The Protector's Enclave


The Protector's Enclave stands as one of the districts of Neverwinter, bearing the name of Dagult Neverember, the city's Lord Protector.   Despite the devastation that has befallen the city, most of the original buildings within this district remain intact, making the Protector's Enclave the sole part of Neverwinter that retains its former appearance.   At the heart of the district lies the city's bustling market, serving as the epicenter of commerce in Neverwinter. Merchants from Waterdeep and other cities along the Sword Coast frequent this marketplace, albeit paying hefty taxes for the privilege of selling their goods here.


Besides Lord Neverember and his underlings, the Protector's Enclave is inhabited by survivors of the cataclysm as well as immigrants who have taken up residence in the city after its recovery. Most of the inhabitants of the Protector's Enclave are staunch supporters of Neverember's rule.


The Protector's Enclave was originally known as the Merchant Quarter of Neverwinter. This district in turn was part of two different districts: the City Core and the Peninsula District. Both were heavily damaged during the war against Luskan. The damaged parts were rebuilt as a different district.   When the Spellplague of 1385 DR struck Neverwinter, the lands surrounding the Moonstone Mask became an earthmote.   When Mount Hotenow erupted in 1432 DR, bringing about the destruction of most of Neverwinter, the southwestern part of the city was left mostly untouched by the pyroclastic flow. This made this quadrant a primary target for Lord Neverember when he began his efforts to rebuild Neverwinter. He later fused the City Core, the Peninsula District, and the Merchant Quarter into only one area. Soon after, survivors of the cataclysm, as well as new immigrants, began to quickly repopulate the district.   As the seat of power of Neverember, the district was soon renamed the "Protector's Enclave" by the people.

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Founding Date
1459 DR
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