been sent to the Eastern Isles to fight the Scion of the Seas. Since being in the Eastern Isles, he has been a useful guide and moral support for the party as they battle through the politics and monsters of the region.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Olivir was born around the same time as Azura to Captain Vand and an unamed mother. The young boy was raised on various Skallen pirate vessels, learning his trade and working hard. Although somewhat 'soft' compared to his more hardened crewmates, the young sailor would develop a strong bond with his crew and father and become the main navigator for The Corrupted Fortune. When Azura joined, the two became romantically linked, but he was effectively dumped when Azura left a cruel note for him after recieving a vision that her presence on the boat would bring them danger.  

Dragon Clan Arc

Azura had breifly mentioned Olivir's existence to her new party, but for all intents and purposes they were finished. After a rough experience in Oskunstrond. Unkown to the wizard, Olivir and the rest of the Corrupted Fortune's crew had been captured by ARCAM. Olivir was being interogated by the group when, by chance, the wizard sent him a message. He began to respond, trying to warn her what was happening but was swiftly knocked unconcious by Mertion Hampton.  

Dagon Arc

Olivir would meet Azura again when the two crossed paths during the hostage exchange between Vand and Mertion. Still hurt but his former paramour's spurnning letter, he was startled by Azura grabbing his arm, and whispering she always loved him, before staging a failed prison break. Olivir suffered greatly at the hands of ARCAM and was in no fighting condition and had visible injuries when the party saw him.   Olivir was presumed dead when ARCAM had the fortune sunk, and Azura beleived him to be lost forever. This was changed when he contacted her, informing her that both he and his father had been taken by Mannannan Mac Lir, and he was having to work as a warlock to free both their souls from the god's abyssal depths. The two began to rekindle a romance. He would later visit her fully whilst the wizard was sailing aboard The Boneless back to Lastlight.  

The Prodigal Fjandmar Arc

Olivir met with Azura in Jameleska during the group's final party at the Swaying Whale. The two sat on the docks and watched the stars. Azura's 'desired' room in the Penthouse suite of the Briar and Brimstone also resembled the cabin she and Olivr shared on The Corrupted Fortune.  

The Deep Arc

For the past month, Oli had been stationed in the Eastern Isles trying to do Mac Lir's bidding and avoiding the brewing war between the Aedrinarians and Ice Elves in the region. He had become the enemy of The Scion of the Seas, and was able to help rescue Doomed 2 Die when the scion and his forces of Deep Scions, Merrow, Sahaugin, a juvinile kraken, and a giant shark, attacked their ships. The warlock would be thankful for Doomed 2 Die's appearance in the region, saying he was struggling with the Scion of the Seas and the chaos he was causing.   In Orsturkirk, Oli pointed the party to his contact in the city, an acolyte of Aegir at the High Temple of the Seas named Kraghelm. He would be transported to the dream plane alongside the party and Roach to battle the Avatar of Aegir. Oli also joined the party in finding Vanar Salinir after his attack on the hamlet of Redharbour. His knowledge of the scion helped to convince the rogue House Salinir host to stand down and retreat.   Oli would introduce the party to his artificer contact Xan, a member of the Order of St Tara. He would accompony the artificer and the party to Palaidcyntaff to find legendary inventor Vorr where he also battled with drow forces loyal to Lolth.   Oli was present when The Wraiths attacked The Endeavour. Despite initially escaping alongside Azura, he and his partner would return to the ship and be escorted to the veil. He was capitve alongside the rest of the party and returned to the material plane under mysterious circumstances alongside them.

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Olivir and Azura eloped on the Corrupted Fortune with his father overseeing the ceremony. The two were living happily together, and after finding the Commonwealth destroyed by Dagon and Orcus - he moved with Azura and his father to Neapia where he lived in an apartment with his wife. He helped to host the latter arrivals of Lucan Sunspear, Aungus, Val and Gallus as his wife finished the Chronturgical machine to fix the timeline.   An older version of Olivir from this reality appeared before the timeline was reset, he was missing a leg and eye and told Azura how she dies of sicknes in a few years and he would do anything to make sure she lives. He promised her they'd find and love each other in all worlds, and that she was the 'ocean of his viens and storm of my heart.' An emotional Azura and the older alternate reality version kissed farewell before reality was reset.



Lover (Vital)

Towards Azura




Lover (Important)

Towards Olivir



Status Alive   First Appearance: Session 22, Prisoners
Current Status
Warlock to Mannanan Mac LIR
Azura (Lover)
Sleek, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Appearances: 17
  • Session 13: Faith (Voice Only)
  • Session 22: Prisoners
  • Session 23: The Commonwealth
  • Session 34: Infection (Voice Only)
  • Session 37: The Voyage Home
  • Session 66: Tales from Jameleska pt.2
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Alternate Reality)
  • Session 130: The Vaniri Sea
  • Session 131: Speaker of Salt and Krakens
  • Session 132: Darke Night, Lightfeller Days
  • Session 133: Moons and Dragons
  • Session 134: Redharbour
  • Session 135: Sweaty Sailors, Exiled Sons
  • Session 136: Eagles and Moons
  • Session 138: The Fox's Cry
  • Session 139: Search for Vorr
  • Session 140: Assimilate
  • Session 141: Electric Dreams of Metal MeN


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