Shardspear Character in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Master Orval (a.k.a. Shardspear)

It is said that Orval called Shardspear was once an enemy of the Golgari. It is said that he destroyed an entire nest with a small group of warriors. The tales speak of how he came face to face with the Fungal God Yithog, and was only then brought low. Orval was killed and the Golgari rejoiced.   But in the undercity, the dead don't remain so. Orval was seen again, his body infused with fungal growth weaving into his battle scars. He now understood death's clear place in Ravnica and so embraced the Golgari. He went on a vision quest, to seek out his soul weapon, and returned with a spear rent from the carapace of an insect the size of a house. He took his weapon, his knowledge and his newfound inner peace, and he became a teacher.   All these things the tales of Orval whisper. But he never speaks of them. He only speaks of now. He calmly embraces the future of death. He shows his students the ways of the blade, but also the path to inner calm. Because a true warrior loves death, and knows it will come.    Orval resides in Nesiss Slate Eyes' hive, but his allegiance is to the swarm as a whole. His training grounds are in the remains of a amphitheater near the Necrose Network.

Personality Characteristics


He serves the swarm as a teacher of its warriors and and a leader for times of war. Death is just another part of nature's true meaning.


Contacts & Relations

Mentor to Kallan.   Considers Deathgrasp and Nightsilk to be his peers. Slate Eyes is the lady he serves.

Social Aptitude

Shardspear is not known fo this conversational skills. He answers questions directly and simply. He will only give his opinion when asked. Orval controls his emotions at all times, making him very hard to read clearly.    Some of his pupils find him difficult. He will give clear instruction, but ask for constant repetition until perfection is achieved. When it is achieved he will usually just grunt and say "Lesson completed." He will only offer guidance if asked, but many times his guidance is "You already know what you need to do. Now you must do it."
Dark Brown and solemn
Frost white with bone ornaments
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned with glowing grey fungal growths
6' 7"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"A calm warrior is a deadly warrior."

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