
Written by NagaOuroboros

Mission Statement: To research and develop ideas in the realms of hoplology, polemology, tactics, strategy, and both magickal and martial arts of combat. However, a new, stronger emphasis is being put on the use of these fields in service to the Consortium itself, to secure and defend it from external threats. In this, a collaborative bond with the departments of Aetheric Studies, Information, and Creation is ideal to produce a wholistic defense strategy.


The Ravenshield   The Ravenshield is split into two sub-groups, the Home Wing and the Expeditionary Wing.
  • The Home Wing: Ravens who maintain security for the Islands and the facilities on it. They patrol the perimeter, man any checkpoints, and are trained in the skills needed to be posted as guards for the facilities of other departments. The Armory Guard is a sub-section of the Home Wing which are specifically responsible for the Armory Vaults and the maintenance and security of the esoteric weapons and armor held inside.
  • The Expeditionary Wing: Ravens that accompany any venture outside the Isles by researchers, archaeologists, or other personnel to provide security in the field. Their job is simply to safeguard these people from threats, be they beast or spoken, in order that they can do their jobs effectively. The Expeditionary Wing would also be responsible for the security of any off-site outposts that the Consortium might set up.

  •   The Talons   These Ravens are a specialized force (aka mainly Player Characters) of highly-capable individuals that tackle the more esoteric and dangerous threats in a more pro-active manner than the Ravenshield would. They are usually the first boots on the ground when a mission is engaged, and acompany Ravens on the most dangerous of tasks. The Talons are also responsible for individual fieldwork as well when either more information is needed, or a smaller group is needed.
    Department Head: Captain Tefh Khamazom
    Alternative Names
    Ruling Organization
    Controlled Territories
    Current Members:
    • Xora Amariyo
    • Borteni the Liar
    • Ayane Oshidari
    • Reikoko Reiko
    • Velkna Ornedwsfv
    • Ogtbish Dotharl
    • Quincy Caprise