
Demography and Population

Arizona is home primarily to Mages, Centari, Vampires, and Werewolves, though not exclusively. Due to Lapi, The God of Earth and her temple being located within the state, it sees frequent tourism and pilgrimage, with many settling within its borders.


As the site of the Temple of Lapi, Arizona boasts the strongest portions of Lapi's cult.

Agriculture & Industry

Due to much of the state's territory being mountainous dessert, Arizona does not have the most broad and established agricultural systems. Most farms in the state grow agave and avocados that are sold locally.


The majority of homes in Arizona are constructed out of stone or brick, with their lower portions partially or completely underground as a form of natural cooling. Buildings are typically kept in the natural color of their materials, although frequently decorated with images of toads in honor of Lapi.
Geopolitical, State
Alternative Names
State of Arizona,
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Major Imports
Most of the state's food comes from other neighboring areas such as the Republic of California.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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