Session Twelve 2/27/24

General Summary

As the party ventured deeper into Phandalin, their recent exploits with the gnomes of Gnomengarde still fresh in their minds, they found themselves face-to-face with the townmaster, Harbin Wester. Despite their success, mischief seemed to be afoot as Zavania, Darfin, Kasari, and Finkelstein couldn't resist the urge to stir trouble, much to Darfin's passive amusement.   In a brazen act of jest, Darfin presented Harbin with the pilfered Hat of Wizardry, a token of their adventures in Gnomengarde. Harbin, overcome with distraction and unease in the presence of the mischievous quartet, accepted the hat but neglected the agreed-upon exchange of gold, urging the party to peruse the town's notice board for further quests.   With their sights set on new adventures, the party seized two postings from the notice board: one to warn Adabra Gwynn, a local midwife residing in Umbridge Hill, about the lurking dragon, and another to caution dwarven excavators of the same danger. Opting to aid Adabra first, they journeyed to Umbridge Hill, where a windmill stood ominously atop a hill, with sounds signaling trouble.   Investigating the source of the disturbance, the party encountered a fearsome manticore, its monstrous visage striking fear into Adabra as she watched from the safety of the windmill. Without hesitation, the adventurers engaged in battle, their coordinated efforts culminating in Zavania's decisive victory over the creature with a potent spray of poison.   Meanwhile, Roland, having received a bronze scale casting coin as a gift, ventured from Dragon's Rest to reunite with his newfound companions. With Roland's arrival, the party swelled to five, their resolve strengthened as they attempted to persuade Adabra to return to Phandalin for safety.   Despite her gratitude, Adabra kindly refused, preferring the solitary refuge of the windmill. With difficulties accepting no as the answer, Kasari and Darfin resorted to falsehoods to coax her into returning, while Roland, weary of idle chatter, resorted to a drastic measure, rendering Adabra unconscious with a swift blow to the head.   Displeased by the act, Zavania intervened, and Finkelstein, ever the "peacemaker," restored Adabra to consciousness with his healing abilities. Unaware of the altercation, Adabra attributed her fainting spell to the stress of the manticore encounter.   Eventually, the party departed, their mission to persuade Adabra unsuccessful but their resolve undiminished as they set their sights on the dwarven excavation site, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them on their continuing journey.     As the party ventured deeper into the rugged terrain, leaving the green hillside behind, the landscape transformed into rocky, mountainous surroundings. Eventually, they reached the dwarven excavation site, where ancient ruins lay nestled within the earth, coated in layers of ancient rubble.   Amidst the remnants of the once-great structure, the party stumbled upon two dwarven figures, Dazlyn and Norbus, engaged in conversation about their recent struggles. Their voices echoed off the rocky walls as they discussed their inability to penetrate the depths of the building due to the presence of an insidious threat: the Ooze.   Intrigued by the dwarves' plight, the adventurers approached, eager to lend their aid. Dazlyn and Norbus explained their mission from Mithril Hall, hoping to unearth artifacts and uncover the history of the area, only to be thwarted by the appearance of the yellow ooze monsters.   Armed with the knowledge of the dragon sightings and fueled by their sense of duty, the party resolved to investigate the ruins themselves. Delving into the depths of the ancient structure, they soon found themselves face-to-face with the gelatinous adversaries within an eerie altar room.   Combat ensued, swift and decisive, as the party engaged the Ooze monsters in battle. With skill and determination, they emerged victorious, the creatures vanquished beneath their combined might.   Among the remnants of the alter room, Zavania's keen eyes caught sight of a letter tucked amidst the debris, along with four gleaming gemstones. As she examined the contents of the letter, a riddle inscribed within it seemed to match the enigmatic markings on the altar, hinting at hidden secrets waiting to be uncovered within the depths of the ruins. With newfound resolve, the party prepared to unravel the mysteries concealed within the ancient site, their adventure far from over.
Report Date
27 Feb 2024


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