
The Arch-Prelacy of Uln (Tearvin: Ulnny Achpelásy), commonly referred to as Uln, is an elector state of the Holy Gilder Empire. Uln borders Gozzowald and Eisender to the north, Drogaw and the Estates Imperial to the east, and Sigswald to both the south and west. Uln has been the historic treasury and source of gold for the Tusik tribes, with no other mines north of the Glimmering Sea going deeper. With the rise of Altea they - with Sigswald - became a quick and steadfast ally to the Great Eagle, and later, the first Tusik nation to adopt the Church of Ineffable Light, earning itself as a name as the Torchbearer of the Seven Rays for Sigswald's armies during the wars of unification.
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Parent Organization

Character flag image: by Karri Anttila


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