Unified Lands of Antochus

Antochus was a great human leader, who unified 5 lands constantly at war, to fight a common threat. They now seek to unify all of Dorimov if possible.


Council of the 5 - a representative from each of the 5 lands that make up the ULA


The ULA has a very unified culture, it took a while for them to feel like that, but since the unification of the 5 different countries, and the subsequent Unification Day celebrations each year, where the different Countries come and share their culture with the rest of the people. There are still stories of how bad the wars were so the people are grateful to have peace in the land. While the different cultures of the 5 areas are quite different, they are coming closer every year.
Some culture of the different areas:
  • Arewan - They have lots Yaks, and agriculture. They have really good Yak milk and make lots of dishes from it.
  • Yimmara - Near the western ocean and they have lots of fish and fish related dishes. They are some of the best fishers around and pioneered some techniques for making nets.
  • Gabash - Near the eastern ocean and they have some really great Ship building techniques and pride themselves on it.
  • Kaw'dur - Live near the forest and have some enmity with the elves that have been displaced over time. They have strong warriors and impressive wood carving and crafting techniques.
  • Antochar - Home of the capital and lots mining and farming due to the proximity to the mountains. They pride themselves on being the home of Antochus the Unifier.


Due to the various nations and spread across the continent, they have a huge variety of assets. Fish, fishing nets, boats, lumber, ore, lots of farmland and more.

Demography and Population

80% Human 20% Other


5 lands of Antochus
  • Antochar (center)
    • Formerly Iyokar
  • Gabash (east coast)
  • Kaw’dur (south by the lake)
  • Yimmara (west coast)
  • Arewan ( north-east)


  • Omihar - God of Humans
  • Lirauna - Goddess of Light
  • Karash - God of Justice and War
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Untaken Stronghold
Ruling Organization
Economic System
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations


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