
The Serene Principality of Morbiro is the westernmost of the Altean states in the Gloaming North. The lands of Morbiro were previously a part of the realm of West Altea and before its sundering, Great Altea. Centuries of strife with the Vuscovi, along with the attendant issues of giant insects, alien spores, and the other exotic hazards creeping in from the west have forced the Morbiran people to become adept in the use of fire and poison. Combined with the legendary cruelty of their founding hero Morbio Black-Gloves, has given the people of Morbiro an only partially justified reputation as a hard and vicious lot, when in truth they place hospitality as one of the greatest of virtues. At present it is undergoing a time of turmoil: Prince Orwin II is perceived as politically vulnerable, its neighbors are eyeing the region of Emeria as ripe for annexation, and high unemployment is driving many young men to serve as mercenaries in the Holy Gilder Empire.

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Founding Date
200 PRD
Geopolitical, Principality
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Morbiro

Character flag image: by Lendanto


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