Five Island

Five Island is one of towns of the Sevii Islands. It is located on Chrono Island.   Five Island has a population of 6, making it the smallest town in Sevii Islands and the second-smallest in the whole Realm of Pocket Monsters, behind Postwick in Galar.  

Five Isle Meadow

There is a large meadow, known as the Five Isle Meadow, located east of the town. Many citizens come out here to train or play, using it as a form of recreation. However, Team Rocket had built a warehouse on top of this land, destroying the meadow's natural state. The inhabitants of the town heavily criticized Team Rocket's warehouse to the south as being a waste of space and destroying the peace.   The meadow starts on the coast of Five Island, going onto a grassy path around a patch of trees, which then turns southward and leads the player to the southernmost point on Five Island. From there, one can either turn northward and approach the Team Rocket Warehouse, or go east to Memorial Pillar.  

Catchable Pokémon:

Surfing: Fishing:
  • Magikarp 
  • Gyarados 
  • Horsea 
  • Seadra 
  • Krabby 
  • Kingler 
  • Shelder 
  • Staryu 
  • Psyduck 
  • Slowpoke 
Location under