Session Seventeen 5/7/24

General Summary

Characters Present: Finkelstein (Tim D), Kasari (Lou), Darfin (Tim M), Roland (Zack), Zavania (Alyssa), Redla (Melissa)   As the party stands at the precipice of the abyss, they encounter none other than the formidable demon lord, Baphomet. Their encounter with Baphomet marks a pivotal moment, as the demon lord intervenes to save them from certain doom amidst their battle with the devout followers of Belial in the natural realm.   However, rather than extending gratitude, Baphomet's reaction is one of disdain towards the party for their failure to thwart the sinister syndicate of Belial worshippers. Baphomet chastises them for their shortcomings, highlighting the three crucial rites required to unlock a gateway to the infernal depths:
  • Condemn the soul of a dragon to the depths of hell.
  • Incinerate the sanctified bones of a saint within the relentless flames of the underworld.
  • Persuade an individual of unwavering purity to commit a heinous act without succumbing to the corruption that taints their very soul.
Each completed rite serves as a key to unseal the unholy doorway to the realm of damnation, each step bringing them closer to the harrowing threshold of hell itself.
  To the party's astonishment, they realize they've unwittingly contributed to the completion of one of the rites by slaying Sparkrender. Adding to their predicament, the sacred bones of a saint now lie within the grasp of the Syndicate, a result of the party's failure to thwart the cultists in the natural realm. Baphomet elucidates that their interests align in preventing the opening of the hellgate. He elucidates the perilous consequences should an archdevil breach the material plane, emphasizing the need to maintain the status quo between hell and the abyss.   Despite Baphomet's cryptic intentions, he pledges his vigilance over the party and promises aid when the opportune moment arises. With an enigmatic farewell, he dispatches them back to the material plane, where they find themselves amidst the familiar forest where their journey began. However, Krylose, the centaur, remains trapped within the nature realm, a lingering concern for the group.   As dusk descends and the party settles into camp, Kasari and Finkelstein assume the first watch, only to be interrupted by a disturbance in the forest—a solitary black bear. Kasari attempts to forge a bond with the creature by offering it provisions from his rations. The bear, accepting the gesture, decides to share the party's campsite for the night, content after sating its hunger.   Encouraged by the bear's apparent acceptance, Kasari ventures to pet the majestic creature, but is met with a gentle rebuff as the bear swats his hand away with a paw, conveying a clear message against further intrusion. Despite the momentary standoff, the bear, sensing Kasari's benign intentions, settles down alongside him, and the campsite drifts into a peaceful slumber.   With the break of dawn, the bear departs, leaving the party to contemplate the strange events of the night, pondering the mysteries that lay ahead as they resume their journey.   The group resumed their mission to meet with Harbin’s half-brother, Torbin Wester, at the logging camp, intending to both seek his counsel and replenish their supplies. As they ventured through the dense foliage of the Neverwinterwoods, they stumbled upon the deserted campsite. Darfin's keen senses detected the desperate cries of a man trapped within one of the cabins—Torbin himself, pleading for assistance against a monstrous six-legged creature with menacing mandibles.   Reacting swiftly, Kasari burst through the door, only to find himself ensnared by the creature's deadly grip as it emerged from beneath the floorboards. While the rest of the party engaged in combat with the beast, Darfin improvised a daring rescue, smashing through the window of Torbin's barricaded office and forcibly ejecting him to safety.   With coordinated effort, the party swiftly dispatched the creature, earning Torbin's profound gratitude. In appreciation, he extended a generous offer of coin and a prized bottle of wine. However, their respite was short-lived, as Darfin's exploration uncovered three more of these formidable insects lurking in the shadows.   Choosing evasion over confrontation, the party hastily retreated, commandeering boats from the nearby river to make their escape. As they rowed downstream, Torbin fell behind, prompting Roland to heroically toss Redla ashore and bring Torbin safely aboard the boat.   As the group rowed down the river, they noticed a solitary boar eyeing them with cautious curiosity. Zavania, ever resourceful, attempted to appease the creature by tossing a berry its way, but the boar remained indifferent, continuing on its way without acknowledgment.   Upon returning to Phanalin, the party faced a moment of hesitation when reporting their findings to Captain Josephine. Concerned that their involvement in the rites might exacerbate their probation with Neverwinter, they debated withholding certain details. Ultimately, they chose transparency, finding that their revelations had little immediate consequence.   With Josephine now briefed on the unfolding events and the ominous nature of the rites, the party sought solace and camaraderie in the local tavern, sharing drinks and stories with the welcoming locals.   The following day, as they perused the notice board, they encountered Harbin Wester once more. Expressing his gratitude for their aid, Harbin offered them a generous sack of 500 gold as a token of appreciation. Inspired by their recent adventures, Kasari seized the opportunity to post a job advertisement seeking a local expert in a particular craft, while also securing a post that Harbin had recently affixed to the board.     The group's new quest led them to the ancient dwarven settlement of Axeholm, nestled within the mountainous terrain. Their objective: to fortify the site, ensuring it could serve as a safe haven should Phandalin ever come under dragon attack.   Along their journey, they stumbled upon a curious sight—a carved face embedded in the mountainside, singing nursery rhymes in the ancient giant language. Despite Kasari's attempt to communicate with the enigmatic entity, the face appeared to be a fluctuating mass of energy, offering little insight beyond its whimsical verses.   Upon reaching Axeholm, they encountered the grim reality of its dilapidated state—the entrance gate lay in ruins. Undeterred, Kasari and Zavania utilized their magic to slip through the arrow slits, venturing into the depths of the forsaken fortress while the remainder of the party waited outside.   Exploring the abandoned halls, they uncovered relics of a bygone era—rusting ballistas, discarded armor, and echoes of dwarven civilization. Yet, their exploration took a dark turn when they stumbled upon a horde of ghouls lurking within the shadows.   Zavania's telepathic communication with Redla served as a vital warning, prompting a strategic retreat to their point of entry. With Zavania's arcane prowess, they manipulated the ruined gate to sink into the earth, clearing the way for their companions to join the fray.   With the path now open, the group braced themselves for the imminent confrontation with the ghouls, knowing that their efforts within Axeholm would determine the safety of Phandalin in the face of impending danger.   Zavania coordinated with Redla, devising a strategy to confront the lurking ghouls. They decided to lure the creatures into a narrow hallway where Zavania and Kasari could utilize the ancient ballistas to weaken their assault. As Zavania and Kasari readied the weapons, the rest of the group orchestrated a diversion to draw the attention of the ghouls.   The plan sprang into action as the ghouls fell for the ruse, charging into the confined space. With precision and timing, Kasari unleashed a single bolt from the ballista, striking down three ghouls in swift succession.   As the skirmish unfolded, the group braced themselves for the outcome, their fate hanging in the balance. Only time would reveal whether their carefully crafted plan would yield success or lead to unforeseen consequences in the perilous depths of Axeholm.
Report Date
07 May 2024


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