
The Prelacy of Oday is a free state within the Holy Gilder Empire, an immediate vassal of the Silver Throne. The prelacy is situated in a lush glacial valley, with the Toten Mountains forming its border with the Totewald province of Totender to the west. The temperate climate makes it perfectly suited to the cultivation of vast vineyards that dominate the countryside of the region.


Oday is home to a holy site of the Ineffable Light, a cave where Saint Essua is recorded to have spent the night during his travels of the Gloaming North. It is on the site of this cave that the great Cathedral of Oday was built, which attracts pilgrims from across the empire to pay homage to Saint Essua.   The lands of Oday Valley were gifted to the Church of Ineffable Light by Emperor Marcel Chasteuila-Totekinder in 408 RD, in order to strengthen support within the Church for his reign.   Following the Child Emperor's alleged kidnapping and the occupation of Kronach by Gairovalder forces, the Imperial Army detachments stationed in Oday were withdrawn to assist in the siege of the capital. Without the Imperial Army to guarantee the protection of the region, the Oday Militia have struggled to withstand external forces terrorising the northern border. The reduction in stability of the prelacy has left it vulnerable to banditry, particularly from Imperial Army deserters based in the the Totewalder mountains to the west and opportunistic warbands originating from neighbouring Jaspuc.
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Parent Organization

Character flag image: by Lendanto


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