Republic of California


The Republic of California was formed in 2302 due to pressures from dragon attacks, political upheaval, and increasing distrust in the United States military to protect its people. The state of California seceded from the United States of America formerly, declaring itself to be the only state whose interest was truly in protecting its people, land, and assets, seizing much of the western seaboard, numerous military sites, ports, and cities in the process. California was quick to pressure neighboring states to join the republic and secede from the United States under threat of refusing to export food and supplies to other regions. Nevada, landlocked at the time and dependent on water imported from California was quick to join the republic, as was Idaho.   Oregon remained independent until 2406, when the state was devastated by famine and trade cut offs by California. Oregon had repeated issues with its power grid, resulting in nearly state wide power failures and the near total collapse of its power grid, issues with it not helped by that the state of California was rumored to be funding the destruction of power lines, transmission towers, and power plants near Oregon's borders and pressuring other states to stop routing energy to the region. Washington later signed a similar deal to join the republic the following year, though without nearly as many trade restrictions.   In 2618, the Republic of California began to enact plans to invade Arizona, who had so far resisted pressures from the republic and had begun its own negotiations with Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Great Plains. This invasion was planned to send ground troops through Mexico due to rising tensions at the Nevada/Arizona border. Rather, California's troops were attacked by Mexico's military who believed that California was now attempting to expand into their territory, sparking a brief war between the two nations.   During its expansion period, California began to assert itself as the 'true' United States in attempt to pressure other states to join the republic, citing its goal as one of 'reuniting the nation under a common flag'. Many states rather responded that the republic's expansionist attitude, retaliatory nature, and extreme trade pressures were what instead were driving them to distance themselves from California and form their own alliances instead. Such states as Wyoming and Montana feared that they would be the next targets of California's expansion, and forged alliances with one another and Great Plains. Many eastern states began to fear California's military power, and knowing their strong naval presence, began to further militarize and grow their own navies in preparation for future war, resulting in the formation of the Appalachian Union in 2625.   Throughout the 2600s, the Republic of California made repeated threats against other nations that once formed from the United States, with a primary target being the Republic of Shanai, then known as Hawai'i. Hawai'i had long since ceased all non-essential communication and trade with the former United States, and was unaffected by the republic's threats of heavy tariffs, import taxes, and trade restrictions due to its own extensive trade network. Urban legends state that Hawai'i responded to California's threats of a naval blockade by sending two submarines to the San Francisco port and rise out of the water only to wave a Hawaiian flag and toss them onto the pier before submerging once again- This urban legend has never been corroborated by California, though Shanine officials have claimed its legitimacy.
Alternative Name(s)
ROC, California
National Territory
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
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