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Ergur Fisk

"No more gods. No more fiends. Just my will."
  The leader of the Cult of Dagon within Sudureyja, Fisk was an esteemed ruler and crime lord with an impressive empire of contacts spanning his entire juristiction. A master of fistfighting and stubbornly driven man, Fisk sought to avenge the death of his family by destroying all gods, devils, and demons by bringing on Ragnarok. After a long imprisonment by the Star Ranger Core, the cult leader and fanatical god-killer has been freed by his last remaining ally and remains at large in the astral sea. Fisk remains the foremost mortal expert on the Ragnarok Prophecy in the multiverse, but refuses to share what he knows unless it grants him a psychological edge.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ergur Fisk, known to most by his family named of Fisk, was the child of the upstart Thane of northern Sudurejya, Ardon Fisk. A large child, Ergur was a formidable hand-to-hand figther but prefered to use his mind to overcome problems. He did take part in raiding parties during the 40 year war, but spent most of his time with his wife and child. Unbeknownst to him, his father had taken a devil's pact to earn the title of Jarl following the ousting of Lastlight's former ruler, and paid for it with the souls of his sons' family. Angered when this was revaled, Fisk murdered his father and began building a large and impressive empire within Sudurejya.   At some point in the last decade, Fisk was contacted by the Cult of Ragnarok and quickly rose up their ranks. Using his extensive influence and knowledge, he uncovered the location of the Southern Seal. Using kidnapped citizens from Lastlight, Fisk began to excavate the seal's chamber and used Yugoloth mercanaries and demonic thralls led by Hundvar and Fjandmar to aid in his work. Fisk became an expert in Rangarok, using his extensive funds to recover artifacts and tomes long forgotten or banned.   Fisk's work with extraplanular creatures had attracted the attention of the Star Ranger Core under the leadership of Aakoscru, who sought to arrest Fisk. When he finally fell to the Doomed 2 Die and a turncoat Fjandmar, Fisk was taken back to the Great City of Aaqa as a prionser of the core, where he remains. Fisk was visited by the wizard Azura, where he taunted her with his knowledge of a coming party death.  

Imprisonment and Escape

Fisk spend at least a month within the prisons in the Star Ranger Core Headquarters before concerns around his security were raised and he was transfered to the cores most guarded and isolated prison, an asteroid known as TASM-1968 and given the identity of prisoner 50.   The last remaining member of the Cult of Rangarok, a githyanki known as The Handler, gathered some of the astral sea's most nefarious criminals. A daring prison break was organized that saw the prisoners unleashed and the rock's warden, Shreeks, killed by a fireball. Despite the intervention of the star ranger known as Archangel, Fisk was freed and his current whereabouts is unknown.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where doomed 2 die never met, Fisk was killed by Fjandmar at his mansion.


Fisk was well educated by private tutors and his mother in history, religion, and the art of war. From an old Aedrinarian warrior, he learnt the art of hand-to-hand combat.

Personality Characteristics


Fisk is driven by his opposition to all gods, devils, and demon lords. Wanting to rid the universe of their prescence so people can be 'truly free' and to avenge the selling of his family's souls by his father, he became the leader of the Cult of Ragnarok and sought to bring the destruction of all gods.


Contacts & Relations

Fisk was once the head of the now significantly weakened cult of Rangarok and held connections across Sudurejya. Since his imprisonment, his network of vassals and contacts has been reduced to nothing, but a smug sense of knowing remains with the former Jarl.
Status Imprisoned   First Appearance: Session 9, Fall of Fisk (The First Defenestration of Fisk)
Current Status
On the run
Date of Birth
13th Auldlyne
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Appearances: 4
  • Session 4: The Southern Seal (Mentioned Only)
  • Session 8: A Grim Weave
  • Session 9: Fall of Fisk (First Defenestration of Torgier)
  • Session 10: Good Deeds Bat Deeds
  • Session 18: Secrets and Stories
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Mentioned Only) (Alternate Universe)


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