Session Twenty Five 8/27/24

General Summary

Characters Present: Kasari (Lou), Darfin (Tim M), Redla (Melissa), Zavania (Alyssa).   After defeating the white dragon Cryovain, the party departed from Icespire Hold, their hearts lightened by their hard-earned victory. They made their way back to Dragon's Rest, eager to invest their newfound wealth and resources into the island settlement. Each member of the group took the opportunity to shape the settlement according to their beliefs and values.   Redla dedicated her efforts to constructing a temple for Moradin, the Soul Forger, honoring her dwarven heritage and ensuring the craftsmanship of her people would be well represented. Darfin, in his devotion to Sylvanus, the Oak Father, oversaw the planting of sacred groves and the construction of a natural sanctuary, hoping to bring the balance and wisdom of the wilds to Dragon’s Rest. Zavania, guided by her reverence for Mielikki, the Forest Queen, helped establish a serene woodland shrine, complete with a carved stone idol of the goddess, surrounded by lush greenery.   Meanwhile, Kasari made inquiries at the local inn and learned of an intriguing traveler who had come from distant lands. The traveler shared a crucial piece of lore: certain fiends possess a rare vulnerability to pure iron. This knowledge sparked a flurry of speculation among the party members, who wondered how they might use this newfound weakness to their advantage in the future.   Having completed their work on the island, the party decided to return to Phandalin, taking a boat back to the mainland. Upon their arrival, they encountered General Sabine and her company of two scores of Neverwinter Guards. Sabine quickly learned of the party's triumph over Cryovain and commended their bravery. However, with the dragon threat now eliminated, Sabine revealed that Dagult Neverember, the Lord Protector of Neverwinter, had requested an audience with them.   Eager to see what lay ahead, the party agreed to travel to Neverwinter. Their first stop in the grand metropolis was Castle Never, where they were welcomed by Dagult Neverember himself. The Lord Protector, a humble yet commanding figure with a welcoming demeanor, expressed his deep gratitude for their service in defending the Sword Coast. As a token of his appreciation, he presented them with a chest containing 5,000 gold pieces and offered them residency within the city.   Dagult then turned the conversation to a more pressing matter. He spoke of a dark organization known as the Syndicate, which was rumored to be attempting to open a hell gate somewhere along the Sword Coast. He proposed a partnership: if the party joined him in stopping the Syndicate, they would receive the full backing and support of Neverwinter's governing council. The adventurers, sensing the gravity of this threat and eager for a new challenge, readily agreed.   Producing a map of the Sword Coast, Dagult pointed to several locations where Syndicate activity had been reported. He asked the party to investigate these areas and to head north along the High Road, keeping an eye out for any signs of unusual or suspicious behavior.   With a new quest in hand, the party left Castle Never and headed to the bustling Market District of Neverwinter. There, amid the lively chatter of merchants and the vibrant colors of market stalls, they browsed for supplies to aid them in their next adventure. Each member sought out items that would best prepare them for the dangers ahead—armor, potions, weapons, and tools—ensuring they were well-equipped to confront the challenges that lay beyond the city’s walls.   As they made their purchases and gathered their gear, the party knew that their journey was only just beginning. The shadow of the Syndicate loomed over the Sword Coast, and with Dagult’s support, they felt ready to face whatever fiendish plot awaited them.
Report Date
27 Aug 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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