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Amongst the largest cities in Prima Terra, and the largest within the Aedrinarian Archipelago, Jameleska was founded in the second age by the legendary heroes Jamel and Valeska. Lying on the sea of storms, Jameleska is a successful freeport and capital of the Duchy of Jameleska, an autonomous region of the Kingdom of Jotun.   Famous for its impressive and mighty walls built in three rings, Jameleska is a technological and modern marvel. It is the most advanced city found in the isles, with technology to rival that of the Marcian and Seldrinar cities. A melting pot of various races and cultures, the city has earned a reputation of somewhere for those with nowhere else to go.   The city has just come out of a devastating three week war with The Snow Lord and suffered massive destruction. The economy is transition from war to peace and is slowly rebuilding itself, with a new future to await the beacon of humanity within the island of the frost giants.  


Jameleska is an incredibly diverse city and considered the melting pot of the isles. Its free port status and connection to the resource rich but illusive Kingdom of Jotun makes it a merchant's dream. The city remains majority human, with cultural backgrounds from across western prima terra. The Elven population are split between Ice Elves and Moon Elves, with smaller populations of other elven cultures. The city also houses a considerable population of Gnomes, largely descendents of refugees from early Seldrinar expansion in the second age.   The city, the largest in all of the Aedrinarian isles, has diverse and multiple industries. The city's chief exports are in manufactured goods, its port status bringing in resources from around Prima Terra, largely through trade guilds in Lastlight. The city produces little agriculture outside of fishing, instead relying on its fuedal holdings across its duchy, mainly from the frontier settlement of Storonthorpe. There is some smaller scale farming done within its walls.   Religiously, the city is one of the few major divinist holdings in the isles, making up around 40-50% of the population. Nearly every religion can be found in the city, with multiple honoured god and seldarine temples scattered across its districts. The district of Twokirks houses the largest dwarven cathedral outside of the Three Kingdoms, and even houses a Draconist pagoda.   The city does have a major wealth disparity. Its aristocratic structure hordes wealth in the hands of a few key families, with the majority of the population being working class or peasanty. There is a booming middle class of artesans and free merchants throughout the inner and middle walls, but few earn enough capital or influence to challenge the old money of the nobility.


Jameleska is an aritsocratic city and the capital of the Duchy of Jameleska, an autonamous region of the Kingdom of Jotun. The city is split into multiple districts run by noble family's of various rank, usually coming from older more prestigious foriegn nobility who were exiled from their homes. They swear loyalty to the Duke, formally king, of Jameleska, a member of the Jamelkyn-Rosendorf-Axeholder dynasty.   Some areas, such as Palakirk and Twokirks, are considered bishoprics and handed to the fuedal control of religious orders. Twokirks runs off a religious council ran by the high priest of the temple to Morradin and the High Deacon of the divinist cathedral.


Jameleska is amongst the most militarised settlements in the Aedrinarian isles. The city's large size has multiple noble militias who act as knights and watchmen for the noble families' various holdings. Jameleskan Military was once considered the most advanced and strongest organized army in Prima Terra, but faced centuries of decline following the Treaty of Lastlight. The army itself has been decimated by the war and begun a new training and recuitment process to fill the gaps left behind.   The city is dotted with numerous internal fortifactions, most of which are castles and forts built into the city walls. In peacetime, these castles have transitioned into royal courts or military storage with wide-scale mothballing. Since the war, these fortifications have been brought out of retirement and rearmed. The forts along the inner wall are largely dormant and used as barracks or noble housing instead of active military installments.   The City's famous walls are amongst the largest in Prima Terra, and for thousands of years could withstand all assaults by the giants. It was only through the Snow Lord's pact with Varpak that a powerful enough magic could be used to bring the walls down for the first time. Thankfully, with the return of the Hammer of Thunderbolts, they can be reconstructed without having to abandon the districts.


Jameleska's massive size has given it multiple impressive infrastructural marvels and landmarks. Within Old Jotunbrygge, the Palace of the Heroes is a romantic styled palace and fortification designed by golden age East Marcian architects. The old city also houses the Lover's Bridge across the river lel, a modern stone bridge with a rare example of gas lighting.   The most famous peice of infrastructure within the city is its famous walls. There are three main rings, forged by the famous Hammer of Thunderbolts. The Inner Wall houses Old Jotunbrygge, the oldest section of the city and built around its original village. These are the thickest and most ancient of the walls. The Middle Walls, just as impressive but much shorter than the inner walls, protect the first suburbs and outlying districts of Jameleska. The outer walls, still standing at around 100ft tall, were much thinner and supported by sand and gravel. These walls remained unbroken for centuries until the Snow Lord's war in 1052, when the outer walls around Vorrenborg were destroyed.   The city also had multiple dividing walls build in sections during the construction of the outer walls. These are smaller and thinner, designed to withstand internal stife rather and a giant attack.



  Rosethrope is district of two halves. The shoreside holds the general working population, who generally work in fishing, hospitality, and potion making. The district has beautiful layered houses that eave above streets. The industrial sector hugs the walls, and the whole district smells of fragrances .The district is ruled by house Rose, With Lady Alana Rose acting as regent for her father, Roland Rose III, who has been rendered insane after being controlled by Baron Faylock. The district also recently saw a general strike from the Worker's Union, but this was put down brutally by Lady Alana Rose and Horsha Lenn.  

Areas of note:

- The Dockside Inn: This large, four-story inn is based near the docks. Popular with visitors, it hs two floors of rooms, 1 main drinking floor including a sizable kitchen, and an upper level with some private rooms for gambling and meetings. The inn is run by Erda Fitz-Rose, the daughter of a bastard off branch of the Rose family.
  • The Royal Rose: This large, four-story inn is based near the docks. Popular with visitors, it hs two floors of rooms, 1 main drinking floor including a sizable kitchen, and an upper level with some private rooms for gambling and meetings (10gp per hour to let). The inn is run by Erda Fitz-Rose, the daughter of a bastard off branch of the Rose family. She is familiar with and supportive of her distant cousin in her protest.
  • Lavender House Inn: A simple workers tavern with some boarding rooms for cheap a bit further into the district, it is mostly popular with the local workers, the inn was nearly forced to close during the general strike, but has quickly returned to profits since the Worker's Union have been kicked out of the district
  • All Saints Church: A divintist temple in the main square, it is a large church with a small seminary to its side. It is ran by the kind and old human priest Josiah Jones, who has wise words, immense knowledge, and a glee for trouble.
  • Temple to Njord: A small dockside shrine ran by local troublemaker and drunkard, Hugor Nordkyn
  • - Shrine to the Seldarine: A simple Elven Shrine ran by a Moon Elf named Hesimar, they are serene and quiet and can help with spirit world journeys The temple is near the Gatepark. The other priestess, Isolde, is working with the worker’s union, much to Heismar’s frustrations.
  • Gate Park: This small and simple park has a small pond that freezes over in later months, geese tend to harbour here in the summer but in the winter only robins and ravens can be found. A stray Wilderhund (Huskey) lives in this park.
  • A notorious local beggar and soothsayer named Houmji lives in a tent behind some bushes. He has been convinced of bizzare conspiracies by Einar and Val.
  • Underwall Rink: A well-maintained ice rink and festive market that sells warm drinks and festive snacks, ice skating is available here
  • Rosethorpe Bath House: A small and simple bathouse in the Marcian style, ran by Jula Dengrier, a well-spoken woman who is very friendly to those with power.
  • Castle Rose: This large foreboding and towered castle lies at the corner of the walls and connects to them with some smaller fortifications, A private garden and mausoleum can be found within. The lower floors are dedicated to the guards and local government, with the upper wings for the Rose family. A dungeon lies below the keep.
  • Camp Rose: Not far from the castle is a military training ground
  • The Worker's Forum: The former chapterhouse of the Worker's Union, this large meeting hall has been destroyed by the Rose Militia.
  • Hammer Bouelvard: This large street is left in ruins after Alana Rose put down the Worker's Union strike, with work only just beginning on it's reconstruction
  • Old Jotunbrygge

    Old Jotunbrygge is built on and around the ancient village of Jotunbrygge, Most of the old village is now contained within the mighty Chateau walls. The keep dominates the entirety of this district. This is largely a well to do merchant and aristocratic district, well spaced manors and tightly packed brownstones can be found here alongside more ‘premium’ shops. The Royal family rule this district, and the Rosengratz College can be found here. There is no real ‘industry’ here outside of its wealthy merchants and private docks with yachts and party boats.  

    Points of Interest

    -Liberation Inn: A large inn near the castle, it is the oldest inn in the district and built on top of the original village inn. The merchants tend to visit this tavern alongside anyone stuck in the district overnight. Quintan Hess runs the tavern with his wife Friga.
  • The Lord's Cup: This grand inn is for the wealthy and lies near the manor houses. A few private rooms are available, but the landlady, Wilga Hornhandle, is very discerning about who she lets have them. One must have a good reputation to attend here.
  • The Swaying Whale: A moored old Eldrian Empire boat ran by “Admiral Party”, an old pirate who pretends to be a famous admiral, he was actually just a dockworker from Tumbria who fell asleep on a boat that was seized. The tavern is very raucous and has a brothel attached
  • Treasure of the Isles: A gem and jewellery shop ran by Gorit Fenn, a greedy human who has his elderly gnome artisan locked in the basement during work hours so he can make focus on his craft. His staff hate him, and he is a big proponent of banning the Workers Union.
  • A Wizard Did It: A large magical emporium ran by the Engantor family of half-elves who create and enchant magical items, usually of mundane quality but they do sell SOME magical weapons. The family are Daequen, Yinniros, Ronelis, Adynore, Tristris, Engella, and the youngest, Sel.
  • Torstan's Icesmith: An independent blacksmith and Aedrinarian named Torstan Ice-Fire, who runs and impressive forge creating +2 and +3 wepaons alongside some other magical weapons. He is very critical of the War Smiths, calling their steel “softer than summer snow.” The war smiths are constantly trying to oust him from the city, but he has a good relationship with some of the nobles
  • Knight Scrolling: A spell scroll shop selling all spells up to 7th level, ran by a buff wizard named Midran. He has the vibe of an old republican gunshop owner and is usually smoking a pipe.
  • Give the Dog a Home: A pet store selling traditional and exotic animals, ran by a wealthy former druid of Nordspir who left to go on adventures named Umbrissa, a full elf ice druid and worshipper of Silvanus (lapsed). Umbrissia is looking for Wyvern of Griffon eggs as premium pets to sett on.
  • Valiant Mare Stabling: A large stables and horse breeding farm on the outskirts of the walls near Rosethorpe, ran by the Mare-Runner family.
  • Luxor's Tailors: A premium tailor ran by a Tiefling family named the Shorgarons. Nesstyra (Tysa for short) is the main saleswoman.
  • Ungrad's Markets: A large market all in an old manor hall formally the ruling duke’s home. The manor sells premium items and food.
  • Istiah's Imports: Istiah, a Sargonic man, runs a premium import business. He organizes the shipping of coconuts to Drekenheim and is currently the only trader who can organize any drops there
  • Tinker Tonker: A clock shop ran by Wilbur Tinker, a proud clockmaker who is estranged from his son who left to open a tailors in Lightwater.
  • High Temple of the Divine One: A cathedral of Divinitus ran by Bishop Oscar Golblade, he is deeply religious and holds esteem in the city. He is constantly praying. A Large cemetery is based here, alongside a crypt of the former lords. The Master of Graves, Kilson, is based in the cathedral as well.
  • Temple to Sif: A traditional but fancy Aedrinarian arena/temple dedicated to Sif. The Priestess, Holga War-Blade, runs the temple. As acts of contrition or to earn favour, fights are arranged here.
  • Temple to Sehanie Moonbow: A moon temple popular with the elves, it has an open pantheon shape and is near the docks, a Moon Elf named Farstyi runs the temple.
  • Temple to the Arcane: A large temple that worships all the gods of magic in the realms, it is near the Rosengratz College.
  • St Cormelius': A fancy and ornate church near the docks, ran by Goose Mather Cilla Erwyll.
  • Herron Hall: A large concert hall where frequent orchestras, old plays, and operas are performed.
  • - Stormount Manor: An old manor house that is now a popular ballroom site for all of the high nobility.
  • Palace of the Heroes: This large chateau and fortress is the home of the ruling family, the castle is ornate and heavily decorated with ancient art, trophies, and modern luxury. The Duke and his family live here alongside the hundreds of servants that work for them.
  • Seawall Castle: This castle is on the docks and is part of the wall fortifcations. Lady Salt, a minor noble and Lady Mayor of the City, lives here. The Royal Guard are also based here, with Lady Salt as their patron.
  • Camp Winterberry: A more relaxed officer camp and academy for the Royal Guard and commanding officers to be trained at.
  • Rosengrantz College: A large modern chateau and manor styled building in the south bank area with a large park, library, study rooms and classrooms
  • The Archways: A set of triumphal archways that go up to the palace built of limestone dedicated to the old heroes
  • Duke Henry Military Ceremony: A large military cemetery with multiple tombs from across the many wars Jameleska has fought, it was founded by Henry I, who freed Jameleska from Jotun control after Second Astergorian War.
  • Palakirk

    Palakirk is a smaller part of the city, a wide area separates it from nearby Rosethrope. Less fancy, it is the home of a few traders. Its people generally work as stonemasons and quarriers. Its most notable feature is its large church to St Tara. Palakirk is run by paladin order of St Tara, who are housed in a large Aedrinarian styled temple.  

    Points of Interest

  • The Back-Breaker Inn: The only inn in the area, its based in the main square near the well. The inn is wide with multiple wings, the workers all tend to come here. It is ran by a pair of Dragonborn named Udnar and Eismyr
  • Rik's Trading Outpost: A simple trading post ran by a lazy and feckless ginger human named Rik, he’s quite weedy and usually trying to get high.
  • High Temple to St Tara: A large and impressive Aedrinarian styled church dedicated to St Tara, the Order of St Tara are based here.
  • Jai Ling's House: Dragon warrior and amythst dragonborn Jai Ling lives in this distract and grows his tea leaves in a magically tended garden.
  • Luristead

    A small farming settlement on the banks of the Lel. The people here are generally poor and stick to themselves.  

    Points of Interest

    - The Giving Hand: A simple tavern with no rooms. Ran by a tired old halfling named Fred Fogglehorn. He is ready to retire and die soon and he wants everyone to know that. Especially since his family have died in the war, he now has nobody left at all.
  • Wheaten Heaven: A bakery run by Maya Vandersdottir, a happy and cheery woman. Her boyfriend, Lurik, is going off to the frontline (he will die).
  • Temple to Yondalla: A temple dedicated to the halfling God, ran by a faith struggling priest named Happy Twist. Their colleague, Siri Good-Faith, has gone on an adventure.
  • The Pig Sty: A simple village green where carnival games are played regularly.
  • Storbaer

    Amongst the worst slums of Jameleska, Storbaer lies within the middle walls and has a seedy and rotten reputation. A majority farm and food production area, Butchers Row, a large street is fully of butcheries and meat storing warehouses. There is a smell of baked goods and raw meat constantly in the air, and the place is anything but Hygienic.  

    Points of Interest

    - The Bloody Apron: A rough but charming tavern on Butchers Row, ran by Pugrath the Fat, a bearded and bald man with an impressive laugh and a waraxe on his side to stop any trouble. - The Darklight Inn: A former inn that was a front for the Jameleskan branch of the Skallen Syndicate. It has been left abandoned after Doomed 2 Die helped to wipe out the syndicate, with its massive dungeons below being constantly patrolled by milita from house Stone. -The Wolf and Raven: A now abandoned inn that is being occupied by Goblins. It is “ran” by Jubilly Jube, a fat and slightly bearded goblin. The tavern is a complete tip. Other patrons include a drunk bugbear named Shrawn, or the “Sipping Sergeant,” the “Rat Whisperer!” goblin with his Flute of Rat Whispering and a diaper on his head, and the Bard, “Compario” who sings a tenor voice and has a long moustache.
  • Tough Hide: A leather workers and tanners ran by the rotund gnome Horban Druse. He and his family craft all sorts of leather items, such as instruments, Armor, gear, and shields.
  • Freda's Fresh Foods: A general food store ram ran by the shrewd and tough Freda. Sells food stuff
  • Stobaer General Goods: A general goods store ran by a grey skinned tiefling named Ghost, he sells common items. The R has fallen off the sign.
  • Bleeding Bull Apothecary: A simple apothecary and healing place ran by a Tiefling follower of Njord and sister of Ghost, her name is Phasta, she makes the potions herself. She is constantly comparing to the local nobles to improve sanitation in the city.
  • Herky Jerky: A travelling food stall ran by the popular gnome Herky. He always has a smile on his face and never lets anything get to him.
  • - Odur's Temple: A temple to Odur tucked away near the river, it primarily deals in healing. Torban Sun-Bringer and his husband, Rangor, are the priests here.
  • Shrine to the Divine: A smaller multi-faith church with a variety of clerics, including Sister Alesia, the optimistic do-gooder who helped doomed 2 die uncover the Skallen Syndicate
  • Hallow Fields Park: A large park between this district and Lightwater, it is reasonably well maintained by the digilgant park warden, a Summer Eladarin named Parker, he takes the rules of the park very seriously. Some fey have been drawn here too. Parker is searching for a gang of “hoodlums” who are vandalising the park, namely putting “vulgar phallic images” in the flower patches.
  • Cock Fighting Ring: A cockrel fighting ring below one of the butchers shop, players can come and bet here. A large Dwarf named Vorstig run the arena.
  • Stonewall Manor: A gothic manor home to the Stone family. Earl Yorik Stone, a greedy and cruel man in league with the Skallen lives here. His heir, a nephew, Joseph, is kept in poor conditions and forced to wear rags. His civilian guard are based here and are very corrupt.
  • Lightwater

    Lightwater is a wealthy area famous for its Elven and half-elven population and military HQ, Spearfurrow Keep. The district has an elegant and elven style design and numerous elven temples. The district primarily functions as a Market economy, with a grand large market in its centre. The rest work as fishermen or supporting the military. The district is run from an impressive manor near the markets called Castle Snowflower. The Snowflowers run the district.  

    Points of Interest:

    - The Trader's Pillow: A large market side in with numerous rooms and stables. The inn is always bustling throughout the day and has an impressive number of staff. The inn is ran by Suri Elistas, a full elf who’s father moved here to fight giants about 600 years ago taking the family with her. Her elderly mother runs the apothecary.
  • Lightwater Stop: An oceanside tavern with a stable, ran by a human and half-elf named Ori and Lindiysia respectively. The Inn is popular with the fisherman population.
  • - The Crossed Spears: A military inn ran by a veteran named Major Rorstaff. This inn is more popular with the grunt soldiers than the officers.
  • The Sleeping Serpent: A fancier inn near the mansions and military camp, ran by Yisilda Finn, a Triton, who serves the military officers well. A pair of tridents mark the back bar, as do stuffed heads of numerous sea beasts.
  • The Coachman: A quieter, residential inn ran by a half-elf family called the Gurinshels. Found in the residential quarters
  • Asrinheim Herbs: A herbal shop ran by the elderly Myilanon, the mother of Suri, they perform healing magic and make all manners of potions. They are struggling on healing potions as all of them are going to the military at the moment. A family banner can be found hanging on the back wall.
  • Market Cats: An herbal shop ran by the elderly Myilanon, the mother of Suri, they perform healing magic and make all manners of potions. They are struggling on healing potions as all of them are going to the military at the moment. A family banner can be found hanging on the back wall.
  • Dockside Supplies: A Supply and general goods shop on the docks, ran by the widowed Nora Drell, a human who’s half-elf husband has just died. She hangs the Jameleskan flag proudly outside and can often be found after hours on a bench by the docks feeding geese.
  • Lightwater Smithee: A War Smiths attributed blacksmith ran by Urmod Goldhammer, a greedy and bellow average War Smith.
  • The Ship's Tassel: A boat supply shop ran by a peg legged old man named Hordi.
  • Bubbling Tonics: A tonic shop ran by a brewer named Iris Black, half-elf and tiefling.
  • - Tastes of Flavour: A spice and cooking shop ran by a retired and nostalgic elven cook who used to work at the keep. But retired when his memory stopped being what it used to, their named is Palion the Flavourful.
  • Tinker's Tailors: A gnome tailor called Lugi Tinker, the son of a gnome clock maker, left his father’s shop in Old Jotunbrygee to persue his true passion: fashion.
  • Rayes Cartographer's and Supplies: A map making and adventuring supply shop ran by the affluent Rayes family, Falia Rayes is based here with her mother Amidrilia Rayes and her siblings.
  • Temple of Correlon: This large temple of Correlon can be found in the market, it is circular in shape and has impressive marble columns. There is a small band of clerics based here, who live in a private grove and accommodation behind the temple. They are headed by the gender neutral high cleric Marise
  • Grove of Hanali: The grove of Hanali is a small temple/shrine near the wall with Out Jotunbrygge. The grove is a prominent dating spot used for Elven weddings and bonding ceremonies, the priestess, Tesh, is incredibly flirty but knowledable and shrewd.
  • Church of St Maria: A small divinitist Chapel led by an Eldrian Elf named Moridyiers, devout and welcoming, she welcome all and is happy to provide sanctuary. She is an advocate for peace so the more military supporting members of the district are very against her.
  • Lightwater Circus: A large circus with a permanent group of entertainers, small roller coasters, games, and water sports can be found here.
  • Snowflower Manor: A large and old manor with the remnants of a fortress on its outside, this is the home to the Snowflower family
  • War Memorial: A large memorial for the fallen in the various Giant Wars that can be found outside the military base.
  • Column of Valeska: This large statue of Valeksa is dedicated to the founder of the local dynasty and hero of the city, the statue stands in the market place.
  • Frostshore

    This is a busy and poorer neighbourhood devoted to manufacturing, especially textiles. The lack of supplies during the war saw rising tensions between the workers and manufactory owners, but with peace an uneasy truce has been declared between the Worker's Union and the Gloomer family who hold lordship over the district. The streets are cluttered and busy, wide avenues lead to the dockside workshops, with narrow lanes windikng their through homes and tenements. The city is most famous for its smell of burning wool and brick construction work.  

    Points of Interest:

    - The Cat and Needle: A pleasant central inn with three floors and boarding rooms, a small stable can be found as well. The sign is pleasant and shows a cat knitting a mouse. It is ran by a Zhonsi Tabaxi named Jungallaar, and their half-elf friend Delin. A popular and promiscuous bard named Cedar plays here, he is human and frequently in trouble with powerful factory owners for his romances.
  • The Singing Salmon: A tucked away and quiet tavern popular with the workers, a female bard named Lilian has moved in and is playing anti-capitalist songs whilst wearing a beret. The inn is ran by the empathetic and gentle human named Dill. He is easily mislead and far too generous.
  • Mammoth in the Castle: A bustling inn by the dockside ran by Tannasssa, a charming working-class halfling known for her chatty attitude and infectious laughter.
  • - The White Will: A tavern named after the eponymous dragon. Ran by an old Elf who recalls the dragon's tale named Ranimir. The inn is popular with the guards and soldiers. - The Angel on the Wall: A wealthier tavern popular with the elites of the area, near the nicer estates. Ran by a veteran named Postorn.   - The Scrap: A tailors ran by an entrepreneurial gnome named Kondy who takes waste fabrics from the workshops at night and makes them into general clothing
  • Touch of Sole: A cobblers ran by an old half-elf named Saul.
  • Bottom of the Shelf: A general goods store ran by a human named Horis, he is obsessed with collecting as much useless things as possible and selling them on.
  • Wool Square Markets: A large market place near the dockyards selling wholesale trade goods, with a smaller general goods and food market attached to it.
  • Shrine to Garl Glittergold: A small temple to the gnomeic Pantheon, especially Garl Glittergold, is ran by the priest Holy Smoot. He is confused about the vandalism that occurs sporadically.
  • Temple of Ormod: A simple temple in Aedrinarian style, ran by the cleric Fratma.
  • Thunderbolt Stadium: A horse racing arena with contests and gambling available.
  • Frostshore Marina: A simple marina for private and industrial vessels, many nobles moor their private party ships here with private mercenary groups hired to look after them.
  • Frost Folly: This large well fortified keep hugs the coastline, it is a large and formidable tower atop a bailey, with a ring of walls around it. The external décor is lacking, but inside some fine art and trophies can be found. The Gloomers were once famous warriors and hunters and earned their place in the aristocracy a century ago. They are considered somewhat miserable for halflings with a bleak outlook to match their forlorn faces. There are 7 members of the family, led by Lord Derik Gloomer and Lady June Gloomer, with their heir, Kelvid Gloomer working as an officer in the cavalry. Their youngest son, Aidel, is quite happy and optimistic and wants to become a bard.
  • Frostshore Barracks: A large barracks and home to the Hammers, the engineers of the army. Quartermaster Rigin Flue is happy to help with military equipment procurement and repair.
  • Southam

    A large and industrial sector with massive workshops and factories dedicated to engineering machines, military equipment, and whatever suppliers the people need. As such, the region is doused in smog and pollution, gas lanterns can be found throughout the district to illuminate it. The place has a very gothic vibe to it.  

    Points of Interest

    - The Coughing Halfling: A simple workers inn that looks like a Victorian pub. It is ran by a gnome family named the Smoggleberrys, with the northern miner stereotype of Gus Smoggleberry running the tavern.
  • The Hammering Haddock: A dockside tavern near a lot of the main factories. It is a popular stopping ground of the Workers Union. It is ran by the human Tumok Varash, a strange outlaw from Agypeon in Ombosu.
  • The Glittering Gem: A tall and narrow tavern wedged between tenements. It is frequently busy and is ran by Gorgina Glass, a gold skinned Tiefling.
  • The Duke's Arms: A traditional inn with a stable and plenty of old fashioned type rooms. It is ran by the Dorhein family of Aedrinarian descent. A dragonborn bard from the Crag named Grashorax plays here.
  • The Ass and Anvil: A pleasant and colourful inn near the Twokirks district. Ran by a Dwarf and former blacksmith named Nomagander Nonaurbusiness.
  • Shartleberry's: A gas, lantern, and method of light dealer, ran by Sherry Shartleberry, a gnome.
  • Iron Brewers: A large brewery and wholesale company ran by the Nurvir family of Eldrian Elves.
  • War Smith Southam Depot: The war smiths civilian requirement smithing foundry. Its foreman is Borstan Smarthe, a deep dwarf.
  • Hairy Pikers: A pie based bakery ran by a fat and unhygenic haregon named Rashan.
  • Gnomic Basilica: A large gothic cathedral dedicated to the gnome gods and funded by the Cloudfetcher family. It is ran by Henry Hoon, Archpriest.
  • Church of Divine Salvation: A simple but run down Divintist church ran by Mother Lesh, a half-orc.
  • Mausoleum of Urogalan: A temple and large cemetery to the Halfling god of Death, most halflings in Jameleska are buried here. It is ran by the rather morose and dire Brother Tulton.
  • The Air Emporium: A large underground leisure environment ran by a drop out mage of Rosengratz college named Seth which offers fresh air and “recreational gasses” to appease the workers.
  • Southam Parade: A simple carnival and theme park styled attraction in the heart of the city.
  • Skyline Hall: An impressive citadel suspended from wires above the smog of the city, serves as the administrative home of the Cloudfetchers and the mayor of Southam, Barys Cloudfetcher, a constantly stressed gnome. The Artillery established a base here to deter jotun attacks on this portion of the walls.
  • Cloudfetcher Foundry: This large manufactory produces the materials and vehicle's for the city's Cable Car line.
  • Twokirks

    Twokirks is an industrial area dominated by the religious classes and is centred around the crafting of stone and religious work. There are two momentous temples in the region, one dedicated to Divinitus, the other to Moradin. Smaller religious settlements, seminaries, monasteries, and reliquaries can be found throughout the district. The district is ran by the Dual Bishopric of Thunderpriest Trosvald Vortinvild and Canon Desrin Monteforte who rule with a religious council in Faith Manor, a large chateau in the centre of the district.  

    Points of Interest:

  • The Sleeping Deacon: A popular marketplace inn with several rooms. It is ran by an autumn Eladrin named August Wren. Travelling bards are encouraged to play here.
  • The Gilded Spoon: A wealthier tavern for a more discerning clientele, ran by Linda Ryle, a human.
  • The Old Grove: A simple tavern popular with the workers, ran by a family of halflings called the Finderstens.
  • A Sign From God: A shop stocking holy symbols and cleric supplies, ran by a Water Genasi named Gush.
  • Cure Wounds Apothecary: A healing potion and healing spell component shop, ran by Borsch Shinefinder, a dwarf and cleric of Moradin.
  • - God Compare: A bookstore selling religious and historic texts, ran by an old half-elf named Garius. Based of Gaius from Merlin.
  • Celestau's: A bakery ran by the egotistical but talented half-elf sorcerer Pierre Gateau, a refugee from East Marcia.
  • The Nine Shells: A trinket and fish shop ran by a rugged old Aedrinarian human named Granskir Netcaster.
  • Moradinvir: The largest dwarven cathedral to Moradin outside of the three kingdoms,although towering above the city, it actually goes several stories underground. The Dwarven crypts can be found beneath the city as well. The temple is ran by the seventh child of the Vortinvild noble family from two generations ago, an elderly and stern dwarf who has forged three clans of clerics. Shrines to the other dwarven deities can be found within.
  • Basilica of St Vitus: A relatively new cathedral with an impressive dome dedicated to St Vitus, its is orante and golden within with several reliquaries around. Although the Canon is technically in charge, Enda Grass, a halfling goosemother, is in charge.
  • Monastery of St Tannacus: A quiet and isolated monastery dedicated to St Tannacus, it trains martial warriors.
  • St Marhone's Abbey: An abbey headed by Abbess Hurica Jonderbold. It serves as an archive and library as well, with ancient crypts below where Sister Dima Farsight runs the archives
  • Temple to Odin: A school and temple dedicated to Odin with large courtyard depicting a totem of the God. It is headed by Jorginvar, the distinct cousin of Orginvar of Oskunstrond
  • Chapel of the Glittergold: A small chapel led by Frinty Glittersky, a happy and annoyingly optimistic gnome.
  • Draconist Pagoda: This large pagoda is headed by a Crystal Dragonborn named Ruinshirak. Training in the Ascended dragon is available from him.
  • Duke Montford Museum of Jameleskan History: A large and impressive museum dedicated to the history of the city and its vassals. The museum houses exhbits on ancient Svartvelheim, the Jotun, Jamel and Valeska, and the city's various wars throughout the years. There is also a novelty gift shop selling branded stationary.
  • - All Saint's Gardens: A large garden with religious statues to all sorts of deities. The park houses numerous religious ceremonies and local fayre's in the summer months, in winter it houses the Twokirk's Yuletide festival.
  • Faith Manor: A large stone chateau in the All Saints Gardens. It is the centre of civilian government where the religious council rules from. The council is headed by the head of the basilica and the head of the temple of Moradin. Other religious heads from around the district meet here.
  • Wintergate

    Wintergate is a medium sized but densely packed industrial quarter and a hub of smithing. The War Smiths are effectively in control of this area and have banned the Worker’s Union, although they work in small groups. An extremist faction known as the “Brothers in Masks” operates terror activities on the war smiths group.  

    Points of Interest

  • The Chimney Sweep: A tavern atop a large foundry popular with workers on break. A bard named Vintder, a non-binary half elf works the piano here. A dwarf named Gorvan runs the bar with a few workers, a Bordello can be found here as well, and is ran by a dwarf named Braigir.
  • The Iron Pot Inn: A large brick building with multiple cheap rooms in the heart of the shopping area. Dominated by the travelling carts and merchants the inn has touring musicians from across Jotun, but is currently playing resident to a band of gnomes called the Purple Worms.
  • The Rivet and Nail: A smaller tavern with a few rooms available. Industrial vibe but not too popular. Ran by a Firbolg with goggles named Jagget.
  • Wintergate Markets: The markets are grungy and have a large old column depicting Luntner Frostfall, the founder of the war smiths, all the other shops and the now largely abandoned Worker’s Union Hall. Food and general goods can be bought here, alongside two wells.
  • House of Curiosities: A minor magic items and trinkets store ran by an old gnome named Bortwell.
  • Living Aid: An apothecary and healing magic item shop ran by an artificer and alchemist duo. Lunar Knight, a white dragonborn artificer, and Elwyr Daye, a green skinned tiefling alchemist
  • Temple to the Morndinsamman: This medium sized temple is ran by Elder Anders Thunderbolt, a dwarven cleric of Dumathoin.
  • Vorrenborg

    This formally densley packed and industrial district was once the heart of weapon production. Contained between the inner and outer walls, Vorrenborg also had two internal walls seperating it from surrounding districts. The area was destroyed by the Snow Lord and his armies during the war, with no current plans to begin redevelopment as the duchy transitions from a war to peacetime economy.   The district once housed a few notable landmarks including Weeping Halls Asylum which once housed famous inmates such as Lady Eris Snowfower and Roland Rose III. The district has been partially rebuilt by a group of drunk engineers who have made everything slightly wonky.  


    A market district famous for its early third age stone bridge built by the engineer Sormin Olbander. This area housed multiple warehouses and trade depots, it is left largely in ruins with ongoing repair work after the Snow Lord's army launched a last ditch effort to destroy the city. The Olbander markets were an impressive open forum in the neo-marcian style that were once a major tourist destination. The Battle of Olavsbridge heavily damaged them, with a lot of the impressive design work now left in rubble.  


    This agricultural district housed the largest inner-walls farm before its destruction before the battle of Olavsbridge. Only about one third of the population managed to escape the destruction, with only a few buildings left standing, including the Shrine to St Casserby.  


    This large district is dominated by stone buildings and is largely residential, home to many military officers and training grounds. Some supporting industry can be found here, and the area is ran by the Dargurssen family. As such, there is little civilian presence, but what civilians were present are currently holed up in temporary camps in Eldergate after some last hour fighting between the jotun and local military damaged the outlying portions of this district.  

    The Northern Walls

    These multiple suburban districts occupy the northern portion of the outer walls. Composed of various areas, they are largely unremarkable sprawls of small wooden homes with spattered markets and inns. The Cavalry have their headquaters here, in the wealthier district of Eldergate. The economy is largely service with minor industry work.

    Guilds and Factions

    Cloud Fetcher Guild

    This artificing guild is run by the noble cloudfetcher family and is responsible for the public transit of the city. A private institute, the guild employs nearly three thousand people across the districts from engineers to drivers and labourers. The Guild is the most powerful and wealthy private capital group.  

    Rosengrantz College

    A wealthy and elitist private magical school, many third sons or daughters unlikely to inherit noble titles find there way here. The children of wealthy merchants are also pushed to attend, with the graduates earning prestigious positions in the army, manufacturing companies, or aristocratic court. The College is based in the Southbank area of Old Jotunbrygge and brings in much of the commerce for the surrounding area. The school is no contest to somewhere like The Miskatonic, but holds an esteemed reputation within Jameleska.  

    Jameleskan Army

    The army is a key part of the local culture. It was formally commanded by Lord Wilbur Vortinvild until his death in the fall of Vorrenborg along with much of the ruling council of generals. Control was transfered to General Alexander Stoneguard of the Royal Guard. The army is currently experience a massive boost in popularity after the war, especially amongst the Scouts division.   The army has seven divisions:
  • Scouts:A special operations group that traditionaly road beyond the walls and into enemy territory to sow chaos and strike behind their lines.
  • The Hammers: An engineers group that were famous for building the walls, their prestige has decline in the third age but their invention of Titan Gear has earned the envy of many armies.
  • The Artillery: The Artillery were a city-based force that developed large scale siege equipment. They were pivotal during the defence of Jameleska in the last war, helping to keep back raiding forces.
  • The Infantry: A melee specialised force equipment with Titan gear, the infantry have a reputation of being grunts. They suffered massive losses in the battle of Olavsbridge, with their losses massively effecting their prestige.
  • The Cavalry: Also known as the glaives, the cavalry were considered an officer class for younger children in noble families to earn titles and prestige in the likelihood they would not inherit. The cavalry accepted non-noble officers, but they were in the severe minority.
  • The Royal Guard: Considered the weakest of the forces, the Royal Guard protect the Duke and their family, acting as their own private standing army.
  • The Shadows: An intelligence and spy network, the Shadows were disbanded after the treaty of Lastlight, but were refounded during the last war, their numbers are kept secret and their activities during the war unknown. It is theorised the talk of restablishing the Shadows was simply propaganda.
  • The Trade Guild

    A coalition of merchant societies and companies, the guild help to organize the safe trading and financial operations of the city, helping to run the ports, banks, and organize private financing for enterprise. The Guild is optional to sign up for, and work more as an advisory and standards enforcement agency rather than a powerful faction in their own right. The Guild frequently lobby the government for tax breaks and a more 'lazie-faire' economic style.  

    The War Smiths

    The War Smiths are a monopolistic faction of blacksmiths who have systimatically bought up the majority of indepdent blacksmiths in the city. Their connections to nobility have seen them granted lucrative contracts to supply the army and milita with equipment. Despite being amongst the most public facing guild of the city and their dwarven heritage, their smithing is considered substandard by most, with exports of Jameleskan weapons considered "cheap" and those searching Jameleskan trade will opt for items forged by the fire giants of Astergor, a market the War Smiths have failed to overcome.  

    The Worker's Union

    See Also Worker's Union  The Worker's Union is a labour and trade union organization formed by various working and peasant class groups across the city. They formed in 1001, 3e, during the General Revolt against working conditions in the city after a spate of accidents in the manufactories. The Union helped campaign for fairer housing and work safety in the city, and provide counselling and healthcare to those who cannot afford private apothecaries. The Union faces constant pressure from the nobility and trade guild, but remains popular and galvinzed. In 1051, the Worker's Union of Rosethorpe were destroyed.


    Jameleska's origins are in the early 2nd age, likely during the 6th-7th centuries when Jamel and Valeska returned from Asrinheim to build their own kingdom in Jotun and establish a free port.   Before the founding of the city, the Legend of Jamel and Valeska talks of a small human settlement called Jotunbrygge existed as a frontier outpost in the late first age-early second age. This village also appears in some legends of Thor, it is supposidly the sight he laid down Mjolnir for a hundred years. The village came under regular raids by the frost giants of Jotun, and was directly under the control of a set of three giant lords called the Eternal Ones. These giants were worshippers of Varpak, and had turned themselves into a chimeric beast. The heroes and founders of the city, Jamel and Valeska, ice elves on their early pilgrimage for rites of adulthood came to the village to fight the everlasting one and free the village, they were ultimately succesful but unwittingly absored the divine spirit of Varpak, which would pass down their bloodline.   The village expanded thanks to the work of the two heroes and founders, and when they returned centuries later they began to build a large booming down, becoming the first kings. After their death, supposidly around the 10th century of the second age, the town was a simple free port that came in and out of Jotun control with various jarls taking control until the rise of the Jamelkyn dynasty in the 1480s.   The Jamelkyn dynasty were descendends of Jamel, and had held powerful rank within the town, often alternating with their allies the Valeskir, the descendents of Valeska, in being Jarl. It was Dalion I who began the first proper exapansion, leading a coalition army to defeat the forces of the Frost King in the Battle of Faewood Glen, expanding the city's control and declaring himself King of Jameleska, naming the new kingdom after its founders. Over time, Jameleska became so associated with Jotunbrygge it became the official name of the city as well as its political state. The oldest portion of the city still carries the name Old Jotunbrygge to continue the city's foundational legacy.   The city become a true power for the first time in 1776, 2e, with the assencion of Ragnir I, a member of the Ragnirssen dynasty who assumed control through a duel from the Jamelkyns. The Ragnirssens originated in Drekenheim and supposidly had access to an ancient Derro forge, which they used to build the Hammer of Thunderbolts. With this Hammer, they created the inner walls and its forticiations and waged a new war on the Jotun, suppodibly taking Jastingrag and Theygor.   The Hammer of Thunderbolts became the royal weapon and symbol of power for the city's rulers, and an age of stagnation came with the fall of the Ragnirssens when the ineffectual king Drengar II lost the hammer in a duel with Ragnir III of the Axeholder clan. The city's massive expansion continued for a hundred more years, with the middle walls being completed under the reign of Irgmir, and the last portion of the outer walls being finished by Duchess Fae Snowflower. The Snowflower dynasty claimed descent from the Valeskir clan through marraige. At this time, the middle walls became small settlements and suburbs, whilst the outer walls remained for farmland only.   Outer colonies were lost to renwed offensives from the Jotun, eventually leaving only the city and its impressive walls. By the time of Paladin II, the title king was formally dropped and Duke taken in its stead. This period of decline was made worse when Duke Persperon lost the Hammer of Thunderbolts on a failed war agains the jotun beyond the walls, beginning a period of civil strife throughout the walls.   The loss of territory had forced the population entirely within the walls, and the districts grew with less and less farmland, which saw immense poverty. This issue was only solved by Duke Valiant III, who forged new diplomatic relationships with the human jarldoms and Ice Elf city states, creating a steady supply of food into the city. It was also Valiant who formally reorganized the army under the reforms of Lord Marnius Rose, creating the army as it exists today.   This small revitalization and stablization stopped under the reign of Duke Ivarr the Cruel, whose despotism saw another rise in civil war, with each area of the walls being de-facto indepdent. It took the rise of the Rossendorf dynasty, former Tumbrian nobles, to seize control from Ivarr and retake the districts from the fighting warlords. Duke Karl I was responsible for restablishing the duchy proper, ending the period of anarchy. The city still struggled to rebound, and Duke Wilhelm formally submitted to the Snow Lord, turning the city into a vassal state ruled from Jastringrag by the Snow Lord.   This period of submission allowed the city to subtly crow, the Jotun allowed the city to operate as a freeport, but extracted heavy taxes. This period did see some widespread immigration into the city, bringing new talent and growing the district even more. After 150 years of Jotun rule, Henry I began a rebellion against the Snow Lord, defeating the Giant garrisons and redeclaring Jameleskan independence. During this war, multiple states from around Aedrinar pledged to help, and longships from across the isles turned up to fight for the duke. The war was in a constant stalemate in and around the Titansgrove, with the borders fluxating in and out of the forest and south towards and away from Storonthorpe. In 671, 3e, the Rossendorf line was nearly extinquished when four seperate attacks saw all but one of the children of Duke Mark Rossendorf die.   His daughter, Matilda II, united the most powerful noble houses through marriage, birthing the current ruling dynasty, the Jamelkyn-Rosendorf-Axeholders. The war had waged on for centuries by this point, and both sides had faced severe losses. Under the guidance of the Order of St Tara, the Frost King and Duke Drengar IV, son of Matilda II, signed the Treaty of Lastlight, giving Jameleska massive amounts of territory as a duchy, but still as a vassal of the Snow Lord. The City experience a century of a new golden age, before stagnation and corruption seeped through again.   Jameleska was largely neutral during the 40 year war, but sent some units as part of their oath to the Frost King to help fight in Commonwealth Front. Some of these units fought in the incredibly draining battle of Salian Isle, which helped to reestablish the myth of Jameleskan military might. In 1052, the city was once again plunged into war, with the Snow Lord declaring war and nearly destroying the city as part of his goals to reabsorb the gifts of Varpak from the decendents of Jamel and Valeska.


    • Jameleska
    Founding Date
    Second Age
    Large city
    around 1 Million
    Related Ethnicities
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Additional Rulers/Owners
    Owning Organization
    Appearances: 24
    • Session 38: Here there be Giants
    • Session 39: The Miserables
    • Session 40: A Bath of Mystery
    • Session 41: Fall of Faylock
    • Session 42: Missing in Action
    • Session 43: Answers and Questions
    • Session 44: Honour Amongst Thieves
    • Session 45: Skallen Betrayed
    • Session 46: The Paladin's Gem
    • Session 47: Tombraiders
    • Session 48: Wall Vorrenborg Falls
    • Session 49: The Titans
    • Session 50: Weeping Halls
    • Session 51: Ballroom Blitz
    • Session 64: Battle of Jastingrag
    • Session 65: Tales from Jameleska Pt.1
    • Session 66: Tales from Jameleska Pt.2
    • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Alternate Reality)
    • Session 90: Return to Jameleska
    • Session 91: Cavern of the Worm
    • Session 92: Ruins
    • Session 93: The Truth
    • Session 94: Return of the Bard
    • Session 95: Scions


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