Lywy Otkar

Lywy Otkar was the first elected Empress of the Holy Gilder Empire, and the only member of Gairovald royalty to ever hold the title.   Lywy was born the eldest among the younger siblings of Queen Katywen Otkar of Gairovald. Upon reaching majority Lywy served as Steward for the Diarchy and served with great distinction. During this time, Gairovald earned acclaim throughout the Empire for their contributions in a series of conflicts with Altean separatists active throughout former Emerian and Altean territories.   The Diarchs leveraged their new popularity effectively, and when Emperor Maxmilian II was assassinated in 110, they successfully rallied a narrow majority of the Prince-Electors to vote for them. As the unique Diarchy system of Giarovald prohibited the King and Queen from bth serving as Emperor, they appointed Lywy under the title of Distinguished Seneschal of the Emperor-Elects of Gairovald.   Lywy faithfully executed the agenda of the Diarchy, and attempted to introduce various wide-reaching and controversial reforms, including the institution of an Imperial Army (modeled on the Diarchy's own military), stronger property laws for women, and rights for member-states to dictate the permissibility of Tusik folk religious traditions.   Only the Imperial Army motion passed the gauntlet of the Prince-Elector's scrutiny, and the Golden Bull of 113 founded the Order of Gilder, a system whereby a ruling Emperor could levy troops from all member states in the defense of their realm.   Owing to Lywy's gender, odd cultural quirks, and unpopular policy goals, her reign was marred by a sharp decline in perceived legitimacy. By 115 R.D., the Diarchs considered further efforts to "Gairovize" the Empire to be futile, and in an effort to preserve their personal popularity, they revoked Lywy's position as Seneschal, which disqualified her from serving as Empress. Lywy vacated the Silver Throne, becoming the second and so-far final person to do so after Rudolf Alven.   Lywy's dismissal, though ultimately welcomed by the Prince-Electors did create some instability. The knowledge that future electoral victories by the Diarchs of Gairovald could end with a sudden withdrawal of an Emperor or Empress led to a sort of "unwritten rule" that prevented Gairovald from winning future Imperial Elections.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
102 RD 154 RD 52 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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