Dagult Neverember


Dagult Neverember is the wealthy Lord Protector of Neverwinter and formerly the Open Lord of Waterdeep as of the late 15th century DR. He is a member of the Lords' Alliance.   Neverember is tall, broad-shouldered, and strikingly good-looking, with angular features, a mane of silver-flecked "pumpkin-brown" hair, and deep-set but shining dark eyes. He is often called a "lion of a man" for both his appearance and bearing, and is said to have the look of a strong ruler.   By the end of his tenure as Open Lord, Neverember sports a short but thick beard that has gone grey.  


Neverember is a capable and inspiring leader who is known to be both brave and stately in the face of opposition. He outwardly embodies the ideals of moderation, honesty, and responsibility. He always acts decisively and firmly, with a clear-eyed view of the costs and sacrifices that his decisions entail, although his cunning and brutal pragmatism have earned him the nickname "Dagger" Neverember. He is also ambitious, proud, manipulative, and considers himself to be superior to everyone else—which makes him overconfident— and his quick temper is known to interfere with his judgment, making him boisterous and dangerous. However, his charisma, affability, flair for diplomacy, eloquence, and general preference for straight dealings rather than intrigue all mean that people consider him easy to like, and he makes a point of befriending nearly everyone he meets. Laeral Silverhand, Dagult's successor as Open Lord, once described him as a no-nonsense, energetic, and practical person.   Neverember is rarely seen without a stiff drink in hand. He enjoys heavy drinking, especially when it involves conversing with successful male adventurers or flirting with successful female adventurers. He is notorious for his shameless and outrageous flirtations with beautiful women.  


After leaving his position as the Open Lord of Waterdeep, Dagult set his focus towards Neverwinter. With his reputation already established and his name held in high regard for his time in Waterdeep, it was easy for him to become involved in the royal court of the Alagondar family. Dagult's skills granted him many opportunities within the Alagondar house. He found himself involved in political strategy and often had no trouble negotiating terms of trade with outer lands and solving the day-to-day tasks of the people.   When Mount Hotenow erupted, almost destroying the city of Neverwinter, Dagult's financial security and tactical resourcefulness lended him the ability to diligently repair and rebuild the city, earning him recognition by the king and, most importantly, the love of the people. When King Alfron Alagondar met his early demise in 1458 DR, the people of Neverwinter were left without leadership for months following the kings death. Dagult saw an opportunity and a chance to fill his cup with more power, bestowing himself the title of Lord Protector. He was met with little outright resistance, taking the seat of leadership with the majority of the people favoring him. However, he is keenly aware that any attempt to claim a title more grand than "Lord Protector" would quickly lose him the support of the people, who largely see him as a foreigner.

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