Slate Eyes Character in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Slate Eyes

Hive Mother Nesiss (a.k.a. Slate Eyes)

The gorgon queen of the Writhing Hive and one of the more powerful arcane spell casters in this region of the undercity. While she has an imposing presence, Nesiss is soft spoken and assured. It is said she is very old, with memories before the pact, but she never speaks of those times. While not a mystic herself, she relies on the advice of the shamans that meet with her in council. She seems especially close with Elga Nightsilk, but few know of what connection brought the two together.   Some of the older hive members claim that she is a master archer, as well as being well versed in necromantic spell casting. But these days, few have seen her powers or abilities on display. It is said, that if Nesiss is forced to act, she doesn't hesitate or relent, and that she has few enemies - because she's destroyed them all.   Nesiss' grotto is a lovely fallen temple to a forgotten goddess located near the Necrose Network . It is well appointed with marble furniture and gold finery. The statues in her audience chamber are a reminder that she is far from powerless. It is said that a giant cobra also lives in her temple, but none have seen it and lived.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Tends to dress in scarlet, crimson and blood red. She typically wears gold jewelry. Usually gold rings and necklaces, with the occasional white gold piece if she feels like shaking it up.


Contacts & Relations

Close friends with Nighsilk and Caznia   Considers Orval Shardspear her military and defense lieutenant.


Nesiss rarely raises her voice. She always sounds calm and in control. It is said that when she grows angry, her eyes will start to glow a venomous green, hinting that her petrifying gaze is imminent.
Pale grey
Deep green with blue banded snakes and cobras
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Marble white
6' 0"

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