Session Six 1/9/24

General Summary

Characters Present: Darfin (Tim M), Zavania (Alyssa), Redla (Melissa), Kasari (Lou), Roland (Zack), & Finkelstein (Tim D)   Roland would return to Dragon's Rest to recover from his burns. The rest of the party pressed on through the first floor of the temple, discovering a sanctuary room with an intricately carved altar. The altar featured depictions of a formidable 5-headed dragon on the north side, identified as Tiamat, Queen of the chromatic dragons. The draconic inscription on the east side unveiled a dedication to Tiamat, while the west side bore a common saying in the Church of Tiamat. The party delved into the lore of Tiamat, a dragon with five distinct heads representing each color of chromatic dragons: Green, red, blue, black, and white.   Choosing to explore further, the party opened the eastern door, revealing a staircase leading 50 feet deeper into the temple's second level. Descending the stairs, they encountered a room filled with rusted cages. Investigating the room would reveal a young winged female kobold that was being held captive. Finkelstein would seek Zavania’s aid in healing the Kobold and would pose the idea of releasing her. Kasari displayed some hesitation with the idea, feeling better about having the young kobold stay locked up while the party journeyed deeper into the temple. The same sentiment was shared among some of the party members but ultimately the decision to release the kobold overruled this. She would introduce herself as Myla. Myla would explain that she went to try and stop her brothers, Mik & Min, from joining Sparkrender and was captured by the goblin party during her journey. She was unsure how long she had been locked up and the details of her arrival to this place are blurry. She does reveal that the goblins are being led by someone not as powerful as Sparkrender but powerful enough to serve under his wing as his second in command. She lets the party know that she heard talk about a ritual being done. Feeling grateful for the party’s timely rescue, Myla would ask them to come see her at the tavern in Dragons Rest and she would assist the party through her trade as a tinkerer.   Before the party could continue Zavania, feeling a sudden rage brought on by spite and her resentment towards Kasari for an early act against Varnoth, would whack him across the back of the head rendering him unconscious for 20 minutes. The party would leave Kasari propped up inside one of the cages while he slept it off.   The party would encounter some difficulties navigating through a room that was filled with rubble and rock as a result of a cave in. Redla, in her dwarvish fashion, could not gracefully get through the rubble and would have a large slab of rock fall in pinning her foot. Efforts to rescue her were certainly great but didn’t produce much results at first. Darfin attempted to pull Redla out of the rubble only getting himself stuck in it as well. Finkelstein would also make an attempt but would unfortunately fail rendering him trapped in the rubble as well. 3 of the party members would be grouped closely together. Darfin would have a free hand and would seek the assistance of his mage hand ability. The phantom-like hand would assist Darfin with getting himself out of this mess and would eventually start the process of rescuing the rest of his poor trapped companions.   Venturing into a vast chamber, the party discovered relics of a blacksmith's trade. Darfin and Redla salvaged gems from worn weapons.   Darfin would find a ruby, diamond, & topaz. Redla was also able to acquire a sapphire, ruby, and topaz.   A spark of energy would erupt in the room and 6 shadow clouds would appear with an armored goblin emerging from each one. All 6 of these goblins would flank and surround the group. Another two shadow clouds would appear with one revealing Gorknock, a goblin general, and Dugpig, an orc warchief. Finkelstein would introduce the party members and try to persuade these intimidating enemies from attacking through a sweet song. A beautiful display but not enough to get this ugly band of creatures to withdraw their attack.   Battle would ensue, Finkelstein would obtain a severe injury that would almost be the death of him, Kasari would join after recovering from the head trauma he received, and the party would reign victorious after a long fight. Roland would join the party at this point.   Finkelstein would find a sealed letter on Dugpig. The letter that was signed by someone name Savoric would contain information about crossing an invisible bridge with a small hint on how to do so:   “Merge hellfire & light under heaven's melody to create that which you cannot see.”   A sealed letter found on Dugpig revealed information about crossing an invisible bridge with a riddle hinting at merging hellfire, light, and melody. Kasari, Redla, and Finkelstein successfully crossed using their respective attributes.   Further exploration led the party to another cavern where Savoric, a head mage & Sparkrenders second in command, conducted a ritual with Drow servants. The ritual was being done over the remains of a dragon. A confrontation ensued, resulting in the defeat of the Drow and zombies. Savoric narrowly escaped Roland's lethal blow, leaving the party at a crucial juncture in their quest. Savoric would summon a Drider to attack the party. The party would remain successful and gain another victory.   Darfin would collect 3 amethyst gems from the cavern.   The party would return to Dragons Rest and inform Elder Runara of their findings. Runara would appreciate the party's report and find that it was time to reveal what she truly is. A bronze dragon. She would speak about her fears regarding the parties recent encounters explaining that a handful of the sites they’ve visited have been dragon burial grounds. She’d explain that dragon remains radiate with magical energy and she believes that Sparkrender is working to recover an ancient magic that could grant him power beyond comprehension. She asks the party to speak with Tarak to discuss a matter at the Seagrow Caves where a myconid colony can be found. She believes that if the party recruits the myconid colony that they would stand a better chance at defeating Sparkrender, who is located at the Clifftop Observatory.   Helping Runara will grant the party a settlement, Dragons Rest, where they will be able to build and obtain further resources and RICHES!!!!!
Report Date
09 Jan 2024


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