Session Eighteen 5/21/24

General Summary

Characters Present: Finkelstein (Tim D), Kasar/Gungus (Lou), Darfin (Tim M), Roland (Zack), Zavania (Alyssa).   The party continued their intense battle against the relentless horde of ghouls. Amidst the chaos, Darfin received an urgent letter delivered by a carrier pigeon. Without explanation, the brave wood elf abruptly departed from the fray. Redla, noticing his sudden exit, chased after him, determined to uncover the reason behind Darfin’s unexpected departure in the midst of such a critical moment.   Meanwhile, Roland succumbed to his manic psychosis, his mind regressing to that of a child. Distracted by the walls and a profound desire to play in the grass, Roland was effectively out of the fight. This left only Kasari, Zavania, and Finkelstein to fend off the ghoul onslaught—at least, so they thought.   To their astonishment and relief, a formidable black-bearded dwarf warrior entered the battlefield. Gungus Halfanvil, a blood hunter, joined the fray, providing much-needed support to the embattled party. His arrival shifted the tide of battle, offering a glimmer of hope.   With Gungus now fighting alongside them, the party's morale surged. They skillfully utilized the ballistae within the dwarven fortress to decimate the ghoul ranks. As the battle raged on, the party discovered that Gungus harbored a powerful secret—he was a lycanthrope with the ability to transform into a fearsome werebadger.   Empowered by Gungus’s formidable presence and their strategic use of the fortress defenses, the party pressed on with renewed vigor, determined to overcome the ghoul threat.   The party swiftly dispatched the remaining ghouls, allowing them the opportunity to delve deeper into their quest and uncover the secrets hidden within the dwarven fortress of Axeholm. Exploring the lower level, they found remnants of an ancient dwarven civilization. The floor was littered with discarded pieces of armor and weapons, some still containing the gnawed skeletons of their former owners.   During their exploration, the party encountered a stirge trapped inside the chimney of a forge. Zavania quickly neutralized the threat, casting a swift fireball that ignited the forge and incinerated the creature.   Roland soon emerged from his psychosis and rejoined the group. Among a pile of rusted weapons, he discovered a formidable weapon: a Berserker Greataxe. Zavania also found a chest containing several unique items: a Necklace of Fireballs with nine beads, which she could use to cast powerful fireball spells; a Fochlucan Bandore, which she gifted to Finkelstein; and two Beads of Nourishment.   Satisfied with their haul, the party proceeded to the next level of the fortress, where they encountered a female specter. The ghostly figure yelled at them to leave the fortress before quickly vanishing, leaving the party intrigued by the curious interaction.   Further exploration led them to a bath chamber occupied by several ghouls, who were grotesquely basking in a tub filled to the brim with gnawed bones. The party engaged these ghouls in combat and swiftly defeated them.   With their path now clear, the party stands ready to continue their quest in the next session, eager to uncover more of the mysteries that Axeholm holds.

Rewards Granted

Bead of Nourishment - Zavania found two of these beads in a chest. Each bead is the equivalent of one days worth of rations.   Fochlucan Bandore - Zavania found this item in a chest and gifted it to Finkelstein.   Necklace of Fireballs - Zavania found this item in a chest.   Berserker Greataxe - Roland found in a pile of rusted weapons.
Report Date
21 May 2024


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