City of Ravnica Settlement in Ravnica: City of Guilds | World Anvil
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City of Ravnica

The City of Ravnica is a metropolis so vast that its name has long since become synonymous with the entire plane. Centuries of Ravnican business—powered in many cases by Izzet boilerworks and other guilds’ foundries—have saturated Ravnica’s atmosphere with all manner of industrial pollution. The City of Ravnica was made up of 10 districts, named in simple numerical order. No correlation exists between the ten guilds and the ten districts, all guilds are active in every district. The Tenth District, in particular, is a hotbed of activity where all the guilds maintain their primary headquarters. Beyond the core are countless other districts that originated as outlying cities that eventually melded into the expanding metropolis. To be governed effectively, the Tenth District is broken into six precincts, each the size of a small city. Precinct One (also known as the Guildpact Precinct) is the hub of the wealthy and powerful and Precinct Two is populated by businesses. In Precinct Three (the Greenbelt), nature has encroached on the urban environment, while the scarred streets of Precinct Four are a proving ground for soldiers and marauders alike. Precinct Five is characterized by its many schools, libraries and laboratories, and Precinct Six is the workers district with warehouses, docks and factories.
Alternative Name(s)
District Ten, New Ravnica
Location under


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