Precinct Two Settlement in Ravnica: City of Guilds | World Anvil
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Precinct Two

Small houses, modest apartments, and commercial shops are sprinkled throughout Precinct Two, a place that law enforcement officers, lawyers, retired soldiers, and well-off working families call home. Corner shops cater to everyday needs, and many establishments are run by ex-soldiers. Streets are kept tidy, and buildings are maintained to be serviceable. Under the precinct's urbane veneer, tension simmers between law officers and the opportunistic crime families who call this precinct home. The folk who live in this precinct believe in performing civic duties, conforming to your role, and maintaining strong friendships and family ties. Good neighbours show respect to one another and enjoy competing among themselves to achieve greater successes.


  • Precinct Two
    Small houses, modest apartments, and commercial shops are sprinkled throughout Precinct Two, a place that law enforcement officers, lawyers, retired soldiers, and well-off working families call home. Corner shops cater to everyday needs, and many establishments are run by ex-soldiers. Streets are kept tidy, and buildings are maintained to be serviceable. Under the precinct's urbane veneer, tension simmers between law officers and the opportunistic crime families who call this precinct home. The folk who live in this precinct believe in performing civic duties, conforming to your role, and maintaining strong friendships and family ties. Good neighbours show respect to one another and enjoy competing among themselves to achieve greater successes.
Large town
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Included Locations


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