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Also known as 'The Rock', TASM-1968 is a lonely asteroid floating outside of any wildspace system within the astral sea. Beleived to have been expelled from its home system by a supernova before any living memory, TASM-1968 is claimed by the Star Ranger Core and used the house its most dangerous prisoners and captives.   The Rock was damaged and its warden killed in a prison break underaken by agents of the Cult of Rangarok. The prison break so notorious inter-planar criminal Fisk escape and the tragic death of Warden Shreeks and failure of elite ranger Archangel to hunt down the prison breakers.


The prison is built entirely within the asteroid, with only the control tower being built on top of it. Hollowed out craters and trenches house powerful radiant weapons with auto-locking technology, and two trenches give way to hanger bays. The interiors are built of platinum, titanium, and steel with advanced mechanical doors and internal defences. A large bomb is also believed to be built within the prison's core.
Alternative Names
The Rock
Owning Organization


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