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Friar Kelvin

Friar Kelvin (a.k.a. The Butcher of the Faine)

A Divinitist Monk dedicated to St Cormellius and former chaplain to the Rose family of Rosethorpe, Jameleska, Kelvin took an assumed name and false identity after the 40 year war to hide from bounty hunters from the Commonwealth and Southaxe due to his war crimes whilst serving in the Eldrian Imperial Army.   Kelvin’s true name was Sir Anthony Blackguard, the Butcher of the Faine. During the war, he committed scorched earth tactics against commonwealth settlements in eastern Gwenydd and the Faine. After the war, he took a cargo ship to Jameleska to hide from authorities seeking to punish him for his crimes after the empire agreed to surrender him to the Commonwealth and her allies.   The friar turned to a monastic life of solitude, seeking to redeem his sins and hide from those who hunted him. He kept some mementos from his time as an Eldrian knight, and his true identity was discovered by Baron Faylock during the Faylock conspiracy, blackmailing the priest into supporting his cabal and motions in council.   Kelvin turned his back on Faylock, helping Doomed 2 Die meet with Alana Rose. At first confession his sins to Shan, he was convinced to exile himself and continue his spiritual work. Kelvin is currently restoring an abandoned monastery in the Titansgrove, his location unknown to all expect Doomed 2 Die.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kelvin was born and lived on a small estate north of Briarton, Southaxe. His family had traditionally been Hildian supporters during the civil war, but Kelvin resented Southaxian independence and saw a unified Eldrian state as the best outcome for humans in the face of Seldrinar aggression. When the 40 year war began, Kelvin left his estate and became a hedge knight for the Eldrian Empire, serving in the East Marcian front.   Then known as Sir Anthony Blackguard, the knight was granted a formal title within the empire and appointed as captain of a small army. When the Commonwealth front opened in 1022, Kelvin was tasked with harrying the Faine and putting out rebel encampments around the county and within Gwenydd’s Tawu valley.   During this campaign, Blackguard earned the name “The Butcher” and created terror throughout the citizenry with his indiscriminate harrowing of villages, execution of civilians, and torture of enemy combatants. He also turned his sword on his former home kingdom of Southaxe, raiding villages in the Southaxian downs.   After the war, with his crimes exposed, the Commonwealth demanded he be handed to them as part of the peace treaty. The Empire willingly surrendered him, but Blackguard escaped to Tumbria, posing as a refugee, and secured passage on a cargo ship to Jameleska, where he began a new identity as a friar.   Kelvin became close with the Rose family, his noble etiquette aiding him in court, and was appointed house chaplain. Considered a centrist, Kelvin did support some of Salia Rose's reforms, seeing them as aligning with his spiritual goals. Faylock used his network of contacts to uncover Kelvin’s true identity, using it as blackmail against him. Although the city houses many former Eldrian soldiers, one of Kelvin’s reputation would be executed to preserve trade relations with the Aedrinarian jarls and the Commonwealth.

Mental Trauma

Kelvin feels deep regret for his actions in the war. His time in absolution learning the holy texts have shown him the sins he has commited, and Kelvin is now devoted to restoring good to the world to try and absolve some of his actions. He struggles to think of his time in the Eldrian Empire, and feared his own execution. When his identity was revealed to Doomed 2 Die during their investigation of Faylock, he revealed he may just reveal himself and be executed, as that would finally bring justice to those he killed and hurt. He was later convinced to continue his journey, and use his regret to stop others going down a dark path.
Status Alive   First Appearance: Session 40, A Bathhouse of Mystery
Current Location
Briarton, Kingdom of Southaxe
Balding, grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light tan
St Cormellius
Appearances: 2
  • Session 40: A Bath of Mystery
  • Session 41: Fall of Faylock


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