Session Twenty Four 8/6/24

General Summary

Characters Present: Finkelstein (Tim D), Kasar (Lou), Darfin (Tim M), Zavania (Alyssa).   The party resumed their battle against Cryovain, the fearsome white dragon that had been terrorizing Phandalin and the surrounding settlements. They found the dragon in a rare moment of vulnerability—sleeping. Kasari and Darfin quickly devised a plan: Darfin would fire an arrow at the dragon, while Kasari would cast a darkness spell on the arrow to blind their foe.   Darfin's arrow flew true, piercing Cryovain’s eye, but Kasari's spell misfired, missing its mark. The dragon’s vision remained intact, dashing the party’s hopes of a quick and decisive victory.   Despite losing the element of surprise, the party fought on with fierce determination. Redla, the stalwart dwarven paladin; Darfin, the agile wood elf rogue; Kasari, the cunning tiefling warlock/fighter; and Zavania, the resourceful half-elf druid, unleashed their combined might. They hurled spells and struck with weapons, each blow aimed at bringing down the mighty Cryovain.   But the battle took a dire turn when Cryovain, enraged and wounded, unleashed a devastating ice breath attack. The frigid blast caught Zavania and Kasari squarely, freezing them in place and knocking them unconscious. With their comrades down, Redla and Darfin were left to face the dragon alone.   The situation seemed grim, but Redla’s resolve only hardened. She knew they couldn’t afford to lose. With a roar of defiance, Redla drew her dwarven thrower and hurled it with all her strength. The weapon flew through the air with deadly precision, striking Cryovain in the heart. The dragon let out a final, thunderous roar before collapsing to the ground, lifeless.   Redla and Darfin quickly tended to their fallen companions, raising Zavania and Kasari back to their feet. Exhausted but victorious, the party took a moment to rest and tend to their wounds after slaying the mighty dragon. During this time, Darfin ventured deeper into the mountain, discovering Cryovain's lair within the abandoned keep. Inside, he found a treasure trove of riches, hoarded by the dragon over many years. Overwhelmed by the sight, Darfin momentarily collapsed in awe.   After a short rest, the party regrouped and helped Darfin gather the dragon's hoard. Among the treasures, they found:  
  • 10,000 gold pieces
  • 3 blue quartz gems worth 10 gp each
  • 3 star rose quartz gems worth 50 gp each
  • 2 amber stones worth 100 gp each
  • 1 peridot and 1 blue spinel, both worth 500 gp each
  • 1 opal and 1 star sapphire, both worth 1,000 gp each
  • A small copper chalice with silver filigree worth 25 gp
  • An obsidian statuette worth 750 gp
  • A 2nd-level scroll of Moonbeam
  • A 1st-level scroll of Entangle
  • A 2nd-level scroll of Lesser Restoration
  With their newfound riches and Cryovain defeated, the party set their sights on Neverwinter, ready for whatever challenges awaited them next.

Rewards Granted

  • 10,000 gold pieces
  • 3 blue quartz gems worth 10 gp each
  • 3 star rose quartz gems worth 50 gp each
  • 2 amber stones worth 100 gp each
  • 1 peridot and 1 blue spinel, both worth 500 gp each
  • 1 opal and 1 star sapphire, both worth 1,000 gp each
  • A small copper chalice with silver filigree worth 25 gp
  • An obsidian statuette worth 750 gp
  • A 2nd-level scroll of Moonbeam
  • A 1st-level scroll of Entangle
  • A 2nd-level scroll of Lesser Restoration

Missions/Quests Completed

Cryovain, the great white dragon, was vanquished by the party!
Report Date
06 Aug 2024


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