Chrono Island

Chrono Island, commonly referred to by the name of its main town, Five Island, is the fifth island in the Sevii Islands archipelago. It is south of Kin Island, and east of Floe Island.   It would seem that the island is expanding in population lately, although this has caused the fish population to drop.   East of the port is Five Isle Meadow. It is a field owned by a local family throughout generations. However, members of Team Rocket took it over and built a Team Rocket Warehouse there. They bully the locals for a while, not knowing that Giovanni has been defeated already.   West of the port is the Water Labyrinth. If a Trainer is successful in navigating through the many rocks in the water, an old man has been known to give them a Pokémon Egg containing Togepi.   North of the local town is Resort Gorgeous, owned by Lady Selphy, a rich socialite who likes to go exploring in the Lost Cave. Selphy invites artists and other high-class people to private parties on the island.   Off the coast of Resort Gorgeous is the Lost Cave. Thrill-seekers enter it full of curiosity. Many never leave. The cave is a confusing maze that loops back onto itself.   The very south tip of the island is home to the Memorial Pillar, where a young man has built a gravesite for his deceased Onix, Tectonix. The grave itself appears to be the tail of the Rock Snake Pokémon, emerging from the small islet. The Trainer will be grateful to Trainers who leave offerings of his Onix's favorite beverage— Lemonade.   To reach Chrono Island, a person has to have a Rainbow Pass, instead of the ordinary Tri-Pass.  

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