Antarctic Auroch

Basic Information


The Antarctic Auroch is a large breed of cow with an incredibly dense coat of long, coarse hair with forward sweeping horns. The breed was developed from the Taurine Auroch, a cow breed developed in the late human era to replace the Auroch, a species that went extinct during their time.

Ecology and Habitats

This species feeds primarily on mosses, grasses, and ferns found in the Antarctic plains and tundra, preventing larger plants such as shrubs, grasses, and trees from growing. As one of the only large land animals on the continent, the auroch tramples most larger plants, controlling their growth and shaping the entire ecosystem around them. Their droppings are one of the primary fertilizers in their environment, providing the nutrients needed for the native fauna to thrive and grow.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Antarctic Auroch feed mostly on moss, grass, and ferns, occasionally eating lichens and the few shrubs growing on the tundra. Prior to their release, they were primarily fed on hay and local mosses.

Additional Information


Starting purely as a domestic breed, the Antarctic Auroch was used as livestock for its meat and physical power for hauling wagons and plowing fields in the rocky terrain. Many specimens were unintentionally released due to blizzards causing damage and forcing those attempting to colonize Antarctica to flee, at which the auroch bred in the wild, losing their trust of people over time.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Antarctic Melts
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Domestic / Feral
Conservation Status
Least concern
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Black, dark grey, and white
Geographic Distribution


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