Korozda Building / Landmark in Ravnica: City of Guilds | World Anvil
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Korozda surrounds the Golgari guildhall Svogthos. Korozda is an immense, circular maze of overgrown, fungus-encrusted ruins. Korozda is patrolled by an array of swarming vermin, giant insects, kraul, zombies, and gleancrawlers. At its center is is a great amphitheater, where the most important issues are brought to the Golgari's attention.   Penvar, the Hanging Keep is a castle fixed upside down on the ceiling above the entrance of Korozda.   Korozda contains Svogthos, the Golgari Guildhall. The arched subterranean structure is elaborately decorated and gilded, a sign that it used to be a cathedral of the Orzhov Syndicate. Denizens of Above would whisper of how the cathedral was beautiful, once. Its curved arches and stony towers glistened with obsidian and silver in days gone by. But the wear of centuries left it cold and damp, heavy with the smell of staleness and soil.
Alternative Names
Maze of Decay
Architectural Element, Entrance / Entryway
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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