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Lucan (a.k.a. Einar)

A mysterious and ancient bard, hailing from the long fallen Rexian Empire, Einar is the pseudonym of a reborn Rexian performer. Their true history and memories of the character are long lost due to their traumatic death and time in the Shadowfell. A talented musician adept with cutting words and barbs, Einar is a deeply intelligent, although outdated in knowledge Einar provides a deep historical insight from the homeland they remember. A healer and wise with words, Einar can appear strange and alien but always proves themselves to be a caring and idealistic hero, always protecting those who need it.   Einar is currently the high skald of the Bear and Basilisk libraries, and has recently undertaken an oath to the honoured god Heimdall, the creator of the Skalds.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Einar is a reborn spirits bard who originally lived as a Rexian performerer nearly 2000 years ago. Killed during the second Soulthek war by weapons of magical destruction, Einar remembers little of their original life, so works for the Crow queen Morrigan collecting the names of the dead for her shadow halls. Einar would later reveal this was part of their duties as a serpent skald in service of Morrigan.

Dragon Clan Arc

Einar was introduced to the surviving members of Doomed 2 Die after the death of Torgier when the party went to check the wreckage of the flying fortress. Einar was collecting the names of the dead and had come across Torgier's fallen hamer. Suspicious at first, Einar did not help themselves by being deliberately vague. Einar did lure the party in on his eventual mission in the region, searching for the lost Bear Library. The party join the bard, and Einar discovers the secret of the library and becomes the new Bear Skald.   Einar chose to the stay with the party following the library, and in the Great City of Aaqa they took part in an underground Flyting contest and won a flute in the competiiton. During Teng's attack on Oskunstrond, Einar travelled with Shan and Killyn to fight Teng Silverjaw at the keep whilst Azura and Kliiks went to stop Red Hawk attacking civilians. In the fight, Einar did their best to keep the party healed and fighting but was nearly fellen by Teng's brutal attacks. They were allowed to escape with the aid of Captain Greymight. Einar arrived just in time to witness Kliik's sacrifice. Einar willingly surrendered to ARCAM.  

Dagon Arc

On the voyage to the Commonwealth, Einar was ambivelent to the entire situation, and despite not knowing Azura for long defended them in his interogrations. Einar was clared from Azura's crimes, but refused to be realeased unless the whole party were. ARKAM identified him as a reborn and were keen to recruit them due to their insight on Rexian history and technology. During the Kraken attack, Einar saved their instruments and their Ring of the Bear. In the Commonwealth, Einar did help in the kobold massacre, but was chastised by The Faceless One for their acts of violence. Einar swore to do better, and was even threatened with being returned to the Shadowfell as a lost soul.   In The Witchwood Einar was breifly killed by Cressida the Fate Spinner. Here they met Morrigan, who was impressed with their change of actions after the Kobold massacre. She offered them guideance and informed them it was, "Not their time to die yet." Einar was revived by the Silver Paladin after Cressida was defeated.   Whilst in Devil's Bridge, Einar met with Queen Rhiannon, the avatar of Morrigan. As a reward for their work protecting the people of the Commonwealth, Rhiannon met with Einar at midnight near the stone rings in the village and used their celestial power to grant some of their original memories back. In this memory, Einar learnt they had a brother and was close to military personnel in Rexia.   During Azura's trial, Einar helped to defend Azura and participated in the Trial by Combat. Einar offered solace to Azura when Killyn was disintegrated by Gwenyth Youngspell, and solomnly wrote the Ice Elf's name in their book of the dead. When the party stole the Astral Ship with Eldra's help and found the lost Sun Elf ship Endeavour, Einar was infected with Slaad eggs but the ship's magic destroyed the infection. Einar was the largest proponent of using the ship's cache of diamonds to heal and rebuild the damaged warforged at Auran's request, seeing a connection between themselves and the construct as they had both lost their civilizations.   In Ceannastra, Einar met the Vikingr Ivar Lothgarssen and was impressed with the raider's martial abilities. In the showdown with Ebony, Einar was quickly dealt with and downed, which stopped them from being able to heal the party when Ebony turned on them too. Einar was stablised and regained conciousness in the temple of Morrigan. Einar met Fjandmar for the first time during the Ynnsmouth infiltration and was neutral to the eccentric cambion. During the fight with Ebony, Einar expended most of their resources trying to heal the party and keep them alive.  

War of the Walls Arc

Einar was keen to continue their journeys with the party, and sailed aboard the Lyre's Tongue with Val, at first being uncomfortable by their eccentric sailor, but gradually getting to appreciate and like their new host. Einar was amazed by the Clockwork Cog as it remainded them of Rexia.   In Jameleska, Einar was for helping the Worker's Union, but begrudginely helped Alana Rose instead. They wanted to try and save the union when Horsha Lenn came to clear them out, but was rebuffed. During their stay in Rosethrope, Ivar threatened Einar in the night, showing them the Basilisk Coin. Later, Einar recieved a visit from the Morrigan, who granted him a feather of memories, Einar used this on the coin and learned of Ivar's tragic loss. Einar was also welcoming of Roach, a descision they would regret as the young urchin frequently targets their coin purse for pickpocket practice.   Einar aided the party on their missions to rescue Paladin Shor and defeating the Skallen, their healing being the saving grace in both key battles. Einar used their charm to convince the bridge beggar to reveal secrets of the local neighbourhood. After Val detonating a fireball in the Skallen hideout, Einar was nearly killed (again) but only held a limited grudge against the warlock.   When investigating the crypts of the high temple of the divine, Einar wanderered off to heal but was abducted by a Nilfashnee demon. During their capture, the demon tried to convince them they had eaten human meat, only to reveal it was in fact quorn. Einar used their charm and charisma to distract and woo the demon whilst awaiting rescue. When the battle came, Einar once again nearly died but ultimately won the day.   Upon being assigned to the scouts, Einar confused and infurated the recruitment officer for not being specific enough with their name, abilities, and occupation. They made some effort to get to know Flygir, Ardo, and Heli Ristor . During the battle, Einar was gifted Titan Gear and used this to shoot their way around the rooftops of Vorrenborg to heal their party. They were nearly killed when a frost giant threw a rock at the roof they were standing on, causing it to collapse.   After the battle, Einar was supportive of Prince Haakon, earning the young noble's favour and apprecation for their shared love of music and poetry. Einar told the prince an inspiring story from their own time, much to the royal's wonder. At the masqurade ball, Einar dressed up as a bear but later had their costume copied by Val.   On the mission to Eagle Falls, Einar eaglery befriended the bugbear Balcorus and welcomed them into the group. Einar was stuck between two advancing frost giants and had to be saved by their party. This led to a quick retreat, where Einar used their healing powers to restore the party to full strength. On a second attempt, the bard retrieved the belt of giant strength.   In Storonthorpe, Einar accidently scared the wizard Jiarn but earned the appreciation of the rest of the rebels. In the failed ambush, Einar managed to save Deputy Cass, healing them from a distance and giving them time to escape. Einar led the party to the shadowfell, and introduced the Morrigan to the party. Azura later remarked that their crow themed patron was "Scary, very scary." Something Einar agreed on.   In the eventual battle, Einar pushed for saving the companions, and formed a key part of the distraction and healing strategy. In victory, Einar was thanked by Deputy Cass for saving her.   Following this battle, Einar convinced the party to help them find the Basilisk Library. This was something Ivar also pushed for, but tensions between the two were high on the lead up to their mission, with Einar trying to keep a wide distance from the vikingr warrior, fearing an axe in his back. Whilst in the libary, the two had a minor confrontation, with Ivar demanding to know what this place had to do with him. Einar soothed the warrior's concerns, saying they did not know but they're in it together now. After calming the spirits and completing the task of the Silver Guardian, Einar was forced to tell the party of their true mission and purpose as a Serpent Skald. After this, Einar was faced with a dilemma as the new Skald of the Basilisks. They could either learn the secrets of Ragnarok, or they could pull a soul from Helheim. Einar chose to save Ivar's father, sacrifcing knowledge of Rangarok. This earned Einar Ivar's gratitude and loyalty, mending all rifts between the two. Later the night, The Faceless One visited Einar again. Fearing that the reveleation of their deepest held secret would lead to death, the bard was surprised to hear that the serpents would not be retaliating, as there was "someone looking out for you."   In Astergor, Einar explored the Archives of Storvakis and was keen to talk to archivist Vrath. Upon visiting the Oracle of Surtur, Einar pieced together that the Eyes of Varpak and Snow Lord were having an affair, and this could be used to turn the Snow Lady against him. Collecting this evidence, Einar helped to show this to the Snow Lady, and aided in the negotiation of truce between the two warrior queens.   In Theygor, Einar posed as a slave to infiltrate the settlement. They then pretended to be a line cook to help poison the jotun at the tundra baron's feast, and used spell slinging to fell foes from the inside. They successfully convinced the staff of the Skallen castle to evacuate before Azura burnt the mansion down.   At Fasingos, Einar narrowly avoided death at the hands of the demilich form of Gryllfagor and was happy to be saved by Shan and Ardo. Einar was the last to fall victim to the plane of air's effects once passing through the pillars of air, and as happy to revist Aaqa. Their attempts to flyt were this time met with boos and they were quickly chucked out the venue.   During the Battle of Jastingrag, Einar advocated for saving Heli. In the battle, they taunted and harrased the Snow Lord and used their Titan Gear to maneouver the battlefield and strike down lesser jotun.  

The Prodigal Fjandmar Arc

In the aftermath of the Battle of Jastingrag, Einar took their downtime in Jameleska to find a temple of Heimdall. Escorted by Falia, Einar undertook a ritual to contact the god in which they were knocked unconcious, leading Falia to believe she had accidently killed them. In Ysgard, Einar undertook a Paladin Oath.   Arriving in Gehenna , Einar accomponied the rest of the party to the mad mage's mansion, becoming displeased at having to rescue Mertion Hampton from the forces of the Nine Hells. In the mad mage's mansion, Einar used a scroll of greater restoration to repair the damage to John Kommenian's mind, restoring the archmage to sanity. Leaving the mansion, Einar delegated to Azura on whether they should heal a mortally wounded Mertion Hampton, only doing so as a 'favour to her' when she agreed to heal the ARCAM agent after he gave her the prison box her mother was in.   In the Briar and Brimstone. Einar met Aungus for the first time, and was shocked to learn their previous name was 'Lucan.' In a conversation with the fallen avatar, Einar learnt that Aungus had been the avatar during the fall of Rexia and died as the bomb's fell on Soulthek's fortress.   Einar's room at the Briar and Brimstone included a mat for the spirit form of Angi, a chair to sleep in, books, and a record player with Jazz albums. Einar would also introduce Gallus to the rexian delicacy of hazlenut chocolate spread.   More secrets of the bard's previous existence were revealed in Corriegrave where they found a tome of Aungus's memories, learning their full name was Lucan Sunspear and they were a radio performer in the Rexian capital, they had a brother who had been captured in a previous battle, and had a peppy, optimistic, and confident attitude with a more outward charisma than they currently do.   In the final battle with the relentless Juggernaught, Einar managed to save Val and Gallus's lives after they were downed by the creature. The party began affectionatly calling them the 'Most Valueable Healer.'   In the final battle at Lover's Bite, Einar managed to get several succesful mockeries off on Ultragon, angering the yugoloth general. In the aftermath of the battle, Einar was amongst the party members concerned at what they'd done by unleashing an uncontrolled Fjandmar into the multiverse.  

The White Will Arc

With their mission in Gehenna complete - Einar accomponied his friends to the Astral Sea, approving of Azura's suggestion to finally travel to Mechanus and seek answers about Rangarok from Primus. Einar was pinned down and nearly killed by Modrons on their advance to Primus's cathedral, but managed to make it one piece. After Primus send the heroes into an alternate reality, Einar finally understood more details about Lucan Sunspear's life and took these memories into the main universe, finally coming to a sense of peace about the whole affair.   Following a stop off in Lastlight where the heroes were granted a mansion in the noble Stenvegg district by Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee for ousting some Goblins using local ghost stories to cover up their drug farm - Einar was happy to sail to the Western Hold and slay The White Will. Einar was also gifted a new power from the Morrigan, granting him the ability to see the past events of the world using Crows Sight.   Arriving in Knut's Landing the bard was keen for Shan to reclaim his repossessed home but changed his mind upon realising how kind Fr. Tomos Siegfried, the new tenant of the property, was. Einar would participate in multiple events at the Feast of King Knut and rushed to the aid of the missing children.   Using his Crow's Sight ability Einar became bonded the spirit of Stirthir Winter-Shield. Using the spirit's knowledge and power, Einar helped overpower the Coldstar wraiths and free he children from the undead monstrosities. Back in the town, Einar would rush to the temple to fight the white will when the dragon attacked the town alongside Gallus and Falia. Einar would be knocked unconcious and healed by one of the clerics, allowing the dragon to escape and attack the docks.   Keen for a second round, the bard joined his friends at the docks and helped to nearly kill the dragon. When the Dragon escaped their clutches and nearly killed Falia, Einar was remorseful he did not possess the healing magic to bring her back to life but was grateful to Fr Tomos for being to use his diamonds to revive her. Travelling with refugees to the Seal Clan camp, Einar helped talk the settlers of Andursthorpe out of supporting the white will and for most of them to flee their homes and join the refugee convoy.   Later in the day Einar witnssed Val's trauma response to finding the dead Ysgard's Warriors and Western Skallen members off the Pilgrim's Road and in the mountain passes. They would be captured by the Dagurssen's alongside the rest of the party and taken into captivity. When rescued by Mr. Blake they expressed annoyance at being called 'Lucan' by the mysterious man but was intrigued by their Rexian style of dress. In the fort, Einar sided with Val when they slaugthered the wounded Skallen members.   Back at the Seal Camp, Einar faced a crisis of faith and reentered the Shadowfell. Here they retrained their abilities and dedicated more of their energy to being a Paladin of Heimdall. They would return to the party in Jameleska by standing over Shan's bed as he awoke. Einar's return was greeted warmly even though they had only been gone a few days. They travelled with the party back to the Western Hold and were immune from the Scion's and harpies songs and psionic rays when they ambushed The Boneless pursuing Azura.   Following the party and Erika's lead to Bard's Folly to find the second half of the Stone of Queen Astrid - Einar was offended by Shada calling themselves "Soulthek the destroyer of worlds" but took the fey spirit's tests regardless. First taking the Way of Song with Val and using their charisma to soothe the illusions then entering the Way of Memories and seeing the three versions of themselves - Lucan Sunspear, The Lonely - and as Einar.   The stone retreived, Einar said goodbye to Ivar, Erika, and Falia as they went ahead to Westwatch to source the half of the Stone of Queen Astrid in possession of Ysgard's Warriors. When Mr Blake approached the party on the road to Kulvrsford seeking their help in rescuing the Western Skallen guild being pursued by Haarold Iceaxe Einar was against helping him alongside Gallus. Einar did go along with Val's plan and was impressed the warlock managed to negotaite the best possible peace.   After Haarold had killed the Skallen leader, allowing the others to flee as per Val's treaty, Einar would be downed by the White Will's ambush in a flurry of frost breaths unleashed by the dragon and his salamander minions. The bard was revived by Val using Loki's trickster healing and trudged their way back to Westwatch.   Attending the Dragon Council in Coldstar Keep, Einar was unimpressed by Elfrey the Godswitch and how the revealed Val's past as an exiled member of Ysgard's Warriors. They grew concerned upon learning that their companions had been capture by the guild and met with Starkard Wintershield to orchestrate how to save their companions, clear Val's honour, and continue with their quest. Einar agreed the Wintershields would be the safest option and least bloody. Whilst waiting, the bard had an honest and frank conversation with Mr Blake at Old Larga's house.   In the ensuing fight with Elfrey, Einar managed to heal an injured roach and hold back the warriors still loyal to Elfrey after the Godswitch's enchantment tiara had been destroyed by Starkard. They healed up the rest of the group before retiring for a long rest before the group headed to Pilgrim's Rest.   At Pilgrim's Rest, Einar was largely silent in the face of Underchief Steinar's accusations of Val but voiced support for the warlock that was calm and logical in the face of Gallus and Val's passionate defences of their friend. The bard defered the authority of Sven the Godslayer † when the Warchief arrived to take over preceedings. The trial was again interrupted by a near death Organvor who informed everybody the Dragon Clan infilitrators had killed several warriors and begun making their way to the peak of Mount Valhalla. After the warrior collapsed, Einar rushed forward and healed them, supporting the warrior as they were carried to the healing facilities of Hella Greenhands.   In the battle atop Mount Vahalla Einar remaind to the back and used distant magic and healing to support their party. They avoided all attacks levied at them and were vital in ensuring Azura, Val, Shan, and Erika were revived from their near fatal wounds. They spoke briefly with the head of Mimir and witnessed Azura's vision with awe and made sure the wizard was okay following their revelations. On the path back to Pilgrim's Rest Einar was with Val and Gallus as they spoke to Sven about Erika and supported the idea of her taking over the guild using a trial by combat and rite of claimance.   In the trial, Einar largely healing their party members but used their Rauttland steel sword, Angi's Fang, to push back some of the smaller Steinar loyalists. When Erika professed doubts about performing the killing blow on Sven, Einar used their characteristic calm, warm, and gentle tone to suppor the young warrior in their duties, assuring them they were the right person for this and they were doing Sven a great honour by sending him to Valhalla. Einar accomponied Azura and Shan to the archives to repair the stone of astrid and uncover the location of the Cave of the Golden Wyrm and subsequently the Dragonlance.   Going to uncover the lance Einar used their crows sight and learnt the Golden Wyrm was mercy killed by Mr Blake, and the two appearaed to share a conversation in Draconic. When the Hoard Mimics attacked Einar was breifly captured by the mimics tentacles but was released when Gallus managed to negotiate a peace. With the lance secured Einar joined the party, Falia, and Fr Tomos in infilitrating the White Will's lair. Einar used their Titan gear to secure vital positions and healed up several members of the party.  

Heir of Furunheim Arc

  After their time in the Western Hold, Einar travelled with the rest of the party to Odinsthrone to attend the feast hosted by King Hardrada. Here, they made a firm relationship with Arystyr Furyborn and helped save the heir of Furunheim form an assassination attempt.   Einar woudl continue to lend their support to the party during their time adventuring with Arystyr, and helped uncover many of the hidden secrets of the island. During Elder Tiristar Furyborn's funeral, Einar would stay at the funeral pyre to try and save civillians and battle the brunt of The Dark Enchanter's corrupted fey forces.   In the aftermath of the funeral, Einar was instrumental in uncovering the Whip, a secret Vanguard of the Dragon Clan hiding in the Night Circus. On their mission to defeat Olisander Dirthstone, Einar witnessed Shan and Azura vanish into feywild, and after entering Marthiel and finding out the wizard has supposidly died, the bard was at first saddened by this, but upon Azura's resurection they were bitter that Azura had been given a true second chance at life whilst they were cursed to be the Morrigan's plaything for all eternity. Einar would also start to have strange, haunting dream visions of a drowned Aedrinaran warrior.   Making peace at the feast in the wake of the Dark Enchanter's defeat, Einar would help rescue Cassie Rayes from the hidden temple of the Forgotten Gods in Krakenpost and furiously went to confront the corrupted Order of Labelas alongside the rest of the party. When the high librarian scattered them throughout time, he was sent to first age Gwenydd alongside Fr Tomos. Here he met High King Haarold I Seasnake, and realised he was the ghostly figure who had haunted him previous. He also first saw the sarcophagus of Sinead of the Seas, the daughter of Manannan Mac Lir. Einar and the priest would be rescued by a time-hopping Azura.  

The Deep Arc

Staying with the party on their quest to bring peace to the eastern isles, Einar battled the Scion of the Seas again, and was continuously prompted by the ghost of Haarold Seasnake to intervene. In Orsturkirk, Einar discovered the Eagle Library and was invited to join its membership by finding something old, something new, and something secret.   Over the course of his time in the isles, he would help record down lost songs of Rexia, compose a song challenging Mothrar Gildaron, and be gifted a map of the star veil by the AI entity of a lost sun elf ship whilst in the Veil of The Wraiths. With these, Einar was granted entry into the Eagle Lirbary where the head librarian revealed an ancient prophecy of the Skald of the Seven, a bard who would attain membership of all the skaldic libraries and unite the divided  verses of Ragnarok so they could help save the world. Einar reluctantly agreed to kill the librarian in single combat and use rite of claimance to become the new skald, and unlocked some more verses of Rangarok that revealed the Walls of Jameleska destroyed by the Snow Lord contained a Seal of Ragnarok.   Whilst travelling through the isles, Einar used their diplomatic skills to undermine warmongers and bring peace to the different factions. They also helped bring fabled Gazzaritian inventor and disgraced president, Vorr, back to Aedrinar to help build a sumbarine. Einar would use their countecharming abilities to help save their party and companions from the mind-control abilities of the Scion.

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, 'Lucan Sunspear' was ushered to a bunker by Aungus, who had chosen to not join his fellow avatar's on their misson to Soulthek's Fortress. In the bunker, Einar was trapped for weeks with the avatar and a wounded Rexian soldier named 'Charles.' This form of Einar's identity was revealed to be more flirtatious, eccentric, yet still hopeful and kind.   Upon the group's first visit by Roach, Einar was confused but thought little of the time travelling rogue. The alternate form of Luna had given Aungus a half complete sun-elf glyph to help them navigate the wild magic interference on his teleportation circle. Before Aungus could complete it, Lucan had to watch Charles die with his final words being the classic joke, "what makes a good joke?.... timing."   Upon his and Aungus's arrival in 'New' Rexia, they were appraoched by Luna once again. She showed them the state of Rexia in 1052, 3e, visiting the same bunker the bard had just been in thousands of years ago. They saw the skeleton of Charles, and Roach explaiend that soon the whole world would look like this, asking the bard to give up their life to restore the timeline. Lucan responded with, "Do I have a choice?" to which the rogue responded, "It was a choice that got us here."   Lucan and Aungus were taken to alternate Azura's apartment in Neapia and helped to transcribe the sun elf ruins.


Religious Views

In Life, Einar was likely a follower of the Early Divinitist church, but since their undeath they primarially worship the goddess Morrigan with Hel and Heimdall also being heavily respsected.



Follower (Vital)

Towards Einar





Towards Ivar




Ivar and Einar have had a stand off over Ivar's suspcions about Einar's relationship with the Skald order. Einar's hesitance to share has created a sense of distrust, alongside Einar stealing one of Ivar's axes whilst he was blackout drunk. Ivar has grown to respect Einar for rescuing his father from Helheim.


Pickpocket (Trivial)

Towards Einar




Victim (Important)

Towards Roach




Roach regularly pickpockets Einar for his silver

Status: Dead and Alive   First Appearance: Session 17, The Bear Library
Thousands of Years
Circumstances of Death
Nuked by a dark lord
Place of Death
Silver and briaded
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deathly White
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You're much less intimidating than a were-horse..." Einar remembering a past life
"I'm the bard, I'm a walking jukebox! Except I cause pain." Einar describing their role in the party
"I have eggs inside me." Einar after fighting the Slaadi
"I hope those things don't lay eggs." A response to the above.
"Leomund's Little Lodgings." A mistranslation of a spell
"This is worse than being in the shadowfell -" Einar as they get banished to the Shadowfell
"What the fuck does a mollusc know about music?"
"Asmodeus will have your soul." - Devil. "And I will stab ye to death." -Einar
"I'm healing him with the power of bisexuality"
"We can go look at that particular anus."
"You caught me lacking."
"Are we going to the bone zone?"
Morrigan, Heimdall
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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