

Vaqoril is split into 4 different Sultanates, with a Prime Sultan ruling over them all from the capital Krask. The 4 Sultanates mostly have autonomy, but they work together for the betterment of the nation. The 4 Sultanates are simply referred to by North,South,East and West


The people of Vaqoril are very superstitious, especially when it comes to bloodlines. Tieflings, Aasimar, and half-human races are generally looked down upon. As well as twins / triplets etc. There have been many instances randomly of people having issues with these groups, which spreads into more and more stories and legends, leading the general people to believe these things are bad omens, hence why they get shunned. The relative Isolation of Vaqoril being an island propagates this issue further. The people from each of the Sultanates look at each other differently as well. Usually having their own reasons for thinking their Sultanate is better than the others. Vaqoril is hot and dry, small deserts mean that travel is more difficult than you'd think, so caravans are very common to ensure safe travel. The people generally wear lots of layers and various head wrappings to protect from the hot sun.


Vaqoril is the only place in the world with a Mage College dedicated to the study of Dunamancy, a relatively newly discovered school of magic that deals with the effecting of time and gravity.


Geopolitical, Country
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure


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