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Known as the Crow Queen, Lady of Death, and Shadowmother, the Morrigan is one of the most mysterious and cryptic divine figures in all of Prima Terra. A member of the Old Gods, The Morrigan rules over the mysterious Shadowfell and welcomes the souls of the dead into her realm.   Present in the myths of many cultures as a symbol of death, The Morrigan is referenced in numerous religions. In Divinitism, she is believed to be the Black Feathered Angel who carries souls to the divine mountain or burning hells. In Elvish religion, she is recognised as the corrupter of the Shadar-Kai, her named mentioned only in whispers. To the Aedrinarians, she is known as the High Valkyrie who birthed the winged warriors who carried the honoured dead to Valhalla.   Within her own pantheon, she is believed to the be the wife of The Daghda and sister of Bellenus and Nuada. The Morrigan is known to entrap powerful mortals who believe themselves above the laws of life and death. She is revered as one of the most important deities in their religion.  

Historical Dealings

The Morrigan played a key part in Gwenyddian uprisings throughout history. The Library of Astergor revealed how she along with the other Old Gods created the first avatars to fight the giants. In Gwenyddian legend, she was the most opposed to the Treaty of the Groves, but knew it would lead to the downfall of Giant Civilization in mainland Prima Terra.   During the Commonwealth Revolutionary War, The Morrigan orchestrated its events and the creation of her current avatar, Queen Rhiannon, through her cleric Eoin. Her current avatar rules as queen of the Commonwealth.   The Morrigan also resurrected Einar and instated them into the Order of the Serpent. The Morrigan and Einar have a strained relationship, but comments from Rhiannon and other order members state that Einar ‘amuses’ the Crow Queen.  


Shadar Kai

In Elvish culture, the Morrigan appeared before the earliest generation of elves as they neared their mortal deaths to ferry them to the afterlife. Whilst some elves sought to extend their life through magic, the Morrigan was angered by their abuse of the rules of life. Turning them into bird like monsters, she warned the primal elves of their hubris. Some continued their arcane experiments in early lichdom and unholy extension of life.   The Morrigan appeared again, and this time made an offer. To those who served her, eternal life be theres. Many joined her and were turned into the first shadar kai. Horrified but humbled, the Shadar Kai were now immortal but sought to serve the Morrigan.  

The King’s Tears

  In ancient Gwenydd, there was once a proud noble who forged a mighty kingdom across the western lands and subjugated many clans of humans and lizardfolk. Proud by his accomplishments, he built a mighty castle on the craggy peaks overlooking the coast, and challenged the gods to dare to challenge him. Mannannan Mac Lir sent a mighty storm to shake the keep, yet its mighty stonework held.   Then Belleus sent a scorching sun that dried their crops and rives, but the king took his subjects the caves beneath and drank from the waters beneath the ground and ate the food from his mighty stockpiles.   In his hubris, the King asked the gods again, “do none of you have the power to challenge me?” To this a crow appeared and warned him to mind his words, for there is one force beyond man or god that can claim him still. Still prideful, he stood by his achievements. Then that night, the kings family died in their sleep, as did his most loyal subjects and vassals.   Stricken by grief, the king turned to the cliffs and proclaimed he had been defeated and asked who had taken everything away from him. The crow appeared one more time and said, “death, that which takes all things.” The king then cast himself from the cliff face, and in memorial the gods turned his tears into a set of small rocky islands.  


The Old Gods are unique in their ability to embue part of the divine soul with a mortal's soul, birthing a unique avatar that is part mortal, part celestial. The Morrigan has had plentiful avatars, below are the known avatars.  

Unnamed Leader of the Gwenyddian Rebellion

Mythic Age   Their true name lost, they are identified only as Ta'Prechelin O'Morrigan, (First Crow of the Morrigan), they were the first avatar ever created during the mythic age and organized the final rebellion against the Krowethic empire. They helped lead the conquest of the giant cities and razed them to the ground, vanishing from historical record and myth after the empire was destroyed in the Naarkolon in 3924, ma.  


2890, 1a-100, 2a.   Draigh, the second recorded avatar of the morrigan, was born sometime in the late first age in Gwenydd. Some mythic cycles claim he was prophesied as the Second Crow to save the rising sun - and his role in history was as one of the two avatar's that led the Gwenyddian and Kernowian clans to the Battle of Adar to fight Soulthek. Draigh, sometimes refered to as High King Draigh in ancient Albionic Culture, is rumoured to have conquered the various clans and united them for the soul purpose of defeating Soulthek when the time was right.   Draigh is beleived to be the inspiration for The King of Albion mythic cycle from the second age during the Aedrinaran invasion of Albion.  

Queen Rhiannon

992, 3a - Present Rhiannon is the current avatar of the Morrigan. Others have existed between her and Draigh but are deliberately left absent from this article. Born in 992 in Pennygyntaff, the capital of the Eldrian Empire province of Gwenydd, Rhiannon was a sickly child cared for by a local guardsman and a cleric of the Morrigan after her mother had died in childbirth.   Rhiannon would be adopted by the adventuring party The Parental Problems Posse in 992 at only 18 months old During the beginning of the Commonwealth War of Independence after her father and cleric guardian died in battle with Azumon and Galvurnax. Raised by Ovak and Pasca in Devil's Bridge, Rhiannon became a resistance leader and warrior for the scattered Commonwealth army in the 40 Year War. Her leadership earned her the title of Queen and she currently rules the constitutional monarchy.

Divine Domains

  • Death
  • Battle


  • Raven's Blade
  • Feather of the Crow Queen

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • A Black Crow
  • Two Crossed Spears



The Morrigan is the principle goddess of Samhain, the day when spirits of the Shadowfell are most likely to cross into the material plane. During this time, many dress in crow's feathers to chase off cruel spirits and make offerings to Morrigan to protect them.
Divine Classification
Long, braided, raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deathly White


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