Auroch Dracis

Basic Information


The Auroch Dracis is a large cattle breed, a hybrid of various domestic cows and auroch breeds. They are bred primarily for their hardiness, beef, and leather as a fairly well rounded breed that suits most environments and is well tolerant of a wide variety of plants in their diet. Auroch dracis cattle are sometimes called the crescent auroch due to their horn shape forming a crescent moon when viewed from the front.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like many other cattle breeds crossed with auroch and aurochs themselves, they can feed on a wider variety of plant matter than domestic Bos taurus. Auroch dracis can feed on shrubs, leaves, flowers, grains, and grasses, making them highly desirable in pasture land that may not be suitable to other species.

Additional Information


The species was developed to make a hardy high meat yielding breed by Dragons, that can also survive fairly well with little intervention. Multiple different breeds of auroch and domestic cattle were used to produce Auroch dracis, and breeding over time has yielded a separate species. They are primarily raised in draconic territory for meat production, though breeds that have been crossed with dairy breeds are sometimes used for milk and cheese production.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Natural- Domesticated
Conservation Status
Domestic- No native or wild range


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