The Raven's Keep

While many of the buildings of Raven’s Perch are a combination of styles, from Hingan and Doman to Dalmascan and Thavnairian, the Keep is closer to the style used by Bhujerba and Caedes. Standing at three stories tall above ground, the Keep also has a number of underground levels as well. Indeed, in some points it even gives an image of its namesake as a keep with stone walls surrounding its gardens and building proper. Within the walls are a host of facilities, and the central portion of every day life for those who work for the Consortium. From the infirmary to the cafeteria to even the barracks themselves, Ravens can find most of their needs met within the walls.  


The Keep has a number of defenses at its disposal should it ever find itself under assault. The first of these are the magical wards. These wards are designed and maintained by the Aetheric Studies Department, focusing on preventing the acts of voidsent summoning, teleportation within the Keep itself, and protection from spells.   Then there are the defenseive mammets that are deployed to the main doors of the Keep and out in the garden. These mammets are large and designed purely for combat. Should they be activated by a threat they will eliminate the threat immediately.   There are also security checkpoints throughout the Keep, managed by the Ravenshield Division of the Challenge Department.