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Vast and ancient, The Titansgrove is a primordial forest on the steps of the Astergorian Hills within the Duchy of Jameleska. Filled with impressive giant evergreens, this decaying and ancient woodland has provided lumber for Jameleska for centuries. Once home to a thriving Sylvan community, the latent fae magic has long since past an the forest now has an eerie sense of decay, with only the wildlife to be found and civilization limited to wandering Goblinoid clans and sentient fungi.   Well into the 2nd Age, the Titansgrove was considered much livelier and temperate to its surrounding areas. Considered a magical forest, it was inhabited by feywild creatures, including small clans of Eladarin elves who migrated with the seasons. These sylvan creatures kept to themselves, and stayed out of the numerous conflicts between Jameleska and the Jotun, using their connections to nature and magic to prevent any conflict from spreading into their woods.   Due to their secretive nature, not much is known about the ecological collapse of the Titansgrove which occurred in the late 2nd age. Trees started dying and the latent magics began to lose power, with the forest becoming much cooler and driving much of the faerie creatures back into the feywild. By the third century of the third age, the forest resembles what it does now.  


The current ecology of the forest is considered sterile. Very little new growth is found deep within the forest, with small plantations of new saplings around the forests edges grown by the lumberers of Jameleska. Within, the most common form of life are myconid colonies which group around the graves of treants. Wild animals native to area do still prowl the forest, with reindeer, winter wolves, and mink being common sights. Griffons from the Astergorian Hills do occasionally hunt in the woods, and a small colony of grungs and vegepygmys live near the banks of the Fathos.  

Points of Interest

There is little of active interest within the forest, but there are numerous ruins of those that previously inhabited this woodland.

Obelisk of Omen

This mysterious totem is found towards the south of the forest in a small clearing surrounded by wildflowers. The obelisk is dedicated to Sehanie Moonbow, the elven goddess of the moon and daughter of Correllon. Marked on the pillar are various dancing motions and a dedication to Sehanie, as well a depiction of a full moon. This religious site also acts as a communion stone, with the ritual above being performed on a full moon allowing a casting of the augury spell to learn a secret from Sehanie Moonbow.  

Kelvin’s Monastery

  The origins of this mid third century monastery are unknown, but it was seemingly built by humans some point after the Sylvan entities returned to the feywild and the forest started to decay. The monastery has lied in ruins for centuries, but is currently being reconstructed by Friar Kelvin, who moved here after his identity was exposed in Jameleska.  


  This hidden Svartvelheim keep and burial chamber was found behind a the waterfalls that form the River Lel, taking melting snow from the Astergorian hills. The hollowed out cave system also houses an underground river and an ancient camp that was co-opted by the Snow Lord during the 4 week war. The ruins were destroyed in a chain reaction of explosions after Val detonated his necklace of fireballs.  

Ent Graveyard

  This mass grave of long dead ents is now a fungal colony and poses a severe risk of poisoning if traversed. The rot is contained to the small grove it can be found it, but no beast or bird dares to go near it.  

Adventures in Titansgrove

  Doomed 2 Die arrived in the Titansgrove to find eagle falls and drive back the Snow Lord’s forces that were hiding in the forest. They were initially ambushed by a patrolling band of seeker giants who were searching for Heli but quickly dispatched them.   The adventurers later visited the Obelisk of Omen and performed the ritual of communion, learning the answers to questions both personal and pertinent to their overall quest to stop Rangarok.
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