Kasari Arshoon

Kasari Arshoon


Kasari Arshoon's tale begins in the fiery depths of Phlegethos, the fourth level of Hell, where his lineage intertwines with infernal royalty. His grandmother, Seimah, was a troubled woman who found solace in an infernal cult, worshiping the lords of hell. Through this cult, Seimah was seduced by the Archdevil Belial, leading to the birth of Ophelia, an Erinyes and Kasari's mother. Seimah died in childbirth while the Archdevil and his own daughter Fierna watched, unmoved. Raised amidst the machinations of devilish politics, Ophelia endured torment and abuse at the hands of her own kin, particularly her aunt Fierna, in a twisted bid to rid her of her human influence.   At the age of seventeen, Ophelia seized a sudden opportunity to escape the clutches of Hell, carrying with her the stolen relics of her lineage - Belial's Amulet of the Planes and his ancestral sword, Isteval’s Scar. Fleeing to the material plane, she sought refuge at the Healing House of Lathander in the town of Scornubel. Under the light of the Morninglord, she found solace and healing in the embrace of a temple and its priests. Ophelia spent several years treating her emotional wounds and learning about the compassionate side of humanity. Scornubel was known as a Caravan City, which offered a deep well of experience for Ophelia, who was so new to the realm of common folk.   However, fate took a cruel turn when Ophelia fell in love with Redjick Su, a human merchant's son. They fell madly in love and eloped. Their whirlwind love quickly turned sour when Redjick became disgusted at the idea of a “half-breed” son. He left in the night, leaving Ophelia destitute and five months pregnant. Betrayal and prejudice shattered her newfound happiness, leading to her subsequent descent into the shadows of society.   As the pregnancy progressed, Ophelia was again plucked from obscurity, this time by a kind woman from Athkatla, City of Coin. Madam Elena Nightingale, the owner of The Velvet Orchid, clothed Ophelia, gave her shelter, and hired a medicine woman to look after her through the final stages of the pregnancy. Kasari was born into a fairly loving family of societal outcasts, men and women who had banded together for protection under the watchful eye of ‘the Velvet Matron’(a title she most likely gave herself). Kasari was given the last name Arshoon, which means tears of joy, as Ophelia wept with happiness for the first time in her life.   While the Matron was kind, she was also a shrewd businesswoman, and her hospitality came at a price. Once Ophelia had recovered from her pregnancy, Madam Elena started to train her as a courtesan. She learned how to dance, to read and write, and she quickly became The Haven’s most prominent songstress. Eventually, she started to take clients to ‘earn her keep’. All things considered, this was a joyous, peaceful time for Ophelia and Kasari. There was always food in their bellies and a roof over their head. They enjoyed a certain level of luxury while avoiding the harsh realities of a life lived on the street.   Kasari’s formative years were fairly uneventful. He was raised by every courtesan and brothel employee who worked at the Velvet Orchid. Some taught him how to read, some taught him how to dance, and some even taught him simple spells he could use to create mischief. As long as Kasari stayed hidden from the main hall and bedrooms during working hours, he was given free rein to explore the society around him in relative safety. As he grew up, his mother eventually told him pieces of her story, elaborating on his lineage. Around the time Kasari turned 13, tragedy struck. Cultists for Belial had been looking for Ophelia for some time and had finally tracked her down. They orchestrated a violent raid on the brothel, damaging much of the establishment and killing a few patrons and employees in the process. At some point in the attack, Belial and Fierna were summoned forth to drag Ophelia back to hell. Upon seeing Kasari, Fierna decided there was still vengeance to be had. She mutilated Kasari, scarring his face, leaving magical burns over much of his body, and cutting off his horns and tail. The hellish nobility returned to hell with their prey, leaving Kasari half-dead and the Velvet Orchid on the verge of collapse.   Filled with rage, Kasari left his makeshift family soon after the attack with only his ancestral sword, frantically searching for a way to save his mother. Being a naive 13-year-old, Kasari soon found himself isolated and destitute. He navigated the streets as an urchin, resorting to thievery and violence to survive. Several years were spent in this manner, with Kasari occasionally finding solace in fellow street rats who bore similar cases of misfortune. These friendships never lasted more than a few weeks, and so Kasari grew distant from all others in the world. He learned to cultivate a keen eye for deception, trusting only himself.   It was during one daring theft years later that he caught the attention of an Aldori Swordlord, who recognized the potential beneath Kasari's rough exterior. Amused by the agility and cunning of this poor guttersnipe, the sellsword offered Kasari a deal: he would spare Kasari the dismemberment of his hands, which was the punishment for his crime. In return, Kasari would join the Aldori and serve as a squire. With little real choice in the matter, Kasari accepted.   The Aldori Swordlords were a highly respected band of mercenaries who were seen almost as nobility. Under the tutelage of the Aldori, Kasari honed his skills in combat over many years, finding true solace and camaraderie among his fellow students. Only after some time did he start to truly trust those around him and lower his guard. But while he may have had faith in the swords and axes and shields of his comrades, he never once divulged the true nature of his lineage. Tieflings were already seen as pariahs amongst most of the common folk. Kasari did not want to add to the racism he already had to endure, nor did he want to alert any cultists of his true nature. Kasari was patient and willing to let his vengeance simmer while he honed his skills.   Unfortunately for the young Tiefling, betrayal reared its ugly head once more when corruption tainted the honor of the Aldori. One of the lords of the Aldori, Captain Voraxius Blackscale, was running a lucrative trafficking scheme where victims would be sent to mines, whorehouses, or even fighting arenas. Kasari’s was destined for the arena. A scarred Tiefling with superior swordsmanship and a flair for magic would surely garner amusement from the crowd. Kasari was framed for stealing rations and wages from this warrior guild, which forced all his sword brothers to turn their backs on him: “A half-breed devil raised in the gutter could never be a man of honor”. No one bothered to care then, as Kasari was removed from his barracks and prepared for transport to his new home as a slave.   Still, Kasari was a cunning fighter and refused to submit to this destiny once again. Although it pained him, Kasari called upon his infernal lineage to burn through the ropes that bound him. He fled in the night into the wilderness. Escaping the clutches of his would-be captors, he was adrift once more, a lone wanderer in a world that seemed determined to break him. Never again would he make the mistake of friendship… Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, one sanctuary remained - the bordellos and taverns that resembled his childhood refuge. Kasari took on protection jobs, fought for coins behind bars, gambled, and stole. He cultivated a practiced skill of deceit, using magic to cover his tracks as he fled from town to town. But, among the outcasts and misfits, Kasari found a sense of belonging that eluded him elsewhere. It is here, amidst the flickering candlelight and the whispers of forgotten dreams, that he seeks to carve his own path, driven by a burning desire for redemption and vengeance against those who have wronged him.   Personality: Kasari Arshoon is a survivor, his spirit tempered by the fires of adversity. Cunning and resourceful, he navigates the world with a sharp wit and a keen eye for opportunity. Despite the scars that mar his flesh, a fierce determination is burning within him, a relentless drive to defy the hand fate has dealt him and forge his destiny. Charlatan by nature, Kasari has learned to wear masks to conceal his true intentions, weaving webs of deception to outwit those who would seek to exploit him. Yet, beneath the facade lies a heart yearning for connection, haunted by the echoes of a past that refuses to be forgotten. In the heat of battle, Kasari is a whirlwind of steel and fury, his blade dancing with deadly precision as he strikes down his foes with merciless efficiency. Yet, behind the warrior's mask lurks a soul burdened by the weight of his heritage, grappling with the darkness that threatens to consume him. Haunted by the sins of his bloodline, Kasari walks a precarious path between light and shadow, torn between the legacy of his infernal ancestry and the flickering spark of humanity that refuses to be extinguished. In a world where trust is a rare commodity and betrayal lurks around every corner, he must tread carefully if he is to survive the trials that lie ahead.

Personality Characteristics


  • Independence. I am a free spirit—no one tells me what to do. (Chaotic)
  • Creativity. I never run the same con twice. (Chaotic)

Vices & Personality flaws

  • I’m always in debt. I spend my ill-gotten gains on decadent luxuries faster than I bring them in...
  • I’m convinced that no one could ever fool me the way I fool others.
  • I’m too greedy for my own good. I can’t resist taking a risk if there’s money involved.


Very clean


Elder Runara

Friend (Important)

Towards Kasari Arshoon



Kasari Arshoon


Towards Elder Runara



*Kasari offended Runara after questioning her intentions a bit too much. (Third Session)

Commonalities & Shared Interests

*The players helped Elder Runara’s people from being attacked by zombies. (Second Session)   *The party handled the zombie problem by going to the cursed shipwreck and gave Runara the talisman. (Third Session)   *The party agreed to help Runara after revealing her true identity! (Sixth Session)


Friend (Important)

Towards Kasari Arshoon



Kasari Arshoon


Towards Tarak


Commonalities & Shared Interests

*He was one of the people that you saved from the zombies that attacked Dragons Rest! (First Session)   *Attempted to restore the connection with the myconid colony.   *Destroyed Sparkrender and stopped his scheme.


Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Kasari Arshoon



Kasari Arshoon


Towards Varnoth



Kasari threw her husband's severed head into Varnoths lap. (Large reputation drop, Fifth Session.)

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The party agreed to assist her with finding her husband. (Fourth Session)   The party found her husband and would be forced to kill him. (Fourth Session)


Friend (Important)

Towards Kasari Arshoon



Kasari Arshoon


Towards Blepp


Commonalities & Shared Interests

The party rescued Blepp from a zombie attack. (First Session)   The party stopped Sparkrender from completing his scheme.   The party agrees to help Blepp with building up Dragon's Rest

Harbin Wester

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Kasari Arshoon


Kasari Arshoon


Towards Harbin Wester


Danny the Wandering Merchant

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Kasari Arshoon



Kasari Arshoon


Towards Danny the Wandering Merchant


Commonalities & Shared Interests

The party defeated a merrow that attacked the boat sailing to dragons rest. (First Session)   The party assisted Danny with acquiring an owlbear egg. (Second Session)

General Sabine

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Kasari Arshoon



Kasari Arshoon


Towards General Sabine


Commonalities & Shared Interests

Paid fine and agreed to be of service.   Committing crimes against the people of Neverwinter & surrounding settlements.

Blonde hair, pulled into a viking braid
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale violet
165 lb.
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Infernal


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