
Written by thehomage

This is another Department whose responsibilities may not immediately be known, especially given that their Department Head is referred to as the Head Administrator. The basics of it is that Keepers of Records are responsible for the management of all knowledge and information that exists within the Consortium. A simple statement for a not so simple mission.  
  • Library Management: Though no where near as extensive as the former Library of the Lost, the facilities within which the Raven's Keep Consortium stores its tomes, knowledge, and records are by no means small. Indeed, few aside from the Pathfinders are able to find their way around the stacks of books and rows of bookcases without becoming lost. This says nothing of the various security measures in place to protect the more dangerous information each department entrusts to the Keepers of Records.
  • Consortium Finances: One never quite understands the gravity of finances when it comes to large organizations. It is a massive and complex thing that the Keepers of Records are responsible for. They maintain the payroll of Ravens, the movement of gil, a running tally of Consortium’s coffers, and all information pertaining to those that pay the Raven's Keep for services.
  • Internal Affairs: An aspect of the Keepers of Records that many may not be aware of is the investigative branch that handles matters that are internal to the Raven's Keep Consortium. Born out of necessity due to issues that developed within the Department of Information, the Internal Affairs Division is responsible for investigating any incidents within the Consortium. Ravens that make up this division are the most impartial in all of the company. They do not care about right or wrong, but simply facts. It is their job to find out the truth of the matter and report these facts to the responsible Department Head from which the investigation originated. Though these investigations aren’t something that just occur out of the blue either, as Internal Affairs only acts on the behalf of a Department Head. Whether it is a single Department Head requesting an investigation within their own department, or three Department Heads requesting an investigation of another department these are the ones that IA provides the information to.
  • Mission Prep: As the group responsible for managing all knowledge and information, it also falls to the Keepers of Records to ensure all notes, scouting reports, and any other information related to ongoing missions can be found in the Mission Prep and Meeting Rooms at all times.
Department Head: Head Administrator Haunted Moon Current Members:
  • Nemenox Tisserand
  • Emi Narluna
  • Anastasia Cove
  • Maximillaux Dubois
  • Lera Golmarr
  • Aroris
  • Quincy Caprice