
In Barovia, the night is a curse. With the dying of the light, wicked souls slip from the darkened spires of Castle Ravenloft to work the will of an immortal overlord. This is the realm of the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, whose depravities have doomed him and countless generations to endlessly repeating cycles of obsession and despair.


Most of the valley of Barovia consists of rough terrain, with sheer cliffs and outcroppings and dense forests. Few areas are easily traversable, and it is dangerous to stray off the road. Winters are usually long and bitter.

Fauna & Flora

Much of the lower hilled forests throughout Barovia are made up of hardwood trees, such as beech, cherry, hazelnut, and oak. At higher elevations the predominant trees are evergreens, such as fir, pine, and spruce. The forests of Barovia teem with wildlife. Land animals such as deer, rabbits, rats, wolves, and bears are common in the woods. The sky is populated with ravens, hawks and songbirds, as well as nocturnal bats and owls.


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