Azalin Rex

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In life Azalin was an arrogant wizard-tyrant who murdered his brother, executed his son, and embroiled his nation in unending war. The Mists claimed him and he emerged in Barovia. When the locals asked him who he was, he responed with "azal'Lan," meaning "wizard-king" in his native language.
In Barovia, Azalin formed a truce with Strahd von Zarovich. From the count and the land's ancient ruins, he learned much of the nature of the Domains of Dread. Azalin and Strahd attempted to escape Barovia multiple times, but failure and resentment eventually turned the villains into vicious rivals. When Azalin forsook Castle Ravenloft and reentered the mists, his own domain, Darkon, took shape around him.
Few understood the nature of the Domains of Dread and the Dark Powers more astutely than Azalin. The lich considered the Dark Powers his personal rivals and spent centuries concocting audacious plots to escape Ravenloft.
Lawful Evil
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Infernal


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