Libert Wezel Character in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Libert Wezel

Imperator Libert Wezel

Mental characteristics


While officially an Imperator for the Azorius Senate, Libert opperates independently. He serves as a investigator who focuses on helping people in District Ten with particular law enforcement needs, but outside official channels. Libert does keep extensive documentation of his work, but it is unclear if anyone from the Senate does a review of his cases.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Libert was part of a task force that uncovered a House Dimir plot within the Azorius. It was his willingness to break protocol, that obtained evidence of the subterfuge. The spies and saboteurs were arrested and prosecuted. However Libert was given the option for demotion or independent work as punishment for breaking procedure. He selected independent work.

Failures & Embarrassments

Not long after starting his independent operation, he took a client that was involved with goblin street gangs in the smelting quarter. At least that is what he was lead to believe. Turns out it was an elaborate prank staged by the Cult of Rakdos. They made a complete fool out of him, and he nearly died. Ever since then, he has been extra careful when selecting clients.

Morality & Philosophy

Libert aligns strongly with the rule of law. He feels order is the only way a massive city like Ravnica can continue to prosper and survive. However, he also realizes that dealing with chaotic opposition does sometimes require creative actions. He feels that as long as he is documenting his approach and his reasoning, he can defend his actions even to the great sphinx herself. Still, doubt does creep into him form time to time, and he will revert back to the safety of the law when he is in doubt.


Contacts & Relations

Friends with Bucket.   Kallan is his client.

Social Aptitude

Doesn't have much time for fun, jokes, or anything other than business. He can seem a bit cold and abrupt in his speech. But he will show flashes of warmth. He's seems to genuinely care about the welfare of others.
Forest green
Black and cropped on the sides
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown
5' 10"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"If you are unable to tell the truth, then simply say, I don't wish to answer that question." "That is as good as yes."

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