Oberyn, King of the Fairies

King Oberyn of the Summer Court (a.k.a. The Green Lord, Prince of Spring)

Oberyn, or Oberon, was an Archfey born the son of Arcadia, Queen of Games and the god Pan. He was given the title of the Prince of Feywild Spring as Lord Spring gave his magic to the land of the Feywild. In a move of political consolidation, Oberyn married Queen Titiana of the Summer Court and was given the title King of the Fairies. During this time the truth that inspired the story of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream occured.    Together, Titiana and Oberyn sired five major Archfey: Queen Tilliana of the Summer Court, Hyrsam the Prince of Fools, Damh the Lord of Dance, the Prince of Joy, now known as the Prince of Frost, and Lady Verenestra, the Oak Princess of Spring.   Some time ago, Oberyn either died, became one with Spring, or ran away from the courts.  

Family Tree:


Queen Titiana of the Summer Court


Towards Oberyn, King of the Fairies


Oberyn, King of the Fairies


Towards Queen Titiana of the Summer Court

