Ashi Clan

The Ashi Clan, or the Foot Clan as it is known in The Realm of Ooze is a criminal organization that originated in Japan in the Realm of Ooze. The evil Shredder brought the organization to New York City where it became a rival of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.   With the help of the scientist Krang, the organization was able to create technology to take advantage of the cracks in reality. Shredder sent out scouts to various realities until he found one without heroes that would take him down. He eventually picked The Waste as his new home. When moving to this realm he renamed the Foot Clan the Ashi Clan. Here he has become known as The Tyrant where he has taken control of the world and manipulated its people.


The organization was built on a system of loyalty and ability. Those that are loyal and have skills that help Shredder, will move up in the clan. In the Waste, some have learned that those that share an ethnicity with Shredder, seem to move up faster as well.
Geopolitical, Clan
Related Ethnicities