Emperor/Empress of the Holy Gilder Empire

The highest secular authority of the Holy Gilder Empire sits the Silver Throne at Kronach. As of 730 RD there have been twenty-one Emperors and four Empresses. In 728 RD the current title holder — Emperor Rupert IV Alven — disappeared from the Imperial Palace under unknown circumstances. Since Rupert's disappearance, a civil war has divided the Empire and the Silver Throne sits vacant.


A prospective Emperor must be a member of the nobility from any of the Empire's realms, and nominated by at least one Elector.


The Emperor is elected by a majority vote among the Empire's seven electors. In the event of a tied vote, the Arch-Prelacy of Uln's vote is counted twice, giving them tie-breaking power.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

An Emperor can be removed by a unanimous vote of no confidence by the Electors, which has not yet transpired in the Empire's history. There was an exception to this process, the Empress Lywy Otkar only qualified to be Empress by virtue of being appointed the Distinguished Seneschal of the Emperor-Elects of Gairovald; when the Diarchs revoked the position of Distinguished Seneschal, she was forced to abdicate.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Vacant (Disputed)
Form of Address
His/Her Imperial Majesty
Length of Term
First Holder
Related Organizations

Cover image: by Lendanto


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