Cavern of Shattered Shadow Geographic Location in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Cavern of Shattered Shadow


Obviously transported from the surface via magical means, the enormous cavern holds a grove, pasture land, a small village, a glittering pool, a bridge over a chasm, a shrine and of course the Tower of Shattered Shadow itself. Rubble from the cavern, as well as the ruins of structures are found dotted all over the domain. Most of the moisture can be found around the pool, but something like dew does collect in the grove and pasture land from time to time - perhaps a memory of when it used to be above ground.


It is the known home to enormous Deathbridge beetles, giant spiders and stranged winged insects. Myconids (fungal folk) have made a village of sorts here. The domain is also crawling with undead. Skeletons and fast moving fleshy beings are known, but the incorporeal undead are certain to populate the area as well.


No one really knows when Domain of Shattered Shadow first appeared in the Undercity. Records kept by the Necrose Network predate Slate Eyes. It has existed long enough to become part of the rite of passage for many Golgari in the area to test themselves. The brave (or foolish) will challenge themselves to bring back the spear of a myconid of the domain, or the fang of a spider, or a mushroom from the necrotic pastures. Few return, but those that do are looked at as some of the bravest or luckiest in the swarm. It is said that Shardspear obtained his spear from this very place.   Most infamous is the tower itself. It is said to be inhabited by a creature terrible to behold. In some tales it is an undead master of magic. In other stories it is a creature that defies classification, and that thinking upon it leads to insanity. They say it holds the power of divination, and may grant a boon to those who deliver sacrifice or defeat it in combat. But even defeated, the being known as Nivudath has never been destroyed. It always returns and its domain endures.
Alternative Name(s)
Domain of Nivudath
Cave System
Owning Organization

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