Finklestein Finklestein

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Finklestien III, known to his friends simply as Fink, was born into a family of renowned bards with a long lineage of performers. From a young age, he was surrounded by music, stories, and the allure of the stage. But Fink was different from his predecessors; he possessed a keen interest in combat, drawn to the thrill of battle as much as the melody of a well-played lute.   Growing up in a bustling city, Fink found himself enamored with the diversity of people and experiences it offered. He spent his days honing his skills with the longsword and short bow, relishing the challenge of mastering both the art of war and the art of music. His performances on the lute or the lyre became legendary in local taverns, earning him both admiration and a fair share of trouble.   Despite his chaotic tendencies, Fink's heart was always in the right place. He couldn't stand by idly while injustice unfolded before him, often finding himself embroiled in various escapades to right the wrongs of the world. His ideals of chaotic good led him to fight for the downtrodden and oppressed, using his talents both on and off the battlefield to champion causes he believed in.   However, Fink's exuberant nature sometimes led him astray. His weakness for the vices of the city often got the better of him, landing him in precarious situations that his charm and quick wit could not always resolve. Additionally, his difficulty in reading social cues occasionally caused misunderstandings with those around him, though his companions quickly learned to appreciate his unique perspective and unwavering loyalty.   Despite his quirks, Fink's infectious enthusiasm and boundless energy endeared him to many. His performances brought joy to those who heard them, and his willingness to stand up for what was right inspired others to do the same. Armed with his trusty lute, his formidable weapons, and a heart brimming with chaotic good, Finklestien III set out into the world, ready to make his mark and spread his message of freedom, justice, and, of course, music.
As a half-elf, Fink inherited a unique blend of traits from both his elven and human ancestors. While his elven heritage blessed him with a natural grace and affinity for music, his human lineage gifted him with a hearty constitution and a drive for adventure. This mixed heritage lent him an air of otherworldly charm, with pointed ears peeking out from beneath his unruly mop of hair, and eyes that sparkled with a hint of magic.   Despite the prestige of his family's bardic lineage, Fink often found himself torn between two worlds: the elegant refinement of elven culture and the vibrant chaos of human society. This internal struggle only fueled his desire to carve out his own path, blending the best of both worlds into a persona uniquely his own.   Fink's half-elf heritage also imbued him with a deep connection to nature. He felt most at peace when surrounded by the whispering trees of the forest or the gentle rush of a babbling brook. It was in these moments of solitude that he found inspiration for his music and clarity in his purpose, reminding him of the balance that existed between the civilized world and the untamed wilds.   His lineage served as a constant reminder of the rich tapestry of his ancestry, driving him to explore the depths of his heritage even as he forged ahead into unknown territories. And though he may have been born into a family of bards, Fink was determined to write his own story—one filled with epic battles, stirring melodies, and the timeless struggle between order and chaos.


Elder Runara

Friend (Important)

Towards Finklestein Finklestein



Finklestein Finklestein


Towards Elder Runara


Commonalities & Shared Interests

*The players helped Elder Runara’s people from being attacked by zombies. (Second Session)   *The party handled the zombie problem by going to the cursed shipwreck and gave Runara the talisman. (Third Session)   *The party agreed to help Runara after revealing her true identity! (Sixth Session)


Friend (Important)

Towards Finklestein Finklestein



Finklestein Finklestein


Towards Tarak


Commonalities & Shared Interests

*He was one of the people that you saved from the zombies that attacked Dragons Rest! (First Session)   *Attempted to restore the connection with the myconid colony.   *Destroyed Sparkrender and stopped his scheme.


Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Finklestein Finklestein



Finklestein Finklestein


Towards Varnoth


Commonalities & Shared Interests

The party agreed to assist her with finding her husband. (Fourth Session)   The party found her husband and would be forced to kill him. (Fourth Session)


Lover (Vital)

Towards Finklestein Finklestein



Finklestein Finklestein


Towards Blepp



Finkelstein has gained a lot of Blepp’s favor after spending several weeks getting to know him.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The party rescued Blepp from a zombie attack. (First Session)   The party stopped Sparkrender from completing his scheme.   The party agrees to help Blepp with building up Dragon's Rest.

Harbin Wester


Towards Finklestein Finklestein


Finklestein Finklestein


Towards Harbin Wester


Danny the Wandering Merchant

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Finklestein Finklestein



Finklestein Finklestein


Towards Danny the Wandering Merchant


Commonalities & Shared Interests

The party defeated a merrow that attacked the boat sailing to dragons rest. (First Session)   The party assisted Danny with acquiring an owlbear egg. (Second Session)

General Sabine

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Finklestein Finklestein



Finklestein Finklestein


Towards General Sabine


Commonalities & Shared Interests

Paid fine and agreed to be of service.   Committing crimes against the people of Neverwinter & surrounding settlements.

A bard searching to right wrongs while entertaining and making a gold piece or two along the way. Inclined to look on the bright side of life, despite growing up in various levels of tumult. Finklestein loves humor, and tends to chaotic good.

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