The Multiversal Rangers' First Visit to the Summer Court


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After leaving Avalon the The Multiversal Rangers arrived in Summer only to be knocked out and arrested by the Summer Court Royal Guard.   The rangers were taken to the throne room of the Palace of the Summer Solstice to stand before Queen Tilliana of the Summer Court.   The rangers partook in the Summer Games to win favor with the Queen and the Summer Court.   They later leave the palace for the Autumn Court with Puck and the The Forest Entertainment Troupe.

After leaving Avalon the The Multiversal Rangers landed on the Summer side of the Lake of Avalon only to be knocked out and arrested by the Summer Court Royal Guard.   The rangers were taken to the throne room of the Palace of the Summer Solstice to stand before Queen Tilliana of the Summer Court. They came to discover that Hector's appearance was the cause of the arrest. The queen and her court thought that Hector looked like the "dark beings" that have been coming into the Feywild from the Shadowfey. The stories they have heard of how these creatures have ravaged Winter have scared the Summer Eladrin. The rangers were however able to convince the court to release them on the promise that they would keep the "dark beings" out of Summer and that they would not return.   While in the palace the rangers meet Tilliana's court including: Lord Trevan Mustardseed, Lady Lori Mustardseed, Moth, Cobweb, Peasblossom, King Llyr, and Prince Jack. The prince's appearance of a Human worried the rangers, Britney in particular. The rangers and the court were also entertained by the Forest Entertainment Troupe while there.   The rangers ended up asking Puck, the son of the Pumpkin Prince, heir to the Autumn throne, and leader of the Forest Entertainment Troupe, for a ride to leave the palace for the Autumn Court.