
Gnomengarde is a tunnel network nestled in the Sword Mountains, serving as the home to a small kingdom of reclusive rock gnomes known for their ingenious magical creations.  


The settlement is ingeniously carved into the sheer cliffs flanking a narrow waterfall. The cascading waters feed into a tranquil pool, adorned with two small islands blanketed in vibrant 2-foot-tall blue, green, and purple mushrooms. The mist and roar of the waterfall shroud the area, concealing it from outsiders while permeating into the Gnomengarde cave system. Within the echoing tunnels, gnomes often find themselves shouting to be heard over the din, unless separated by a barrier from the waterfall. However, most of these barriers have rusted, likely due to the constant mist. Despite the challenging acoustics, the tunnels are surprisingly spacious for gnome standards, averaging 5 feet wide and 7 feet high, illuminated by the soft glow of lantern light.   The gnomish clan residing in Gnomengarde embraces a simple lifestyle, with furnishings and amenities crafted from wood. Notably, the chambers of their kings are lavishly adorned, featuring thrones fashioned from scrap metal. The larger caverns within the tunnel network are primarily dedicated to food preparation, brewing of alcohol, and workshop spaces.   The entire area pulsates with the energy of wild magic.  


Gnomengarde lies nestled in the north-facing slopes of the Sword Mountains, approximately 15 miles (24 kilometers) southeast of Phandalin.


During the mid 15th century DR, Gnomengarde was governed by King Gnerkli and his husband, King Korboz. Additionally, the gnomes held the inventors Fibblestib and Dabbledob in high regard, often heeding their words.

Industry & Trade

The residents of Gnomengarde were renowned for their craftsmanship in creating magic items, attracting outsiders seeking to trade with the gnomes. Their creations included clockwork amulets, hats of wizardry, poles of collapsing, and wands of pyrotechnics.   The gnomes maintained self-sufficiency with the aid of special mushrooms growing on the islands in the pool beneath their waterfall. The red mushrooms served as fuel for lanterns and mechanical devices, processed using the gnomes' intricate pressing contraption. Green mushrooms could be ground into flour for baking bread, while purple mushrooms were fermented to produce mushroom wine.


The founders of Gnomengarde enchanted the islands in the pool beneath the waterfall, infusing them with potent magic that caused unique, colorful, and oversized mushrooms to flourish. These mushrooms became the cornerstone of the settlement's livelihood. However, this magical intervention unintentionally created a wild magic zone around the caves.   By mid 15th century DR, Gnomengarde was inhabited by 120 gnomes. A few years later, a mimic infiltrated the settlement shortly after a visit from a mistirious drow. The mimic would prey on the gnomes causing chaos. The creature killed at least two inhabitants and drove King Gnirkli to madness. King Korboz imprisoned his husband inside their bedchamber, waiting for a time to find a way to heal his husbands madness.   During this tumultuous time, Harbin Wester, the Townmaster of Phandalin, reached out to the gnomes for assistance in dealing with the white dragon, hoping to acquire magic items to aid in the fight.   For more information on recent events, see Session Ten 2/20/24  

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