Session Eleven 2/20/24

General Summary

Finkelstein (Tim D), Kasari (Lou), Darfin (Tim M), & Zavania (Alyssa)   Responding to a call posted on the notice board, our party sets out for Gnomengarde, seeking aid against the menacing Dragon tormenting the nearby settlements of Neverwinter. Nestled in the southeastern mountains beyond Phandalin, Gnomengarde emerges as a haven of industrious gnomes, its caverns brimming with life and innovation.   Upon their arrival, the party, led by the outspoken Dimble, ventures into the heart of the gnome community. However, their unannounced intrusion startles the locals, particularly Dimble, who greets them with a mix of surprise and suspicion. After a brief exchange, the tension subsides, and Dimble guides the adventurers to Fibblestib & Dabbledob's workshop, albeit not without some colorful commentary along the way.
Inside the workshop, the party encounters a curious contraption manned by Facktore, whose hasty test firing leaves Finkelstein injured. Dimble admonishes the reckless gnome, highlighting the dangers of his invention. Meanwhile, tensions rise between Dimble and Kasari, fueled by the gnome's derogatory remarks. Despite the escalating conflict, Finkelstein steps in to defuse the situation, urging Kasari to refrain from violence.   Seeking solace from the brewing confrontation, Kasari withdraws from the settlement while Finkelstein, Darfin, and Zavania press on, navigating through obstacles and gnomish politics. Eventually, they reach Fibblestib & Dabbledob, embroiled in a heated debate over their king's mysterious illness and his fixation on a "Shapechanger."   Before seeking the aid of our adventurers, Dabbledob swiftly intervenes upon overhearing Dimble's insensitive remarks, delivering a resounding slap to the gnome's cheek as a rebuke for his ignorance. Dimble, stung by the rebuke and feeling misunderstood, retreats in frustration, nursing wounded pride.   Led by Dabbledob, the party is escorted to the chambers of the stricken king. Before them stands a door requiring the deft touch of Darfin's lockpicking expertise, an obstacle swiftly overcome by the skilled rogue. Inside, they are met with a scene both tragic and perplexing: two gnome kings, Gnerkli and Korboz, the rulers of Gnomengarde, with Gnerkli ensnared in a chair, his mind lost to incomprehensible ramblings of a lurking "Shapechanger."   Korboz swiftly forgives the party's intrusion, recognizing their potential to help. Dabbledob's intervention proves crucial in conveying their noble intentions. Korboz confides in the party about Gnerkli's condition and his futile search for the elusive Shapechanger. He implores them to investigate, hoping to unravel the mystery plaguing their kingdom.   As the party delves into their task, Kasari uncovers traces of hex magic upon Gnerkli, hinting at darker forces at play. However, the exact nature of this hex remains shrouded in uncertainty, adding to the urgency of their mission. With Korboz's plea echoing in their minds, the party sets out, determined to bring light to the shadows lurking within Gnomengarde.   As the party begins their search, Darfin's frustration with Dimble boils over, leading him to drag the gnome along like a reluctant companion. Despite this, Darfin's rogue instincts take hold as he and Kasari venture towards the treasury room, lured by the promise of hidden treasures.   Meanwhile, Finkelstein takes it upon himself to explore the throne room, while Zavania diligently investigates the eastern sections of the settlement, each member contributing to the collective effort.   In the treasury room, Darfin's plundering is met with unexpected resistance as old, awakened Animated Armor springs to life, attacking the rogue with relentless fury. Kasari rushes to his aid upon hearing the commotion, while Zavania and Finkelstein hasten back to lend their strength to the beleaguered party.   Together, they face the animated adversaries head-on, their combined might proving too much for the constructs to withstand. With the threat vanquished, the party regroups, their resolve unwavering as they press onward in their search, undeterred by the dangers that lie ahead.
As a chilling scream echoes through the southeastern cavern, the party rushes towards the source, discovering the lifeless body of Facktore, the gnome responsible for the earlier crossbow incident. Zavania's intuition leads her to suspect the nearby wine room, where her casting of the faerie fire spell reveals a sinister Mimic disguised as a large wine barrel. With Kasari unleashing an eldritch blast, combat ensues, culminating in the swift defeat of the Mimic.   The party, aided by their loyal owlbear companion Christophany, transports the Mimic's body to the kings' chambers, where they find Gnerkli regaining his senses. While the group converses with the kings, Darfin, unable to resist temptation, pilfers items from a nearby chest.   Expressing their gratitude, both kings recount the onset of Gnerkli's illness—a hex or curse that befell him roughly two tendays ago. They recall the warning delivered by a drow named Renvas Phundry around the same time, cautioning them about impending foul magic that would taint Gnomengarde and herald unfavorable times.   Expressing their gratitude, both kings recount the onset of Gnerkli's illness—a hex or curse that befell him roughly two tendays ago. They recall the warning delivered by a drow named Renvas Phundry around the same time, cautioning them about impending foul magic that would taint Gnomengarde and herald unfavorable times.   Despite the gnomes' familiarity with drow, stemming from their past interactions in the Underdark, the kings dismissed Renvas's ominous message, failing to recognize the gravity of the situation. Now, faced with the consequences of their ignorance, they ponder Renvas's true intentions and the potential threat he poses to their kingdom.   For the party, this revelation marks a significant development, as it hints at a connection between their past encounters on Stormwreck Isle and the current peril facing Gnomengarde.

Rewards Granted

  • Black Pearl worth 500gp - Found in the treasury (Stolen) by Darfin who would gift this to Kasari
  • An unknown gem worth 91 gp - Darfin. Treasury, (Stolen).
  • Hat of Wizardry - Darfin, stolen from the chest inside the gnome kings bedroom.

Missions/Quests Completed

Helped the gnomes of Gnomengarde restore one of their king's sanity by eliminating the mimic. Gained some influence.

Character(s) interacted with

  • King Korboz
  • King Gnerkli
  • Dimble
  • Facktore
  • Fibblestib
  • Dabbledob
Report Date
20 Feb 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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